20 kesara-parvata-s ('forelock mountains') circumscribing mt Meru = 20 MesoAmerican day-signs

These 20 mountains serve to buttress mt Meru : cf. Skt \SKAmBHa\ 'buttress', cognate with Latin \SCABellum\ 'footstool' ("Heaven is my throne; Earth is my footstool"). [A somewhat different sequence to the 20 names in given in Devi-bhagavata Upa-puran.a 8.]

N.B. peculiarly Jaina names of naks.atra-s may differ from Jaina depicted naks.atra-figures.

"four mountains supporting Mahameru on its four sides" (Bhagavata Upa-puran.a 5 -- PE, s.v. "Merumandara")


4 mountains

CBM, pp. 49-53


Mandara : "It was this mountain that was used as the Manthana (churning stick) when the milk-ocean was churned." (MBh, "Adi Parvan" 18:13 -- PE, s.v. "Mandara (3)") -- "Yaks.akinnaras reside on the top of this mountain along with ... a yaks.a named Man.ivara." (MBh, "Vana Parvan" 139:5 -- PE, s.v. "Mandara (6)") -- Rajata-natha ('silvery refuge')'s son Man.i-vara ('inscription-tablet choice') married Kratu-sthala's daughter Deva-jani : their sons are the Guhyaka-s (Brahma[n]-an.d.a Puran.a 3:7:127-31 -- PE, s.v. "Man.ivara")


p. 49 (on right) [with CBM white milk, cf.] white-bodied goddess bringing white rope from above [mt. Mandara churned the milk ocean by means of alternating tuggings to-&-fro on a rope coiled around it]


Meru-mandara, cf. the city-name \Meru-vraja\ [\vraja\ "cow-pen , cattle-shed , enclosure or station of herdsmen"\], abode of (MBh, "S`anti Parvan" 17:19) Virupa-aks.a ('distorted eyen' [perhaps bug-eyed with astonishment]), an "intimate friend" of (MBh, "S`anti Parvan" -- PE, s.v. "Gautama V", p. 286b) the vulture Nad.i-jangha, who, after being slaughtered, was resuscitated by (Ibid., p. 287a) Su-rabhi (\rabhi\ 'particular part of chariot'), the divine cow whose apparition arose from the divine churning (whirling fluid)


p. 53 (upper right) man falling into enclosure; (lower right) whirlpool (in scene's background); (upper left) deer with day-signs attached to body-parts (to repraesent compositeness of uinal : cf. composite chariot)


Su-pars`va ('good rib') : cf. the town-name \Pars`va-roma\ (\roman\ 'bristles'); and the name of yaks.a Pars`va-mauli ('ribs [on] top'), a yaks.a helping (acc. to the Uttara Rama-ayana) Ku-bera against Ravan.a


p. 52 (in centre) spine-with-ribs as roof on top of temple; bristly-bodied beheaded fish


Kumuda ('the esculent white water-lily, viz., Nymphaea esculenta') : a parampara lineage for (PE, s.v. "Guruparampara 7)") transmission of Atharvan Veda : Veda-vyasa -- Jaimini [narrator to Hiran.ya-nabha : (Brahman.d.a Puran.a 1 -- PE, s.v. "Jaimini I.2)(1)"; prior to his being resuscitated in childhood, Hiran.ya-nabha had been named \Suvarn.a-s.t.hivin\ 'well-colored expectoration' (MBh, "S`anti Parvan" 149-- PE, s.v. "Hiran.yanabha II.")] -- Jaimini's son Su-mantu [\MANTU\ 'adviser, arbiter' (cf. Hellenic \MANTHUs\ 'diviner (often employing divining-rod)'; derived from Strong's 4294 \MAT.T.eh\ 'rod, staff')] -- Kabandha [who hath "very long hands and a mouth on his belly" (Valmiki Rama-ayana, "Aran.ya Kan.d.a" 70 -- PE, s.v. "Kabandha 2)")] -- Pathya [\Pathya\ ('belonging to the path') epithet of goddess Revati whose naks.atra is auspicious for commencing journey (MBh, "Udyoga Parvan" 83:6 -- PE, s.v. "Revati III.")] -- KUMUDA-adi (\adi\ 'commencement').


p. 51 (in centre) temple dedicated to tobacco {persons who chew tobacco commonly expectorate it}; (upper left) god holding magical living serpent-rod; (upper right) god having insectwing-like extension of his forearm and a conch (whereto heralds apply their mouth when blowing it) on his thorax


Meru : cf. \MERaka\ 'bark-covered seat' {bark can be depicted as ridged}


p. 50 (upper right) blue-ridged-bodied god upholding sky

The as.t.a-gaja-s (eight elephants) constitute an expansion of this 4-or-5 mountain-grouping.

As for the experience by Gau-tama, that "The vulture fanned him and sent him to sleep" (PE, s.v. "Gautama V", p. 286b), would suggest that it was only in his dream that "Virupaks.a ... cut him into pieces and then threw them for the crows to eat", before (also in the dream) "Gautama also was brought back to life". This is the usual type of dream whence a Siberian seeker awaketh endowed with miraculous power of (with, of course, ongoing assistance from his spirit-guide [anthropomorphic : in this case, Virupa-aks.a] and spirit-helper [theriomorphic : in this case, Nad.i-jangha]) curing ailments in living mortals.

That 2 personages having names [viz., praeside over] \Man.i-\ ''inscribed tablet" (viz., Man.i-vara & Man.i-cara) are involved with divine mountains, could-well indicate a connection with the Taoist descriptions of huge inscribed tablets in the Jade Heaven. [written 30 Jan 2018]

divine cow Surabhi's 4 heifer-daughters, who are the protectrices/supportrices of the 4 directions (MBh, "Udyoga Parvan" 102 -- PE, s.v. "Saurabhi"; also, PE, s.v. "Kamadhenu 5)", p. 380a); also,

the 4 dig-gaja-s (male directional elephants) "who bear the earth [while they remain] standing below in the nether world" (Valmiki Rama-ayana, "Bala-Kan.d.a" 40 -- PE, s.v. "As.t.adiggajas and As.t.akarin.is")

heifer as protectrix/supportrix

cardinal direction

male elephant













These two lists (heifers and maile elephants) are both derived from (or closely related with) the sequence-set of 4 mountains supporting Maha-meru.

