cosmogony in Codex Borgianus Mexicanus pp. 29-46

cosmogony of the divine realms

CBM, pp. 29-46

the 7 Brahma-s


[CBM, p. 29] bowl "anthropomorphized" (CT&M, p. 179b) as lower ½ of human death’s head

1. "then appeared from the mind of Vis.n.u [who was beheaded (according to the RV and the DBhTG, pp. 40-41)].

"from which emerges a dark foamy substance".(F-CR, "I&C", p. xxiii)

1. Those r.s.i-s that subsist only upon the froth" ("VRVCh").

[CBM, p. 30] 4 black gods (having trees on their backs) carve out 4 day-signs, including :

2. Valakhilya-s ("CJ&VH") [who are r.s.i-s suspended from a tree (MBh "Astika Parvan"); and

Cozcaquauhtli (‘Vulture’)

who created Garud.a (MBh "Adi Parvan") the vulture]

[CBM, p.31] death-goddesses reclining in bowls with maize growing from those goddesses {symbolic of left-over ("dead") food?}

3. "those r.s.i-s who subsist upon what remains from sacrificial yajn~a after feeding all the guests." ("VRVCh").

[CBM, p.32] abode with distinct chambres

4. "created the various and diverse universes" ("VRVCh").

[CBM, p. 33] white (albino?) ...

4. ["VRVCh"]Manu Sva-rocis.a [who was, according to the MBh "S`anti Parvan", teacher of the Satvata-dharma [white gun.a] doctrine – PE, s.v. "S`ankhapada"] :

deer as sun-deity (and therefore brilliant-bodied)

[according to MarP LXV, Dyutimant (Manu Sva-rocis.a) was begotten (65:29) on a doe-deer who therewith attained a "bright ... body" (65:21)

[CBM, p. 33] male deities in one tower;

[CBM, p. 34] female deities in another tower.

At the birth of Dyutimant, "the Gandharvas began to sing, and the Apsarases began to dance" (65:26). (The Gandharva-s are male deities and the Apsaras-es are female deities.)

[CBM, p. 34] exchange (via tube) of heart-energies between yellow death-goddess and red-spotted black drooping-eyed god.

Concerning "The mind, of those whose heart is attached" (65:36),

[CBM, p. 37] Drum-playing hero extending (forth from his own mouth) a bird’s head; upward-facing (praying) heroine.

the drake was spoken to by his mate the duck, she exhorting him to consider heaven.]

[CBM, p. 37] below 4 conch-wearing seated gods is a detached black human foot

(Sva-rocis.a’s son S`ankha-pada is ‘Conch-Foot’. {cf., however, black conch-footed kris-wielding god on CBM, p. 42.})

[CBM, p. 37] 4 naked gods, each within a sphaire, eacb such sphaire being surrounded by stars

["VRVCh"] Valakhilya-s

[CBM, pp. 37] straight snake-figurine;

[Valakhilya Hymn 7:3 -- HRV, p. 356] "bamboos 100", and of

[CBM, pp. 37-38] hound-headed god

"100 hounds";

[CBM, p. 38] people within mouths of sidewinding [much like those enfolding "serpent numbers" of the year-count in the Maya codices] serpents within enclosed red courtyard; red and dappled.

"400 {400 being the # of years in the Maya year-count "cuc"} red-hued" (also "dark" – 7:5).

[CBM, p. 38] Maltese-cross wearer having his head covered with a fluffy fleece (kapok?).

[Valakhilya Hymn 8:3 -- HRV, p. 357] "fleecy sheep".

[CBM, p. 38] cogged ring being penetrated by rainbow-snake.

[Valakhilya Hymn 9:1 -- HRV, p. 357] "chariot" of the Nasatya-s

[CBM, p. 38] white pebbles or white seeds (?) line one side of pool

(purport of /valakhilya/ is ‘ascetic discarding grain’.)

