Iban Gawai Sakit = itinerary of Dio-nusos


citation (BW&RM, pp. 101-115)

section or page




GM 27.b

"staff tipped with a pine-cone"


"He who smokes the enemy skulls."

GM 27.f

"is was she who wrenched off his head."


"the kusing bat, ... the entawai bat"

GM 27.g

Dio-nusos transformed the daughters of Minuas into bats.


"the spider "

LB, p. 137

"a spidery symbol"


"a seesaw bridge, Joined by a bridge made of midang wood"

GM 27.c

"built a bridge across the river with ivy and vine"



GM 27.h

Dio-nusos in ship.


"Grandmother Manang Jaban, Throws to the sky

LB, p. 137

"used it to stun the mother goddess ... It rose up and up into the sky [and became Kgwedi, the moon-goddess]".


an image made from a fig tree.


"The statue of Priapus was generally chopped roughly out from the trunk of a standing tree. It was usually shaped from fig-tree wood"


She is the possessor of ... a charm made of petrified fat ...

LB, p. 137

"the moon [is devoured monthly by] ... the hyena-of-darkness, ... a little of her with each passing day, leaving always a small piece". {Cf. Zagreus' being devoured.}


She is possessor of a petrified rotan vine".


Dio-nusos is god of the grape-vine.


GD, p. 101

"themselves enveloped by a perfected energy with shines as brightly as the moon. In the middle of this radiance they then see


"And who also possesses a lump of gold."


the golden towers on the Mountain of Mystery Metropolis [Xuandu], among which is


a hall of white jade". {Cf. the white gypsum enclosing the heart of Zagreus, GM 30.b}


"Masters of the Heavenly Heart ... used lightning-struck wood" (GD, p. 101).


For the sake of Zagreus his slayers were struck "with thunderbolts." (GM 30.b)


"Gunyi's weaving loom, Which stands upright to pierce the heart of the sky" {"Pole Star (the "heart of the sky")", GD, p. 101, would be naturally pierced by the caelestial axis of rotation}

GM 30.b

Dio-nusos originated from the resuscitated heart of the boy Zagreus. {"heart of the sky" being a Quiche` Maya expression; while Piltzin-tecutli carrieth a transfixed heart}


"a hill with a hole blown by

LB, p. 138

"a deep cavern"


the wind" {This is Bon.}

DCM, p. 373

As son of Dio-nusos, the infant Priapos "was endowed with enormous genitals." {Cf. the Inuit male infant wind-god Sila, endowed with enormous genitals}


"who can make the dead live again."

GM 27.k

Dio-nusos [like Maudgalyayana] resurrected his own dead mother +Semele.



LB, p. 143

"Someone, it seems, in prehistoric times wanted diamonds very badly."


"honey from the kepayang nut."

GM 27.b

"fed him on honey"

BW&RM = SARAWAK MUSEUM JOURNAL, Vol XIII No. 27 (Borneo Writing and Related Matters = "Special Monograph, No. 1"). Kuching, 1966. pp. 32 to 286 Tom Harrisson & Benedict Sandin: "Borneo Writing Boards."

LB = Lyall Watson: Lightning Bird. Hodder & Stoughton, London, 1982.

GD = Livia Kohn: God of the Dao. U. of MI, Ann Arbor, 1998.

GM = Robert Graves: The Greek Myths. 1955.

DCM = Pierre Grimal (transl. by Maxwell-Hyslop): Concise Dictionary of Classical Mythology.

IP = "Introduction" to The Priapeia. http://www.public-domain-content.com/books/classic_greece_rome/priap/prpc.shtml

Tales of Dionysus http://www.geocities.com/medea19777/dionysus.html