Kama-dhenu also revived king Baka (PE, s.v. "Kamadhenu 10)"); or else, r.s.i Baka-dalbhya himself revived all persons who had died as the result of a homa performed at in Avakirn.a-mahatirtha at Pr.thu-udaka (Vamana Puran.a 39 -- PE, s.v. "Dalbhya", p. 195b).

Also, other 8 parvata-s of Ila-vr.ta = 8 enthroned deities (CBM, pp. 75-76) = 8 residual naks.atra-s





8 parvata-s of Ila-vr.ta

8 enthroned deities


Jat.hara ('interior'), or Jara (PE, s.v. "Mahameru 1)", p. 462b : 'gigolo [paramour of a married woman]; patronymic of Vr.s.a') : bull Vr.s.a pronounced automatic death for visitors to Patala (S`iva Upa-puran.a, "S`ata-rudra Samhita" -- PE, s.v. "Vr.s.a IV.")


blue ornament with 4 red regions


13 (14)

J. balance-scales (\tra jan~cu\) -- cf. balance-weighing : heart [need to be light-hearted] vs. feather-of-truth


DEVa-kut.a : \DYU\ 'sky during daytime cloudlessness' (contrasted against black cloudy night-sky) = constrast of S.uwfiy (\s.uwf\

'wool') white woolen garment [indicating count of sheep visualized nocturnally], as against the black woolen waistband praeferentially worn by natha-siddha-s. With guru's severing s`ikha of aughar, cf. SUSa-Nowo bound-by-tress (= S`US.N.a imprisoned) until capable of pursuing his own daughter with her husband; there is also a MesoAmerican aequivalent.


green-goddess of [growth of?] vegetation (greenness of chlorophyll absorbent of sunlight above ground, contrasting with non-greenness of fungus growing underground, e.g., truffle found by swine of Demeter, goddess of Mysteria at Eleusis). Do constrast Mysteria at Dodone ('donate, donate') promulgated by Huperborean Abaris [name cognate with that of 1st of the 9 megha-s] upon self-propelling arrow (guided missile?).


14 (15)

J. vardha-manaka 'growth-amulet' : \Vardhamana\ name of country of (KSS, "Ratna-prabha Lambaka" 5 -- PE, s.v. "Gun.avara", p. 304a) king VIRA-bhuja (Maha-VIRA?), who had 99 wives manifest, plus one wife hidden underground, the latter's son named \S`r.ngi-bhuja\ ('horn enjoying') seeker of stork-borne golden arrow, culminating in Agni-s`ikha's pursuit of own daughter together with her husband S`r.ngi-bhuja.


Kaila-asa 'sport seat'


death-god (with banners on CBM, p. 45); river named "Two Flower"

15 (16)

J. flag (paraka ['distance'] dhaja)


Karavira 'oleander' : on river Dr.s.ad-vati ('millstone-gaining'), is town of residence of Candra-s`ekhara ('glow-producing pinnacle') born tripartite, each part having separate mother (Tri-ambaka : \amba\ 'mother'). Possibly aequivalent to the 3 mythic heroes each named >adam (according to Druze mythology), and (because of cognacy of <ibriy \>ADAM\ with \ATHAMan-\), how "Athamas was married three times" (DCM, s.v. "Athamas", p. 65b) : such that the 2nd of his wives, Inoi, who persuaded women "to parch the seed-corn" (GM 70.c) may be the female druh associated with S`us.n.a ('making dry, parching') in the address by wheel-squeezing INDRA 'prince' [= YITRAN of Midyan] to INDU 'drop' [= YITROW likewise of Midyan] (in R.c Veda 4:28:2 -- L&SVR, p. 86), so that in the ensuing famine INDU-prabha was transmuted by INDRA into a 'wish-tree' kalpa-vr.ks.a (KSS, "S`as`ankavati Lambaka" 5 -- PE, s.v. "Malayaprabha", p. 472a).



16 (17)

J. broken outer wall (\bhangela ['defect in organs of sense'] gad.ha\ ['tight; dived into']) : this could repraesent a break-out by unwilling guests, such as (occasioned by their resentment of the hostility expressed by YHWH against the Tree-of-Knowledge-of-Good-and-of-Evil) out of the garden of <eden by H.awwah-&-<adam. Revealed by <adam : "the seventh kingdom says of him that he is a drop and ... Dragons brought him down to caves" (6. "Revelation of Adam", p. 186) : possibly the (BCT 1st) "one drop of water" [= "dew of lights"] brought to the dead in the "Cave of Treasures" nigh a certain (BCT 1st) "tree".


Pavamana 'purified by being strained (through wool) [-- Psukhe collected wool (at Medio-lanum?) because she had dripped hot oil onto face of god Erot-]; son of (PE, s.v. "Pavamana III.") Vijita-as`va, who (Bhagavata Upa-puran.a 4 -- PE, s.v. "Vijitas`va"), on account of disappearance of his 100th horse [cf. 100th name of>al-Lah], learned "the art of vanishing".


vertically-striped-faced goddess (cf. vertically-striped-faced goddess with footprint-on-face [CBM, p. 47] with Hopi striped-faced goddess Talakin accompanying god having handprint-on-face [HK, pl. XLII & p. 104]); crossroads on hill

11 (11-12)

17 (18-19)

bed \adha ['low'] palyaka\; cf. pallet of PONTIfex maximus : cognate with \PATHYa\ 'path-belonging' name of a disciple of (PE, s.v. "Guruparampara 7)") Kabandha, whose head-and-limbs retracted into thorax


Pariyatra : Gau-tama's as`rama (S-ED, s.v. "Pariyatra"), where Ud-tanka (\tanka\ 'hatchet; fruit of Feronia elephantum') was the only s`isya allowed to remain. Ud-tanka witnessed (MBh, "Adi Parvan" 3 -- PE, s.v. "Uttanka 2)", p. 815b) the year as a wheel; resided in Mura-dhanva ('fragrant-plant bow'); and visited (Naradiya Puran.a -- PE, s.v. "Uttanka 5)") gold-roofed temple in Sauvira -- city named after Sauviri ('fruit of jujube; a particular murchana ("melody")') -- where he confronted Gulika ('ball for playing withal').


gold-spotted red-[alchemic red philosophers' stone transmuting into gold?] death-god (also in CBM, pp. 22 & 49)

12 (13)

18 (20)

A. hasta 'hand', J.\hayani\ ('year') : cognate with \hay\ 'Armenia' -- ARMENios [= IRMIN, ZSAR 2:1, p. 54] is father of (Platon : Politeia) ER = tirthankara ARa, who told of a shape-shifter lutist's playing the "melodic figure" (TS`PC 6:2:10 "ANC--SV", fn. 3).