[CBM, p. 39] red (limelight?) in centred on dancing heroines, who are being ogled by 6 gods :

[Valakhilya Hymn 10:2 – HRV, p. 358] (‘Dawn’ [a reddish light]) illumineth the Vis`ve-deva-s

[CBM, p. 41] severed clawed animal-paw is brought by descending red-faced goddess

[Valakhilya Hymn 11:3 -- HRV, p. 359] Kr.s`a {related to Kr.s`a-anu, archer who shot off claw of flying Garu-tman)

[CBM, p. 41] manifestation of the 20 day-signs

[Valakhilya Hymn 11:5 -- HRV, p. 359] "the 21"

[CBM, p. 41] deities in a rayed ("luminous"?) disk

4. Su-varn.a-abha (‘Well-colored Light’)

[CBM, p. 42] speckled god {aequivalent to X-baalanke in Popol Vuh} is immolated upon perpendicular menhir (after being defeated in ball-game).

{5. Nara [cf. our word /NORmal/ ‘a perpendicular’ (as term in geometry)], brother of :}

{brother of X-balanke became a catfish (is thus depicted in inscriptions).}

5. Nara-ayana {/NAR-/ is cognate with [Kemian] /N<R/ "’catfish’}

[CBM, p. 42] speckled god with fumes proceeding from his eye [to denote gaze by "evil eye"?]

5. Viran.a ‘side-glance, leer

[CBM, p. 42] red-headed goddess with her teeth exposed.

[his daughter was Asikli (/asika/ ‘underlip to chin’) the mother of Manu Caks.usa].

[CBM, p. 43] suspension-bridge (betwixt 2 1/2s of the body of goddess); black god with ray-beam proceeding out of his body; grey goddess supine beneath him

5. [he for whose sake a suspension-bridge was built at R.s.i-kes`a :] Raibhya (/rebhaya/ ‘to beam’) [his wife was Rukma-rekha :

[CBM, p. 43] 6 heroes sucking maize-syrup {maize syrup is similar to barley-malt syrup – "BMS"}

Raibhya wife’s committed adultery with Yava-krita (‘barley-bought’) – E s.v. "Yava-kri"]

[CBM, p. 44] sun-hearted supine goddess being sprayed by flying bat-god who :

[at the site of austerities by Surya-patni (‘sun’s wife’), Raibhya’s adoptive daughter Eka-vali was abducted by Kala-ketu (according to DBh skandha 6 – PE, s.v. "Ekavira").]

is carrying a heart discharging blood.

[Kala-ketu sold meat (raw?) in a market ("R—P&H").]

{"Dracula rules bats." Dracula’s "reflection did not appear in the mirror." ("D&V")}

[Kala-ketu dwelt in a "mirror-like" mansion. (DBh lib. 6, cap. 22 – S`DBh, vol 2, p. 277)]

[CBM, p. 44] 3 gods within mouths of angular snakes {angular to indicate their being personifications of battlements surrounding the fortress?}

[Kala-ketu’s "city was surrounded with snakes". (DBh lib. 6, cap. 23 – S`DBh, vol 2, p. 282)]

[CBM, p. 45] death-god amid skulls of the dead

6. Barhişad Muni [the r.s.i of souls of the dead]

[CBM, p. 45] man blowing into nozzle entering bag having exit-tube (thus, playing a bagpipe musical instrument?)

6. Jyes.t.ha Sama[n]-vratin (‘eldest music-vowed’)

[CBM, p. 45] man (camped) under dome (or bell-shaped) wigwam

6. Avikampana (/kampana/ ‘tremulous-voiced’ : cf. [Lat.] /campana/ ‘bell’)

[CBM, p. 46] 2 gods each manipulating a puppet-like mannikin

7. Daks.a (‘dextrous’)

[CBM, p. 46] a hero in located alive in a pot boiling upon a hearth

7. Vivasvant [who was engendred by the cooking of rice by a goddess (A-diti) who :

[CBM, p. 46] standing around that pot are 4 gods (having curly bellies)

had already engendred thusly the 4 Aditya-s (GB 1:2:15; TS 6:5:6 – WA&OMB, p. 175)]

[CBM, p. 46] supine god generating from his body fumes (fragrances?) which become naked heroes (personifications of fragrances?)

