Hispanic source of the Iliad

"seige" = (in Latin) SEDEs, of

the SEDEtani of hispania

ILion (ilium in Latin)

ILerda, city of the ILergetes of hispania

*TRoSia (troia)

*TaRSakon (tarraco) in hispania

KaSSandra = alexandra

the CeSSetani of hispania

PARIs =alexandros

the PARIsii in lutetia


the MEMiNi of gallia

The setting of the Iliad may have been transferred from Hispania to Anatolia on account of its citation in the prophecies by the Sibulle of Marpessos there. [Marpessa would also be Anatolian, as her husband Idas (= Ida mountain in Dardania) sought Teuthrania.]


MuMaN (munster of eire)


THOULe (iceland)

This transposition of geography from western Europe to Hellas may have occurred in the epoch of hegemony by "peoples of the sea"; to keep the Hellenes out of the political orbit of the "sea-peoples'" (mainly Italic) alliance.



Hellenic myth

Hispanic provenience of the Hellenic names

Hupsi-phone hath as her brethren Phain-ops & S... (H)

Phain-ops & Adamas are sons of Asios (TL).


[<ibri^] >adam is [incorrecttly] aequated with [Hellenic] Adamas ‘diamond’. {A more correct aequation would have been S^amir = Adamas.} Khristos, the 2nd >adam, is said to have died for his bride the Church; so his wife is deduced to have been named MARYAM (Magdalene).

Adamas was slain by MERIoNes.

MARIANus mons in Baetica (CA)


Phain-ops is from ABUdos, nigh

ABUla on a left tributary to the Durius flumen, in Tarraconensis (CA)


ASTURA, site of gold-mine which is source of opulence of Priamos (G:A-B).

ASTURes in valley of ASTURA flumen (Asturias is even to-day renowned for its gold-mines; there are none in the Anatolian location.)


Phain-pos is father of (T) Ksanthos (‘Yellow’ River, also named SKaM-andros).

SCoMbraria i., off Carthago Nova (CA)



TuRiaSo [origin-site of the Tursenoi = Etrusci] on the Suero flumen

H = The Nag Hammadi Scriptures, ed. by Marvin Meyer. HarperOne, NY, 2007. p. 701.

TL = http://www.maicar.com/GML/TROJANLEADERS.html s.v. "Asius"

G:A-B = http://www.maicar.com/GML/001ShortEntries/SGAbae.html s.v. "Abydus"

T = http://www.maicar.com/GML/001ShortEntries/SEPernis.html s.v. "Phaenops"

CA = A Classical Atlas to Illustrate Ancient Geography. NY : Harper & Bros.