Tri-s`r.nga '3 horns' -- "the most common Giraffe is the three-horned" (POGuNZP, p. 37) : <arabiy \zirafa\ is translated ("ZHOD", p. 204) \zemer\ (litterally 'musical').


god TONatiuh {name possibly cognate with Skt \DHVAN\ 'to resound, to reverberate'} with censer (as on CBM, p. 18); river named "One Flower"

13 (14)

19 (21)

flower (ci kamsyu phula 'brass expanded' -- can this referr to a "brass band/orchestra"?); lamp (AR, vol. 9, facing p. 323)


Makara-giri -- Sumerian \ma'-gur4-gur4\ (ABN; Akkadian \makurkurru\) 'coracle' + \giri\ 'mountain' : cf., arriving from Skheria of the Phaiakes, ship which became skerry nigh Ithake (acc. to Odusseia).


encircled-eyed god Tlaloc (green-bodied but black-faced above white-sheeting substance [rime, ice?] which is [on CBM, p. 28] damaging the crops)

13 (14)

20 (22)

A. pearl; J. wedge or spike (ra cili [cilla 'blear-eyed'; cillika 'eyebrow' : cf. Chinese secret-society "Painted Eyebrows"])

20 mountains around Meru


MesoAm 20 day-signs


Malya-vant 'garland (Haw. \lei\, string of blossoms)-acquiring' : a spider (PE, s.v. "Malyavan I.2)"), to whom is narrated by (Ibid. "I.1)", p. 472b) Kan.a-bhuti (cf. \Kan.[a]-phat.[a]\ 'ear-smiter' = ear-smiter Kephas)


N. Xochitl 'blossom', Y. Ahau / [Highland Maya] HuNAh-PU {phonetically resembling \KaN.A-BHUti\}

15 (16)

21 (23)

J. looped sacred cord : aequivalent to baldric named for Baldr who went into Hel (cf. Kephas at the gate of Hell)


Vai-kanka 'indeed a heron' : \Kanka\ 'heron' was (after he sucessfully solved riddles posed to him by a stork-guised yak.sa : MBh, "Vana Parvan" 312-313 -- PE, s.v. "Dharmaputra 7)", perhaps related to the stork Raja-dharman who is a friend of Brahma's) Yudhis.t.hira's pseudonym as praetended brahmin at the court of king Virat.a. This set of riddles asked of Yudhis.t.hira is reminiscent of the set of riddles asked of Vaftru`dnir in the Vaftru`dnis-Ma`l of the Poe:tic Edda. The \-TRUD-\ section of his name may be matronymic, for there is a heroine \TRUT.i\ (PE, q.v.), and fae:rie-woman TRYamour rescued (CM&F, s.v. "Launfal", p. 284b) knight Lanval (when he was accused of sexually violating queen Guinevere) by rapturing him to Fae:rieland.}


N. Quiahuitl 'rain'; Cauac 'storm-dragon' (emblem for 'dynastic lineage'). Cf. sleeping serpent-goddess Kun.d.alini : "Candrahasa on his way to Kaun.d.ala slept on the banks of a river." [Thus intimating that luminous-dream-body-producing laughter laughed in a dream is the way to success in kun.d.alini-yoga.] Princess Vis.aya beheld [his dreaming?] and married him {similarly as Io-bates's daughter princess Philo-noe married (GM 75.e) Bellero-phon}.

16 (17)

22 (24)

J. string of pearls (= rosary for reciting benedictions to one's guru-parampara). A. Mula-barhan.i, the natal naks.atra of (Jaimini "As`va-medha Parvan" -- PE, s.v. "Candrahasa", p. 172b) Candrahasa ('glow-producing laughter') who carried his own death-warrant to (Ibid., p. 173a) the king of Kaun.d.ala {similarly as Bellero-phon (when accused of attempting to seduce queen Anteia) carried his own death-warrant to (GM 75.a) Io-bates}.


Tri-kut.i '3-peaked' (also known as \Tri-kakud\ '3-humped') : reminiscent of multigoaled pinball-machine, cf. rolling of boulder toward buddha by Deva-datta. Deva-datta's wife Vidyut-prabha delivered her own child [a buddha?] by caesarian section, whereupon Deva-datta was transformed into a vidya-dhara by a vetala (KSS, "Catur-darika Lambaka" 3), and his guru the vidya-dhara Jala-pada ('net foot') was, while in a trance, cremated. [N.B. Every few centuries, each living vidya-dhara must (while being observed by mortal witnesses) undergo many hours of standing within the flames of a blazing oven in order to retain this status : for, "The weikza's body is not only fireproof but is also regenerated by fire." (IFI, p. 262)]


N. Tecpatl / Y. Edznab 'flint [knife]' -- with \TIKS.na\ 'sharp' cf. \TiTIKS.U\ & T.IT.T.IBHa = *\TIKSUBHa-\ (> \Sisuphos\) who was arrested by (DCM, s.v. "Sisyphus", p.422b) THANAtos [name cognate with \DHANvAnTari\] rolleth (GM 67.i) boulder. Possibly cf. the Planktai, clashing rocks halted from motion only by flight of Phineus's dove released (DCM, s.v. "Argonauts", p. 56b) from ship ARGoi (= asterism ARJun.i) when directed by goddess Thetis (DCM, s.v. "Thetis", p. 453a).

17 (18)

23 (25)

J. elephant's tusk : 'tusk' Jambha snatched (Agni Puran.a 3 -- PE, s.v. "Jambha", p. 342a) the amr.ta ('ambrosia') from Dhanu-antari ('bowstring-ender'), identifiable with valmika (emmet) who (acc. to Veda) severed bow-string of Makha. {Cf. lake Pambrotis ('drink ambrosia') nigh Dodone ("chatterbox"), place of sacred doves.} {According to the Kebra Nagast, caesarian section was the mode of parturition among daughters of Qayin (BCT 2nd).}


S`is`ira 'winter' son of Soma-&-Manas-hara -- \S`is`ira\ may be a deformation of Strong's 5516 \Siysra>\ (Strong's 5580 \sas\ 'moth' + \ra>\ 'detection' : scil., via flying cheiropteron's signal). The discus swerved by Zephuros may be identified with the su-dars`ana personified as daughter of (MBh, "Anus`asana Parvan" 2 -- PE, s.v. "Nila II.2)(vi)") NILa : cf. NEILos (DCM, s.v. "Nilus") whose daughter Memphis married Epaphos, whose adoptive father (DCM, s.v. "Epaphus") TELE-GONos (son of Odusseus, who is recognized by his thigh-birthmark) = TALA-JANgha ('slapping the shank') a descendant of the Aurva who was born (MBh, "Adi Parvan" 179 -- PE, s.v. "Aurva I.2)", p. 76b) from the thigh.


