Upper 22 h.sp=tls^-----------------------20 supernaturals

3. double-plumes; striped

8. quetzal; striped uniform

4. feathered scepter

9. avian scepter

6. crocodile

10. crocodile-head as root

7. sistrum (musical instrument)

11. musical instrument

8. box holding head of Osiris

12. collar around neck

12. god holding his hands above his head

14. god holding his hands above his head

13-14. plant with snake

15. tasting snake-soup (?)

15. hare

16. rabbit

16. oryx: surrogate (as unicorn) for narwhal with whorled (helical) tusk

17. Tlazolteotl with spindle-whorl in hair

18. bird with outspread wings

18. bird-skin crook-staff

20-21. tree

20. maize-plant

Lower 20 h.sp=tls^----------------------20 supernaturals

3. NW... primaeval waters

1. waterfall

5. Neith the blood-drinkeress

2. Ez-teotl "blood-god"

7-8. harpoon

3. awls

15. ibis

4. bird-beaked god

16. dolphin-goddess

5. man floating in pool

18. cat-headed goddess

6. leopard

20. bier

7. descent into dark cavern


E. A. Wallis Budge: From Fetish to God in Ancient Egypt. Oxford U. Press, 1934. pp. 106 to 111

Codex Borgia, pp. 22 to 24