7. Iks.u-aku (‘eyelash-intention’) [father of Nimi ‘blink’, whose corpse was "embalmed with fragrant oils and resins" ("N")]

Significance of the path (p. 39) of the dancing heroines’ leading into the body of (p. 40) Tlalte-cuhtli (the earth-monster) : this would imply their descending into a subterranean kiva in order to give birth : the red death-goddess’s parturition (p. 40) may imply that their progeny were slain at birth (perhaps by abortion : actresses, such as the women were, are often not permitted to produce any living children). The dismembering god (earlier recruited by a red-bonneted death-goddess, p. 40) having snakey hair is of the Iroquois type (and frequent also as a type in the Oaxacan-provenienced Vienna Codex).

Tezcatli-poca = Pro-metheus

Tezcatli-poca had "a ring" ("T").

Pro-metheus wore a ring (GM 133.l).

Tezcatli-poca produced smoke :

Pro-metheus conserved smoldering pith.

his foot was an igniting mirror.

Asia held the "mirror" (ShM, p. 68) of Pro-metheus.

[CBM, p. 21] Tezcatli-poca the black had a red brother.

Pro-metheus had, as his brother, Epi-metheus.

[CBM, p. 21 lower register] The twain (Tezcatli-poca-s) retained a prisoner.

Epi metheus’s wife Pan-dora retained Elpis (‘Hope’) as prisoner (in her box).

[CBM, p. 21 upper register] The twain (Tezcatli-poca-s) participated in the cutting of a tree.

Pro-metheus used a cut giant-fennel stalk for the pith (GM 39.9).

Huitzil-opochtli = Kheiron

Huitzil-opochtli danced on the hand (of Tezcatli-poca).

Kheiron (‘Hand’) donated his own immortality (to Prometheus).

Huitzil-opochtli (described as a living skeleton and as a hummingbird) = [CBM, p. 52 upper right] (living-skeleton god who is winged) accompanying a (pierced) deer

Maya day-sign Manik (depicted as gesturing hand) = Aztec day-sign Mazatl ‘Deer’. Kheiron is a kentauros (1/2 horse [cf. deer]).

[CBM, p. 52] rabbit being assaulted by eagle

"eagle in combat with the hare" (on coins in Sikelia, S-N, p. 266); hare’s hunter is Oarion (S-N, p. 265), which is (according to the Boiotians, S-N p. 30$) Kandaon

Tezcatl-anextia = Perseus

Tezcatl-anextia used a mirror for viewing.

Perseus used a mirror for viewing Medousa.

Tlaloc = Atlas

[CBM, pp. 27-28] There were 2 sets of 5 Tlaloc-s each.

There were 5 sets of twin-brethren ruling Atlantis.

overlapping of 2 scenes in sequences in CBM

7th of 8 [CBM, p. 19 upper register]


cutting into man’s chest

1st of 5 [CBM, p. 49]


extraction of god’s heart

8th of 8 [CBM, p. 18 upper register]

flint within crescent moon;


red-and-white-vertically-striped male suicide

2nd of 5 [CBM, p. 50]

flint within crescent moon;


red-and-white-vertically-striped tree

Tlahuiz-calpan-tecuhtli = Hera-klees

[CBM, p. 49] bearded god riding a dragon {cf. Norse dragon-ships}

Iason led a ship-expedition.

[CBM, p. 49] Tlahuiz-calpan-tecuhtli is upholding the sky.

A participant in Iason’s expedition, Hera-klees upheld (briefly) the sky.

[CBM, p. 53 lower left] Tlahuiz-calpan-tecuhtli is jabbing a woman

Hera-klees murdered his own wife.