N. Ollin 'movement (earthquake)' -- earthquake-god (MM&L, s.v. "Ruaumoko") Ru [protoPolynesian *\lulu\ "to shake, ... as an earthquake", < protoMalayoPolynesian *\d.ugd.ug\ (H-ED, s.v. "lulu")] is (in Hervey Islander lore) father of Ma-ui : (HM"MT") at the wiliwili ('swirl in the sea') tree, "Winter became Maui's." This sea-swirl = kharUBDis (overhung by Odusseus on tree-branch) = BAD.aVa forced into the sea by (MBh, "Adi Parvan" 180 -- PE, s.v. "Aurva I.3)") Aurva.

18 (19)

24 (26)

J. scorpion -- cf. how ("HSC") "goddess of love and beauty, Xochiquetzal, seduced the virtuous Yappan, ... who changed ... into a scorpion." Installed upon boulder, \Yappan\ = Skt \YABHana\ 'copulation', cognate with *\YABHura-\ > \Zephuros\, who swerved (Th"TAZ") a hurled discus. Yappan's praeceptor Yaotl became a grasshopper, Skt \phad.inga\ (litterally, 'belly-going'). These locusts resemble scorpions (Apok. Ioann. 9:3-10).


Pat-anga 'moth' (litterally, 'flying limb') -- Hellenic \phalaina\ (\de phalainan\ in Hesukhios) 'moth' may be cognate with Skt \phal\ 'to rebound , be reflected', referrable to the reflection of a sonar-echo from the body of a moth in flight. Fleeing from goddess Itz-papalotl ('obsidian butterfly') is hero MIMich, cf. MIMant-s the gigant-s slain with hurled molten metal, similarly as is slain Geirro,d, whose name (*\GEIRH-\) is cognate with Skt \HERuKa\ ('little derivative of hira the diamond'), the category of diamond-bodied gods. Diamond is a form of carbon, a more abundant form whereof is coal, mined especially in the valley of the river RUhR.


[Matlatzinca] sun -- cf. Sahasra-pada '1000-footed' (scil., the sun) non-venemous D.un.d.ubha (PE, q.v.) who was met, and admonished, by RURu. Sthula-kes`a 'coarse hair' (such as, camel's hair for making tents) : name of foster-father of Pramad-vara ('inattentive, careless' : \pramad\ 'negligent' + \vara\ 'choosing') who married RURu, who later resuscitated her

19 (20-21)

25 (27)

J. "striding elephant" (for measuring approximate distances between sites by counting strides) -- Oarion strideth upon the surface of the sea (even unto the forge of molten-metal-hurler Hephaistos); his wife is Side, whose name is that of a city in Pamphulia. \Pamphulia\ may be derived from Skt \pamphul-\, the intensive of \phal\ : thus, 'intensely reflective', such as, aluminium.


Rucaka 'substance bringing good luck ; 4-sided column' -- cf. 4-fold deity at (GM 2.2; "HPPS") KOLOPHon, cognate with \S`ALABHa\ (usually written \s`arabha\) fabulous beast on (M-W:S-ED) "snowy mountains". \RUCaka\ may referr to \RUCi\, name of ap-saras who danced [lap-dance] on occasion of visit by (MBh, "Anus`asana Parvan" 19:44 -- PE, s.v. "Ruci I.") As.t.avakra ('8 bends') son of Kahod.a (PE, q.v.), who was rescued, by that son, from immersion in water. After a long-term seemly asphyxiating stay underwater, Khaga-udaka emerged alive (MBh, "Vana Parvan" 133 -- PE, s.v. "As.t.avakra 3)"). {This feat, and being knowledgeable while as yet a foetus, are features of Inuit shamanry. (The Inuit practice temporary spouse-trading, where femmes are dominatrices.)}


N. Quauhtli, Y. MEN -- cf. name \MENa\ (PE, s.v. "Mena 1") of the wife of Hima-vant ('snow-acquiring') : Mena was (R.c Veda 1:10:51 -- PE, s.v. "Vr.s.anas`va") an incarnation of [viz., occupied as spirit-medium by] the male god Indra, who is said to have occupied (Brahman Puran.a -- K7RH) 1000 vulvae by way of one eye each [to wit, the 3rd eye Ajn~a]. This possessing-spirit is in the guise of a cat (KSS, "Lavan.aka Lambaka" -- PE, s.v. "Ahalya 2)"). {"Cathouse" is a term for 'whorehouse' or for 'swingers' rendezvous for spouse-trading'.}

20 (22)

26 (28)

[Kambujan & Burmese] cat (A&ACS, Fig. 24, p. 187); J. recumbent lion -- cf. Sphing- (female partially-leonine fabulous beast), cognate with Skt \sphigi\ 'buttock' (M-W:S-ED) : the significance whereof in the context that the Sphing- "throttled" (GM 105.e) her male victims, would be that a woman's sitting with her buttocks on a man's face can be seemly asphyxiating to him; but he is to emerge alive. This is a favorite feature of "swinger"-style spouse-trading.}


Nis.adha : governed by Nala whose former life was as (PE, s.v. "Nala I.(v)2)") Ahuka ('sprinkler-with-butter') a descendant of Abhi-jit -- Nala's native city is (PE, s.v. "Nala I.(v)1)") Pippala ('longpepper', a hot spice), who praised (PE, s.v. "Pippalada", p. 590a) Su-karman, originator of 1000-partite form of (PE, s.v. "Guruparampara 6)") Saman Veda. "The tradition of the Samaveda ... contains texts ... which ... associate the heated pot with ... yoghurt (dadhi)" (JS"SPD&G" & JS"Gh&P").


