Yes^uwa< Mas^yah = To`rr = Hephaistos = C^i You

Chinese (CT, pp. 252-253)





Hephaistos wrought golden crowns for Ariadne & Pandora. (JG)


the 24 wore "crowns of gold" (Apocalypse of John 4:4)

Yellow Thearch’s 9 tripods from the Mystic Maiden (p. 252, citing BPZ 4.6a10; 4.18b10).

Hephaistos "owns a set of three-legged tables" (GM 23.c).


To`rr was lightning-god, manifest in lightning.

As lightning, "so shall the coming of the Son-of-Man be". (Matthew 24:27; Luke 17:24)


Hephaistos constructed (Mimnermos, Elegiac 12) the winged boat of Helios. (Ch&B)


"Coptic churches ... were built on the shape of a ship to emphasize the notion of "the church as a ship protected by God floating in the midst of the world's torrents" (appealing to Nowah.'s ark)." (CCh)

[Vis.n.u "changed himself in a beetle (kuruminiya)" (FS, p. 69) to enter palace (by boring into it?).]

Hephaistos was a beetle. (BRS)


Jesus Christ became a wood-eating beetle (i.e., wood-borer), according to Ambrose of Milan. (BRS)

The 81 brethren of C^i You had iron foreheads: they ate rocks (p. 252). [cf. S`ila-ada "rock-eater", father of bull-god Nandi (LP & S`P)]

Hephaistos was an iron-smith, and as such wielded the hammer. [He forged (LS) living brazen-footed bulls for Aietes.] Hephaistos himself became (Antoninus Liberalis: Metamorphosis 28) an ox (H&WG).

This lightning was generated from his hammer. To`rr had a stone forehead. To`rr fished using an ox-head as bait. (Hy`mis-kvida)

Jesus Christ was crucified on a Tau (T)-shaped cross. (Tertullianus C ; St. Anthony's SAC ; Franciscan S&MT) [cf. T-shape of hammers]

C^i You was overcome by the military instructions of the Mystic Maiden (p. 253, citing BPZ 18.2a6).

Hephaistos was frustrated (Apollodoros, The Library 3:187) by the military maiden-goddess Athene. (H)


Jesus Christ was crucified at the command of a queen. (JLJS)


Hephaistos hurled (Apollodoros, The Library 1:37) molten iron at Mimas. (H&WG)

To`rr hurled (To`rs-dra`pa, strophe 13 sq.) molten iron at Geirro,dr. (RTM)


Hephaistos was born (Homeric Hymn 3: "To Pythian Apollo" 310) lame. (H)


When he was taken to be crucified, Jesus Christ was found (Sanh. 106b) to be lame. (OW) [This is part of his identity with Bil<am (PRI).]


Hephaistos crafted wine-bowls for Menelaos, Priamos, Euenos, Telephos (BJCh)


Holy Grail

instructions in "nourishing" (p. 252)

Hephaistos wrought the golden vine of Laomedon (OWH)


"I am the True Vine." (Gospel of John 15:1)


Hephaistos crafted mastiffs for the hall wherein (Odyssey 7) Nausikaa was scolded. (SBO7)


Concerning hounds, Jesus Christ scolded a Kna<n-ite woman. (Matthew 15:26; Mark 7:27)


Hephaistos wrought the axe of Polutekhnos (OWH)


axe (Matthew 3:10; Luke 3:9)


Hephaistos, although pathenogenously born, denied (Hyginus, Fabula 166) that he had a mother. (RH)


Jesus Christ, although pathenogenously born, denied that he had a mother. He addressed her thus: "Woman, what have I to do with thee?" (Gospel of John 2:4)


Otherwise, Hephaistos is stated (by Kinaithon) to have been (Pausanias: Guide to Hellas 8.53.5) son of Talos. (BH) As first carpenter, Talos "became the inventor of the "saw"." (D&I)


Jesus Christ was son of Joseph the carpenter.

Chi You combatted the Huan Di "Yellow Emperor" (p. 252).

Hephaistos assaulted (Iliad 21) the river-god Xanthos "Yellow" (H&TW), who was serpentine.

To`rr assaulted the water-dwelling dragon (Gylfa-ginning, 70) Jo,rmungand = Midgards-orm. (PE)

Jesus Christ fought the dragon in the dried river-bed of the erstwhile Yarden. (John the Baptist was praesent.)

CT = Gil Raz: Creation of Tradition. PhD diss, IN U., 2004.