Itztl-acoliuhqui = Hermes

[CBM, p. 50] turkey {cf. turkey carrying amputated human hand in CBM p. 18 upper register}

Argos Pan-optes the divine peacock {the hands of god Hermes were amputated by the sons of Khorikos (CDCM, s.v. "Choricus"). }

[CBM, p. 50] god wearing the backward-curved hat of Itztl-acoliuhqui, god of stones

god Hermes stoned (CDCM, s.v. "Argos 2") to death Argos Pan-optes

(The turkey is known for strutting & spreading tail much like a peafowl.)

Inflicted during Hermes’s sleep, the amputation is similar to that in the Lay of Hamdir, where stoning is likewise the consequence of speech.

Cipactli = Paris

[CBM, p. 51] red-haired hero; hero whose foot is being bitten off by Cipactli

red-haired (Irish) Cu`chulain is comparable with (GM 75.5) Bellero-phon, who visited the city Xanthos, which is the name of a horse belonging to Akhilleus, who was wounded in the foot by Paris-Alexandros

[CBM, p. 51] beheaded Cipactli at shrine of the sun

Paris-Alexandros died on account in his neglecting to please nymph Oinone who had given her virginity to :

[CBM, p. 51 upper left] god holding (medicinal?) plants

god Apollon (who therefore imparted to her knowledge of medicinal cures).

[CBM, p. 51] bearded {cf. "beard" of barley} god and goddess mating at place of blue maize

Paris-Alexandros and Oinone were parents of Koruthos, father of Iasion who mated with in grain-field with barley-goddess Demeter.

[CBM, p. 51] god & goddess descend from sky, bringing gifts to red-haired hero

god Poseidon & goddess Athene brought a gift to Bellero-phon.

[CBM, p. 51] hero within bird’s mouth, worshipping at temple of tobacco

Bellero-phon rode winged steed Pegasos in order to slay the smoke-emitting Khimaira.

[CBM, p. 51 upper right] wind-god having insect-wing

Pegasos was bitten by a gadfly.

red death-god = Aiakos

[CBM, p. 52] red death-god, having sexual relation with fleshless-jawboned goddess {cf. the name Tana-loa (‘Long Jaw’) of the seal-god at Rapa-nui}

On the island of Oinone, murmeces (red emmets) were the folk of (judge of the dead) Aiakos, who had sexual intercourse with the seal-goddess Psamathe; their son was Phokos (‘Seal’).

{[CBM, p. 76 lower fight] red death-god holding a flower}

Aiakos placated concerning (GM 66.h) the murder of Andro-geos, whereat the father of Andro-geos held (GM 90.i) "flowers."

[CBM, p. 52] flint-fledged eagle

Aiakos placated concerning (CDCM, s.v. "Aeacus") the murder of Stumphalos. [Cf. the bronze-fledged (GM 151.f) Stumphalian birds, which were expelled by means of music.]

[CBM, p. 52] variegated-longitudinally-striped feather-tailed serpent {= rainbow-snake?}

[the isle of Ares, destination of the Stumphalian birds, is located in the vicinity of the river Irid- (‘Rainbow’), name of a winged goddess]

[CBM, p. 52] a red divine couple, bringing cacti, descend from above

cf. Erutheia (‘Red’), name of island where is located a herd belonging to(GM 42.b) Helios, who begat children on the nymph Rhode (‘Rose’)

[CBM, p. 52] red macaw

Helios’s father HUPERioN = bird-god SU-PARNa (‘Good Feather’) : the Bhagavat-Gita was transmitted ("VRVCh") from Su-parna to :

[CBM, p. 53 lower right] "Stripe-Eye" hero (along with another hero) extracting blood from his own penis {similar blood-extraction by black god within enclosure of darkness in CBM, p. 35}

Vayu, and from Vayu to :

[CBM, p. 35] Stripe-Eye with god who is in mouth of crocodile.

Varun.a, rider upon the makara (crocodile).

[CBM, pp. 36-38] Stripe-Eye emerging (via wind-tunnel) from mouth of wind-god

(Vayu is a wind-god.)

(Roses closely resemble cacti in having thorns.)