N. Ocelotl 'ocelot' -- cf. tigres who churned selves to butter (LBS, a D.awida foktale). Vyaghra-pada ('tigre-foot') is (MBh, "Anus`asana Parvan" 14:45 -- PE, s.v. "Vyaghrapada") father of Upa-manyu, who asked his own mother (PE, s.v. "Upa-manyu II.") "to make milk pudding for him." [cf. yoghurt] Hermit Upa-manyu is brother of Dhaumya II (PE, s.v.).

18 (20)


A. ABHI-JiT : a name apparently cognate with \AmPHI-KTuon\, name (or title) of (DCM, s.v. "Amphictyon") the king of Thermo-pulai ('warm gates') : cf. Anga's king 'warm' Gharma (PE, q.v.) father of GHR.Ta (yoGHuRT-culture kept warm) father of Vidus.a (PE, q.v.) = \vidus.aka\ 'jester, buffoon'.


S`ikhi-vasa 'tressed garment' [cf. S`ikhi-dhvaja 'tressed flag', whose wife is Cud.ala 'having a lock of hair on the crown of the head' (Jn~ana-vasis.t.ham) empowereth success in jn~ana-yoga (PE, s.v. "S`ikhidhvaja", p. 717b).] {The Maori word (\tikitiki\) for 'woman's girdle' also hath the meaning 'man's topknot'. Aphro-dite, who lent out her magical girdle, was mother of Aineias, who visited the Netherworld : his father Ankhises's lameness = naks.atra S`ron.a 'lame'}


N. Acatl / Y. Ben 'reed' -- with reeds piercing the sky-vault (Moki tribe), cf. (Hervey Islander -- LMD"MH") Ru sky-upholder whose wife is Bua-Tarana ('flower forgiveness'), Tarana being renowned for her "girdle" (MM&L, s.v. "Taranga"). Tarana's girdle enabled her son's visits to the Netherworld (loc. cit.).

19 (21)


J. yoke with buckets -- 'yoke' is meaning of \yuga\, whence \yoga\. Jn~ana-yoga is practiced, especially within S`ikh ('tress') dars`ana, in form of 5-fold s`abda-srotas 'sound-current' taught at Pan~ca-srotas by Pan~ca-s`ikha (MBh, "S`anti Parvan" 218).


Vaid.urya (PE, q.v.) 'beryl' : hermitage of AGASTya [= AiGESTes son of KRIMisos = S`RIMant son of NIMI] and of his wife Lopa-mudra ('interruption sigil')


N. Malinalli : including eye -- cf. NIMI (PE, q.v.) 'blink' who occasioned the begetting of Agastya by means of disembodiment of soul


J. birdcage {in certain Siberian tribal myths, abode for disembodied soul in guise of bird}


Kapila = s`astra written by Kapila (\kapi\ 'monkey') and praesented to Deva-huti 'divinely summoned'


N. Ozomatli / Y. Chuen 'monkey'


J. flower-seeds (for rite of summoning?)


Gandha-madana -- climbed by Ghat.a ('quay')-ud-kaca (MBh, "VP" 145 -- PE, s.v. "Gandhamadana (9)")


Y. Oc 'staircase'

5 (5-6)

J. quay (staircase to pool)


Ja-rudhi 'born sprout' -- cf. consonant-name \Nuwn\ 're-sprout (scil., clone); fish-father of Yhows^uw<a'


N. Atl 'water'

21 (23)

A. S`ata-bhis.aj '100 physicians' "

: "heal all nations" by peace of Rono (PMP \d.ener\, H-ED, s.v. "Lono") the god of cloning kumara


S`ankha-kut.a (\kut.a\ 'forehead; concealed weapon' : cf. weapon-goddess Athene emerging from forehead : women carry concealed weapons)


N. Tochtli 'RABBiT' (proto-Maya *RAmBaT) : emerging from mind during meditation (Bodish) : Buddha incarnate as a hare

22 (24-25)

A. Pros.t.ha-pad 'stool-foot', cf. stool of daughter of GEIRRo,d (cognate with \HERuKa\, including Buddha-Heruka)


R.s.abha : (VR, "Kis.kindha Kand.a" 4:44 -- PE, s.v. "R.s.abhaparvata") "Sugriva speaks about the R.s.abha mountain as situated in the middle of the ocean of milk." The hero R.s.abha maintained "strict silence" (PE, s.v. "R.s.abha II.2)") [thus must have communicated by gesture?] and of whom "all the veins in his body could be seen" (Ibid. "II.4)") : cf. vein-vitamins the MeNaQUinones. R.s.abha, though he had retired to (PE, s.v. "R.s.abha II.1)") the as`rama of Pulaha [Kimpurus.a-s being sons of Pulaha : MBh, "Adi Parvan" 66:8 -- PE, s.v. "Kimpurus.a 2)(i)"], yet never-the-less traveled to and "comforted" (Ibid. "II.3)", p. 651b) Su-mati (exiled queen), who had been poisoned by (Ibid. "II.3)", p. 651a) her co-wives. The name \PULAHA\ may be cognate with \PURAiKHmos\, who is commemorated (Ploutarkhos : Parallel Lives 7 -- GM 122.b) "at a place ... which gives out a neighing echo whenever horses drink there." [This neighing, along with Uccaih.-s`ravas ('neigh loud') who originated from the milk ocean -- PE, s.v. "Ks.irabdhimanthana"), may repraesent Aztec day-sign Mazatl 'deer'.]


N. Mazatl/ Y. MaNiK [glyph depicting gesticulation], cf. \manikka\ 'ruby' (red gem); MANIK-candra of (IBE, p. 72) the 16 Vanga-s : cf. \vangana\ 'eggplant' = \mahot.i-ha\ (\mahot.i\ : cf. Tamil \ot.i\ 'wild-paddy') : cf. S`r.ngi-vera-pura '('horned eggplant city') of (VR "Ayodhya Kan.d.a" 84 -- PE, s.v. "Guha", p. 301b) Guha, who "brought a canoe" (VR "Ayodhya Kan.d.a" 50 -- PE, s.v. "Guha", p. 301a) -- such canoe apparently being the "boat" reckoned as Jaina naks.atra-figure (WK"RJ", Fig. 19 with p. viii) for Revati. \Guha\ may be parallel with \Guga\, name of Go-raks.a-Natha's s`is.ya who "played on his flute" ("L--ShG").

