Monga`n = Dio-nusos

Artur = Perseus

living decapitated human head




[In the dream of false awakening :] In the clouded night-sky, flashing lightning is viewed, and immediately afterwards,

"Orpheus was killed by lightening" ("D&HS", p. 374).


a "huge disembodied human head" (JPSW, p. 138) is viewed.

Orpheus, whose decapitated headed remained oracular,

Bran, whose decapitated headed remained oracular,


had been a musician : by music he had tamed Kerberos in the realm of souls of the dead,

had heard praeternatural music putting him to sleep (VBSF 2)


while visiting the soul of his dead wife, Euru-dike.

when a divine woman -- who controlled (VBSF 31) a magical branch --


invited him to visit the Island of Women.

"D&HS" = "Dionysos and Herakles in Scythia"

JPSW = Michael J. Harner : The Jívaro, people of the sacred waterfalls. Natural History Pr, 1972.

VBSF = Voyage of Bran son of Febal

levin & its music





[In the dream of false awakening :] In the clouded night-sky, flashing lightning is viewed, and immediately afterwards,

Elusion (site struck by lightning) is now home of



cognate with /KRoNo-/ is the hero’s name /HaRRaN/, denizen of the city /H.ARRAN/.

cognate with /H.ARRAN/ is /CARAN.A-/, the divine musicians.

a "huge disembodied human head" (JPSW, p. 138) is viewed.


Trapi^m (human heads) were praeserved at H.arran.


With the music thus assigned to aequivalents to Kronos, who is confined to a tower, cf. the music of the tower of Nisa : "at its foot lay a musical stone which, if pebbles were dropped upon it from above, rang like a lyre" (GM 91.b).

the sheep whose wool is already colored while growing (cf. cotton already colored while growing during the reign of Quetzal-coatl)



Island of Women

Island of the Seirenes, sailed past by (GM 154.d) Orpheus

"coloured lambs" (VBSF 38)

during the quaest for the golden fleece

GM = Robert Graves : The Greek Myths. 1955.

horses surmounting the crests of waves

Moninnan’s sea-faring chariot was pulled by horses over "waves beating across the clear sea" (VBSF 35).

Erekhthonios (serpent-tailed, GM 25.d) owned mares whose fillies (begotten by Boreas, who "has serpent tails for feet", GM 48.d) "could race ... over the crests of waves." (GM 48.e).

The serpent-tailedness in connection with seafaring could allude to the meshed-serpents raft of Quetzal-coatl whereon ensconced he voyaged toward Tlillan-tlapallan.

told to Bran at sea by Moninnan (Manannan) on the sea-faring chariot : vision of the red flowers




Moninnan’s horses strolled athwart the waves.


In various siddha legends, a pond is strolled athwart by stepping from waterlily to waterlily.

"Red-headed flowers" (VBSF 35) were envisioned by Manannan

/PoDa-/ may indicate Skt. /PaDma/ (‘red waterLILY’) in the name of Poda-leirios,

*/LIRIan/ (> /Tlillan/) is ‘red’ in Nahuatl in

the son of LI`R.

where /LEIRIos/ is ‘of the LILY’.

the name of /Tlillan-tlapallan/ (< *labari ‘black’ = Anatolian "labarum"),

The tale of the 3 daughters of king Li`r (Lear) in paralleled in frigid Lapland.


the (Avalon-like) country in traveling toward which (by Quetzal-coatl and his troupe) the hunchbacks froze.

"Red-headed" in the context of "Red-&-Black" country (the 2 lands of TL-MRI^) could allude to so-called "red-headed" (actually, red-turbanned) Taoist practitioners along with so-called "black-headed" (actually, black-turbanned) Taoist practitioners.

told to Bran at sea by Moninnan (Manannan) on the sea-faring chariot : the prophesied future animal-shapes of Moninnan’s son the shape-shifter Monga`n






The "seal" may refer to those seals accompanying (GM 169.a) Proteus, who likewise rendered a prophecy. Is the "dragon" shape of Monga`n aequivalent to Dio-nusos, "a horned child crowned with serpents" (GM 27.a)? Dio-nusos was entertained by (GM 27.d) Proteus at Pharos.




silvern-antlered stag


speckled salmon




white swan

marriage & death of hero



Monga`n’s married Dub-Lacha, who was abandoned (CM&DLM 27) by her husband Cuimne in favor of another woman, Ibbell (CM&DLM 23).

Dio-nusos’s married Ariadne, who had been deserted by her husband Theseus (GM 27.i) in favor of another woman, Antiope.

Monga`n was slain by Artur (VBSF, n. 26:7).

Dio-nusos was slain by Perseus (according to scholia on Iliad 14.319 – G&I 4.17).

CM&DLM = Conception of Mongán; and Dub-Lacha's Love for Mongán.

G&I = Deborah Lyons : Gender and Immortality : Heroines in Ancient Greek Myth and Cult. Princeton U Pr, 1996.