Yitro^ = Su-parna

Yitro^ was father of heroine S.ipporah (‘Talon of bird’—Strong’s 6856).

Su-parna was father of Garu-tman (and of Garud.i).

Mos^eh married S.ipporah;

Kr.s`a-anu shot off claw of Garu-tman,

and discovered a "burning [i.e., spicy?] bush"

while Garu-tman was abducting the Soma-plant.

References :-

RV = R.c Veda

DBh = Devi-Bhagavata Upa-Puran.a

TG = Cheever Mackenzie Brown : The Triumph of the Goddess: the canonical models and theological visions of the Devi-Bhagavata Puran.a. State U of NY Pr, 1990.

CT&M = Elizabeth Hill Boone : Cycles of Time and Meaning in the Mexican Books of Fate. U of TX Pr, Austin, 2007.

F-CR "I&C" = Gisele Di`az & Alan Rogers : The Codex Borgia, a Full-Color Restoration. Dover Publ, 1993. Bruce E. Byland : "Introduction and Commentary".

"VRVCh" = "Vedavyasa Reveals the Vedic Chronology of S`rimad Bhagavad-Gita"

MBh = Maha-Bharata

"Astika Parvan" =

"Adi Parvan" =

"CJ&VH" = "Common Jaina and Vedic Heritage 61"

"CTCY" = "Cycles of Time Called Yuga-s" 3 (4)

["CJ&VH" & "CJ&VH" are based on MBh “S`ānti Parvan” (chapters 348-349)]

PE = Puran.ic Encyclopedia

MarP = Markan.d.eya Puran.a

HRV = Ralph Thomas Hotchkin Griffith : The Hymns of the Rigveda, Volume 3.

"BMS" =

E = Encyclopedia

"D&V" = Dracula and Vampire"

"R—P&H" = Brian Hatcher : "Review of :- David L. Curley. Poetry and History: Bengali Mangal-kabya and Social Change in Precolonial Bengal. Chronicle Books, 2008."

S`DBh = Swami Vijnanananda (transl) : S'rimad Devi Bhagawatam.

WA&OMB = Wendy Doniger O'Flaherty : Women, Androgynes, and Other Mythical Beasts. U of Chicago Pr, 1980.

"N" = "Nimi"

"T" = "Tezcatlipoca"

ShM = Paul A. Vatalaro : Shelley’s Music. Ashgate Publ, 2009.

CBM = Codex Borgianus Mexicanus

S-N = Richard Hinckley Allen : Star-Names and Their Meanings. 1899.

GM = Robert Graves : The Greek Myths. 1955.

CDCM = Pierre Grimal (tr. by Maxwell-Hyslop) : A Concise Dictionary of Classical Mythology. 1990.

There were 7 human Brahmā-s :-

Mahabharata, Santi-parva, CCCXLIX.

Mahābhārata, śānti parva (chapters 348, 349)


In Brahma's birth 1666 trillion and 240 billion years previous to the birth of our present day Brahma and before the Brahma manifesting from Vishnu's eyes, Brahma then appeared from the mind of Vishnu. Those rishis that subsist only upon the froth of water obtained the supreme science of the Bhagavad-Gita from Vishnu. These same rishis then gave it to those rishis who are known as Vaikanasas and from them Soma the moon-god received it. After this knowledge of the supreme science of the Bhagavad-Gita disappeared from this world.

1. Mukhya –From mukha (mouth) of Nārāyaņa) or main Brahmā-He taught Vaikhānasa.

In Brahma's birth 1355 trillion and 200 billion years previous to the birth of our present day Brahma ..., Brahma then appeared from the eyes of Vishnu. At that time Brahma learned the supreme science ... from Soma the moon god. Having received it Brahma then imparted this supreme science to Shiva who subsequently communicated it to all those rishis who are known by the name of Valikhilyas.