23 (26)

6 (7)

A. Revati the kicked-down naks.atra-goddess whose (PE, s.v. "Revati IV.") son Raivata received (MBh, "S`anti Parvan" 166:77 -- PE, s.v. "Marutta I.4)(iv)") a sword obtained (PE, s.v. "Mucukunda 3)(6)") by king of Kamboja, where steeds are parrots (MBh, "Dron.a Parvan" 23:7 -- PE, s.v. "Kamboja II.(7)") [cf. 'parrot' S`uka's crossing Kimpurus.a-vars.a : MBh, "S`anti Parvan" 325 -- PE, s.v. "Kimpurus.a 2)(vii)"] from (PE, s.v. "Kamboja I.") Dhundhu-mara ('cochineal the red lac') who was "formerly known by the name of Dhundhu" (AP, p. 1004) : \dhundhuri\ 'particular musical instrument ("full of holes")', thus a flute).


Hamsa : vehicle (acc. to Veda) of the As`vinau (\as`va\ 'horse'), who were taught the Madhu-Vidya by (R.c-Veda 116:22 -- PE, s.v. "As`vinikumara 5)(12)", p. 71b) horse-headed Dadhi-an~c.


N. Miquiztli/ Y. Cimi 'death' -- glyph a skull : cf. Arapaho myth of entring an elk-skull (HNAM, s.v. "Mice's Sun Dance")


7 (8)

horsehead : cf. divine horse Sleipnir as personification of gallows : cf. gallows for mouse-goddess ("M&TC", pp. 376-7).


NAGa (possibly cognate with \NAGna\ 'naked, nude [in females, "with vulva exposed"]') 'netherworld-dragon' : a naga's (Kamba Rama-ayana, "Yuddha Kan.d.a" -- PE, s.v. "Nagastra") "echo ... caused abortion in all the pregnant naga women."


Y. Chic-chan 'twisted serpent' {nudism being often ascribed having "twisted" thoughts and "twisted" behaviour; for, whores in displaying their bodies naked often undertake contortions}


8 (9)

J. vulva [often likened to serpent's mouth in ascetic litterature (e.g., ABRG, p. 109)]; Bharan.i 'beareress (she giving birth {scil., via miscarriage?})'


Kalan~ja 'rattan (Calamus rotang)' for wickerwork (baskets etc.), beside Medha-avika tirtha at (PE, s.v. "Kalan~jara") Vedi-hrada. Cf. Medha-avin (\medha\ 'reward' + \avi\ 'filter for soma') : apsaras (\man~jubhat.t.a\ 'charming enchantress' + \ghos.a\ 'indistinct voice; rumor') Man~ju-ghos.a (S`uci-smita) "fell in love with ... and made love to him by dance and music" (Padma Puran.a 4:48 -- PE, s.v. "Medhavi" 2)"); ('innocently smiling') S`uci-smita's other husband Karun.a ('compassion') became (Padma Puran.a 101 -- PE, s.v. "Dhanan~jaya V.", p. 221a) a fly resuscitated by goddess A-rundhati, who in her praevious life was (PE, s.v. "Vasis.t.ha 1)i)a)", p. 834a) Sandhya, the goddess who is (PE, s.v. "Vasis.t.ha 1)i)a)", p. 834b) split asundre [in order to fade away as twilight must]. VEDi is (MBh, "Udyoga Parvan" 117:10 -- PE, s.v. "Vedi") wife of Brahma; \hrada\ is 'lake, pool'; so that \Saras-vati\ (\saras\ 'lake, pool') is synonymous, goddess Saras-vati being the feminine personification of the VEDa. This could be related to Amergin's having been a "salmon in a pool" ("Song of Amergin"). {That fish-god "Eqatlejoq is missing his intestines which have been scooped out by the disemboweling goddess" (so that "The salmon god is notoriously dangerous to shamans traveling in their astral forms if they approach him from the side where his missing innards are noticeable" : "ISG"), could connect with the fish-guts wherebeside maha-siddha Luhi-pada (\lohi\ 'borax')"meditated". "His practice was to eat the entrails of the fish that the fishermen disemboweled" ("MMS&H--ML").}


Y. Kan (*Qan?) {cf. Strong's 7064 \QeN\ 'bird's nest' (made of interwoven twigs, thus similar to wickerwork)}; [Highland Maya] Qat 'net' (for carrying objects). The Friends' "fishes swimming down from the lakes" (which fishes afterwards "find their way back" : Das Buch von der neun Felsen -- HChCh, vol. 6) must be salmon; while the Friends' "mystic nest" may be, conceptually, amid a tree's greenery if on (SMR, p. 249) "the Green Isle"; and according to Zarathustrian myth (ICh"Sh--Z"), the son of the albino Sam [= Skt. \S`amin\], namely, Zal [= Skt. \Jala\ 'net'] grew up raised in a tree-ensconced bird's nest by simurgh-birds. S`amin is son of (Bhagavata Upa-puran.a 9 -- PE, s.v. "S`ami") Us`i-nara (\us`i\ 'wish' + \nara\ 'man', who became the aequal of "Indra" (PE, s.v. "Us`i-nara I.4)(iii)") on river Vitasta, i.e., river Vitastasta (\vi\ 'asundre' + \tas\ 'to fade away'). But the aspect of "Indra" here referenced must be the Indra-jala (litterally, 'prince's net').


9 (10)

J. satchel for carrying barber's utensils : cf. Cymry myth concerning procurement, by Culhwch, of firstly assistance from entities including ("C&O")"the ancient Salmon" ("Gwrhyr's voyage to rescue Mabon mounted on the back of the Salmon" : WMNA 9:10, p. 240 {"The salmon god [Eqatlejoq] created an enormous salmon for the hero [Kiviok] to ride home." ("ISG")}), and of secondly utensils for barbering by the barber CAW [also known as CEI] (who shaved-off the flesh of a man : WMNA 9:12, p. 244) = S`VEta (who in heaven had been divinely rebuked for not-giving, and who, in compensation for this omission, ate the flesh of the cadavre of a 10,000th man : Uttara Rama-ayana -- PE, s.v. "Agastya 23)") the son and successor of king Vidarbha the son of Jya-magha (descendant of Yadu, whose eldest son is known as "Sahasra-da" '1000-giving' : Padma Pura.na 13 -- PE, s.v. "Jyamagha").


S`anta-vant 'tranquillity-gaining'


N. Calli 'house'; Akbal 'night' (for tranquil repose)


10 (11)

A. Rohini 'commencing menstruation' (is secluded in house)


Cakra-kumbha 'wheel ewer' (cf. pouring of vial into air -- Apok. of Io. 16:17, resulting in hail 16:21)


N. Ehecatl 'wind' : pyramids to wind-god are round (like unto a wheel)


11 (12)

J. antelope (vehicle of wind-god Vayu)-head


Kurarin 'pertaining to ku-rara ([rara avis] the osprey [avis praedator])'


N. Cipactli (flying beetle), who biteth foot of netted-faced blue god in scene (CBM, p. 51) of heart's blood ritually nourishing tobacco; [Highland Maya] Imox 'beetle'


12 (13)

J. blood-droplets : cf. Bodish compilation Heart-Drops from Maha-akas`a

(N. = Nahuatl; Y. = Yucatec)

As for the fading-away implied by the river-name \Vi-tasta\ : When in a clandestine code a realization of double-entendre be recognized, the litteral sense (vama-acara) must fade away so that it can be supplanted by the concealed sense (daks.ina-acara).

As concerning the Indra-jala : This is a technical term for the network of communication amongst divine entities, including such mortals as are adepts at involving perception of one's own externalized aitheric double as "a phantom" functionable, for inter-world (viz., betwixt world of mortals and worlds of divinites) communication-purposes, as if divine.

Comment on alleged aequating of Iranian myths :- Certain supposed aequivalents of these S^ah-nameh characters to personages in the Awesta are alleged ("ShCEA", p. 12, "Notes"); but because the Awestan legends (given in ) are very different indeed from the myths concerning similarly-named entities (Sam and Zal) in the S^ah-nameh, it would be unwise to suggest any such aequations. More likely, the original source (probably Magian) of the S^ah-nameh account employed quite different names (perhaps Pas`tu or Tajik), altered in the S^ah-nameh in order to attempt to convert Zarathustrians (familiar with such names) to adopting Magian mythology; or else it was the Zarathustrian Awesta which had substituted Magian names for its own heroes' names (if so, it had been an attempt to covert the Magian religionists). [written Feb 2018]




A&ACS = Hugh Moran & David H. Kelley : The Alphabet and the Ancient Calendar Signs. Palo Alto (CA), 1969/1970.


20 divine mountains enclosing mt Meru http://myth.00.gs/cosmography,_Astika.htm

LBS = Little Black Sambo. https://archive.org/stream/storyoflittlebla1903bann/storyoflittlebla1903bann_djvu.txt ["Sambo's" "father's" name, given as "Jumbo", must be intendedly for \Jambavant\, who is (more accurately) the father of Jambavati, who is the mother of Samba (Devi-Bhagavata Upa-puran.a 4 -- PE, s.v. "Jambavati"). The name given as "Sambo", is intendedly for \Sambhava\ (PE, q.v.), because Sambhava's father Urja ('invigorating') could be related to Urja-stambha, where \stambha\ is 'pillar' likenable (via the iron pilastre) to the "iron rod" wielded by Samba.]

M-W:S-ED = Monier Monier-Williams : Sanskrit-English Dictionary. 1899.

PE = Vettan Mani : Puran.ic Encyclopaedia. Motilal Banarsidass, Delhi, 1975.

K7SRH = Shrikala Warrier : Kamandalu : the Seven Sacred Rivers of Hinduism. Mayur Univ, 2014. https://books.google.com/books?id=qNhiCAAAQBAJ&pg=PA167&lpg=PA167&dq=

AP = Manmatha Nath Dutt : A Prose English Translation of Agni Puranam. Calcutta : M. N. Dutt, 1904. https://books.google.com/books?id=z3BFAQAAIAAJ&pg=PA1004&lpg=PA1004&dq=

AR = Asiatick Researches.

L&SVR = Tatyana J. Elizarenkova (ed. by Wendy Doniger) : The Language and Style of the Vedic R.sis. State Univ of Ny Pr, Albany, 1995. https://books.google.com/books?id=9ZPPcQXivH4C&pg=PA86&lpg=PA86&dq=

JS"SPD&G" = "Soma : Plant, Drink and God". http://www.jyotistoma.nl/EN/default.html#Soma

JS"Gh&P" = "Gharma and Pravargya". http://www.jyotistoma.nl/EN/default.html#Pravargya

"HPPS" = "History of Prajapati : Prajapati Samaj". https://www.slideshare.net/MilindPrajapat/history-of-prajapati-overall-description

TS`PC 6:2:10 "ANC--SV" = Tris.as.t.i S`alaka Purus.a Caritra 6:2 : "Ara-natha Caritra" 10 : "Story of Virabhadra". https://www.wisdomlib.org/jainism/book/trishashti-shalaka-purusha-caritra/d/doc213841.html

WK"RJ" = Willibald Kirfel : "Die Religion der Jaina's". In :- Hans Haas (ed.) : Bilderatlas zur Religionsgeschichte, No. 12. Leipzig & Erlangen : Deichert, 1928.

KSS = Katha-sarit-sagara ('Story Stream Ocean'), a translation into Samskr.ta of the Pais`aci text Br.hat-katha ('Big Story'). [containing numerous instances of "walk-in" permanent (until demise of each successive body) occupation of living bodies : a typically traditional Ajivika theme, not elsewhere (that is to say, not otherwise than in Ajivika contexts) known in Bharatiya traditional religions]

"L--ShG" = "Legend - Shri Gorakhanath". https://gorakhnath.org/legend.php

ABRG = Michelle Osterfeld Li : Ambiguous Bodies : Reading the Grotesque in Japanese Setsuwa Tales. Stanford Univ Pr, 2009. https://books.google.com/books?id=jPuN2aSKQUIC&pg=PA109&lpg=PA109&dq=

IBE = Benoytosh Bhattacharyya : An Introduction to Buddhist Esoterism. Varanasi : Chowkhamba Sanskrit Series Office, 1964. https://books.google.com/books?id=xJ3MqlIwL2UC&pg=PA72&lpg=PA72&dq=

"MMS&H--ML" = "Masters of Mahamudra -- Mahasiddha Luipada". http://keithdowman.net/books/masters-of-mahamudra.html#luipa

IFI = Guillaume Rozenberg (transl. from the French by Ward Keeler) : The Immortals : Faces of the Incredible in Buddhist Burma. Univ of HI Pr, Honolulu, 2015.