2. From eyes-He was taught by Soma and himself taught Bālakhilyas.

In Brahma's birth 1044 trillion and 160 billion years previous to the birth of our present day Brahma ..., Brahma then appeared from the speech of Vishnu. The supreme science of the Bhagavad-Gita again manifested itself as well. At that time a rishi named Suparna received it from him. Suparna would recite the supreme science of the Bhagavad-Gita during the three sandhyas everyday. Knowledge of this supreme science is referred to in the Rig Veda. From the sage Suparna it was obtained by Vayu the wind god who communicated it to those rishis who subsist upon what remains from sacrificial yagna after feeding all the guests. From these rishis the supreme science was obtained by Varuna the god of the ocean.

3. From Vāņī – He has been called Apantaratamā, son of Vāņī in Mahābhārata, śānti parva (349/39). He taught Trisuparņa Ŗşi. As per purāņas, he lived on banks of Gautamī (Godāvarī). The suparņa, is stated to have entered sea-tending coastal land has been called Reļhi (Ŗgveda 10/114/4)

In Brahma's birth 933 trillion and 120 billion years previous to the birth of our present day Brahma ..., Brahma then appeared from the ear of Vishnu. When Vishnu lying upon Sesha Naga desired to manifest creation he reflected upon a being who would be puissant enough to accomplish this. At that time a being competent enough to fulfill this appeared from his ear and Vishnu named him Brahma. Vishnu instructed him to create various kinds of beings to populate creation. Also Vishnu imparted to Brahma the supreme science ... . After this Brahma created the various and diverse universes with their variegated mobile and immobile creatures.... Brahma who was the creator of all the worlds worshipped Vishnu a purusa incarnation of the Supreme Lord Krishna for the benefit of everyone in all the worlds. Then desiring to spread this knowledge Brahma instructed the supreme science of Bhagavad-Gita to ... the Manu of that timeframe named Svarochish Manu who carefully imparted that knowledge to his son Sankhapada who in turn taught this knowledge to his son Suvarnabha.

4. In ādi kŗta yuga (37902-33102 BC)- Brahmā was from ears. He taught Vedas with Āraņyaka, Rahasya, and Sangraha to Svārochişa Manu, Śankhapada, dikpāla Suvarņābha.

In Brahma's birth 622 trillion and 80 billion years previous to the birth of our present day Brahma ..., Brahma then appeared from the nostril of Vishnu. At that time Vishnu himself sang the supreme science ... in his presence. Then a fiat of Brahma born from his will named Sanat Kumara studied it thoroughly and instructed it to Prajapati Virana who after studying it taught it to the ascetic Raivya who imparted it to his son of pure soul and firm vows and great intelligence.

5. In ādi kŗta yuga -From nose of Nārāyaņa-He taught Vīraņa, Raibhya Muni, and Kukśi (Dik-pāla = Ruler of a region).

In Brahma's birth 311 trillion and 40 billion years previous to the birth of our present day Brahmas manifestation from the divine lotus from Vishnu, Brahma was manifest from a golden egg from Vishnu. When the golden egg cracked Brahma emerged and Vishnu communicated the supreme science ... to him. Brahma then delivered it to those holy sages known as the who in turn gave it to a brahmana named Jeshthya well versed in the Sama Veda. The brahmana Jeshthya instructed a king named Avikampana..

6. Aņɖaja Brahmā-taught Barhişad Muni, Jyeşţha Sāmavratī, king Avikampana.

Madhvacarya the establisher of the Brahma Madhva Vaisnava Sampradaya received instructions and knowledge ... directly from Vedavyasa the author of the Mahabharata who had received the knowledge ... from Narada Muni who had received it from Brahma who is the root source of the Brahma Vaisnava Sampradaya and its subsequent disciplic succession. Our present Brahma who was born from the divine lotus received the knowledge of Bhagavad-Gita directly from Vishnu.

7. Padmanābha Brahmā taught Dakśa, Vivasvāna, Ikśvāku




"VRVCh"= Vedavyasa Reveals the Vedic Chronology of Srimad Bhagavad-Gita

"CJ&VH" = Common Jaina and Vedic Heritage 61