ICh"Sh--Z" = "Shahnameh -- Zal". http://www.iranchamber.com/literature/shahnameh/03zal.php

"ShCEA" = "The Shahnameh : a Complement to the Extant Avesta". https://web.archive.org/web/20070927024146/http://www.farhangiran.com/pdf/jafari.pdf


CM&F =Patricia Monaghan : [The Encyclopedia of] Celtic Mythology and Folklore. Checkmark Bks (mprint of Facts On File), NY, 2004.

"M&TC" = "Myths and Tales of the Cymry", Chapter VIII of Thomas Rolleston : Myths and Legends of the Celtic Race. 1911. http://www.sacred-texts.com/neu/celt/mlcr/mlcr08.htm

WMNA = Jonathan Miles-Watson : Welsh Mythology : a Neostructuralist Analysis. Cambria Pr, Amherst (NY), 2009. https://books.google.com/books?id=_qbPrsL3KeoC&pg=PA244&lpg=PA244&dq=


ZSAR 2:1 = Arthur Bernard Cook : Zeus : a Study in Ancient Religion. Vol. 2, Pt. 1. Cambirdge Univ Pr, 1925. https://books.google.com/books?id=Ys83AAAAIAAJ&pg=PA54&lpg=PA54&dq=

DCM = Pierre Grimal (transl. by A. R. Maxwell-Hyslop) : The Dictionary of Classical Mythology. Blackwell Publ, Oxford (UK), 1986.

Th"TAZ" http://www.theoi.com/Titan/AnemosZephyros.html


POGuNZP = William T. Hornaday : Popular Official Guide to the New York Zoological Park. 17th edn. NY, 1921. https://books.google.com/books?id=iPdGAQAAMAAJ&pg=PA37&lpg=PA37&dq=

"ZHOD" = Zivotofsky & Amar : "Zemer, a Halakhically Oriented Dissection". TORAH U-MADDA J 11 (2002-03):203-21. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/254184297_Giraffe_A_Halakhically_Oriented_Dissection

ABN = Irving Finkel : The Ark Before Noah : Decoding the Story of the Flood. Hodder & Stoughton, London, 2014. https://books.google.com/books?id=3xTSAgAAQBAJ&pg=PT130&lpg=PT130&dq=

HChCh = History of the Christian Church, Volume VI -- David S. Schaff : The Middle Ages from Boniface VIII. Charles Scribner's Sons, 1910. https://books.google.com/books?id=wgC-yRJ5bo0C&pg=PT319&lpg=PT319&dq=

SMR = Rufus Matthew Jones : Studies in Mystical Religion. Mamillan & Co, London, 1909. https://books.google.com/books?id=ldukaqaaiaaj&pg=pa249&lpg=pa249&dq=

BCT = E. A. Wallis Budge : The Book of the Cave of Treasures. London : Religious Tract Society, 1927.

"1st 1000 Years". http://www.sacred-texts.com/chr/bct/bct04.htm

"2nd 1000 Years". http://www.sacred-texts.com/chr/bct/bct05.htm

Apokalupsis of Ioannes 9 http://biblehub.com/revelation/9.htm

Revelation of Adam. In :- Barnstone & Meyer : The Gnostic Bible. Shambhala, 2003. pp. 178-88.


MM&L = Margaret Orbell : The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Maori Myth and Legend. Canterbury Univ Pr, Christchurch (S.I., N.Z.).

HM"MT" = "Maui the Trickster", Chapter 6 of Martha Beckwith : Hawaiian Mythology. New Haven (CT) : Yale Univ Pr, 1940. http://www.sacred-texts.com/pac/hm/hm18.htm

LMD"MH" = "Maui's Home", Chapter 1 of W. D. Westervelt : Legends of Ma-ui -- a Demi-God. Honolulu : Hawaiian Gazette, 1910. http://www.sacred-texts.com/pac/maui/maui04.htm

H-ED = Mary Kawena Pukui & Samuel H. Elbert : Hawaiian-English Dictionary. 3rd edn. 1965.


"ISG" = "Inuit ... Salmon God". https://glitternight.com/2011/07/16/inuit-myth-page-the-salmon-god/

"HSC" = "How the Scorpion Came to be". https://annarose87.wordpress.com/2012/10/14/how-the-scorpion-came-to-be/

HNAM = Dawn Elaine Bastian & Judy K. Mitchell : Handbook of Native American Mythology. ABC-Clio, Santa Barabara (CA), 2004.

HK = Jesse Walter Fewkes : Hopi Katcinas.

{The sequence-reversal for the MesoAmerican 20 could indicate opposite ends of mt Meru : Ku-meru (geographic south pole) as dinstinguished from Su-meru (geographic north pole).

Definition of \meru\ : temple having 125 chambers; "ornamental globular top, as of a car " (OTL, s.v. "Meru") [semi-globe covening of viewdeck, atop flying saucer, is comparable to balance's pan upside-down : cf. Ku-meru upside-down vis-a`-vis Su-meru] [The 125 could consist of 2 sets of 25 couples apiece (25 couple-reconciliations (CMB, pp. 58-60); 25 couples entailing the 25 disciples of Padma-sambhava), plus 25 philosophical principles.]

[2 = 2 to 13 = 11 written 7 Jan 2018;

12 = 12 to 8 = 16 written 8 Jan 2018;

7 = 17 to 6 = 18 written 9 Jan 2018;

5 = 19 to 4 = 20 & 3 = 1 written 10 Jan 2018;

8' = 1' to 7' = 2' written 11 Jan 2018]

["Mice's Sun Dance" = Cymry mouse-goddess written 28 Jan 2018]

[17 -- 7 -- 23 R.s.abha--Manikcandra--eggplant--Guha--Revati--Dhundu;

15 -- 9 -- 21 Nuwn 'resprout' = cloned kumara of Rono written 29 Jan 2018]

[Cauac -- Kun.d.alini -- Mulabarhan.i -- Candrahasa written 30 Jan 2018]

[witnessed by Uttanka, the year-wheel = hayani 'wheel' as Jaina naks.atra written 2 Feb 2018]

[20 -- 4 -- 9 salmon; 1" = 1" & 3" = 4" written 5 Feb 2018]

[2" = 5"; 4" = 3"; 5" = 2' written 6 Feb 2018]

[10 = 14 = 18 (warm yoghr.ta) written 10 Feb 2018]