JG =

BPZ = Bao-pu-zi by Ge Hon

GM = Robert Graves : The Greek Myths. 1955.

Ch&B =

CCh =

FS = Bruce Kapferer : Feast of the Sorcerer. U of Chicago, 1997.


LP =

S`P =

LS =

C =


S&MT =


H =



OW = (n. 3)

H&WG =

RTM = &

PRI = (n. 12)

SBO7 =

RH =

D&I =

BH =

H&TW =

PE =

It is noteworthy that these corresponding events happen in roughly opposite sequence in biography of Jesus Christ from that of the sequence of events in the biography of Hephaistos.


The katharos (beetle) is [in Kemetian] H^PR "to become (viz., to transform one's self into, sc., another shape, as during a shamanic dream as shape-shifter)": the [Samskr.ta] aequivalent is Svayam-bhu "[one's] own-becoming", which is etymologically the same name as He-phaistos (< *Swa-bhav-isthos).

Likewise, [in the highland Maya] Imox "beetle" is the first of a sequence of 20 [?self-]transmutations. In general, in South American Indian lore, the [psychedic-drug-containing] beetle is often the Supreme Being.

That this myth is an allegory about the self would appear from

the description in the Military Techniques of the Yellow Thearch and Mystic Maiden "of the Mystic maiden as possessing a bird's body and a human head" (CT, p. 253, fn. 131):

this would indicate her to repraesent the [Kemetian] BL (B3) human-headed-bird soul.

Yes^uwa< Mas^iyah. = Pa>ao

The "cultivated ... weeds of Pa>ao" hindered storms (HM, p. 370).

Jesus Christ stilled a tempest, on the Sea of Galilee. (Matthew 8:26)

At the behest of Pa>ao, aku & opelu fish "leaped up and skipped in the waters and quieted the waves." (HM, p. 371)

Jesus Christ as (according to Tertullianus: On Baptism, ch. 1) IKHThUS "fish". (OB)

The emigration-ship of Pa>ao was named Ka-nalo-a-muia "The buzzing of flies" (HM, p. 371). {Cf. ibid., p. 374, where [Maori] MANAia = [Hawai>ian] Makua-kau-MANA.}

Jesus Christ was reputed to evoke the tutelary-god of the Pilis^tine sea-farers, Ba<al-zbub "owner of flies". (Matthew 12:24; Mark 3:22; Luke 11:15)

Pa>ao invited, for the emigration voyage, Lono-ka-eho (HM, p. 373), namesake of

[= the Norse voyager-god Hy`mir, whose

the other Lono-ka-eho who had 8 "foreheads of stone" (HM, p. 209): but

head was as hard as stone]

in his stead there emigrated Pili-ka->au>au (/>au>au/ ‘to bathe’ – HD).

John the baptist (baptise = bathe)

"Other institutions ascribed to him [Pa>ao] are the Pulo<ulo<u tapu sign, the prostrating tapu ..." (HM, p. 370)

Cross = tapu-sign. "That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow ..." (Philippians 2:10)

HM = Martha Beckwith: Hawaiian Mythology. Yale U. Pr, 1940.

OB = fn. [8517]

HD = Pukui & Elbert : Hawaiian Dictionary. U of HI Pr, Honolulu, 1971.

Hephaistos = Manannan



M. shook color-shifting cloak [cf. Aurora borealis] between his adulterous wife Fand and her paramour Cu-chulain ("hound of Culann") (MML)

H. snared in a net his adulterous wife Aphrodite and her paramour Ares (to an aspect of whom, Enu-alios, hounds were immolated)

M. "took notice of the tree that it was split and withered" on account of BALOR. Along with its wood, M. gifted away chess-pieces (CH&DH). {cf. Peit "chess-piece" as name of a rune, so that an alphabet is implied -- the alphabet was miraculously known (Infancy Gospel of Thomas, 7) to the untaught boy-Jesus. (IGTh)}

Gifting is implied in the name of Nathana-el, whom Jesus Christ had seen (by "remote viewing") "under the fig-tree" (Gospel of John 1:48)} Jesus Christ commanded it to yield no more fruit, so the fig tree withered away. (Matthew 21:19 & Mark 11:14) [BALOR =] PHALERos the son of Alkon, who was a son (Nonnus: Dionysiaca 14.17) of H. (AKKh)


crane-skin bag of Manannan, and its contents (ChD)

H[ephaistos] etc.

crane-skin bag -- its contents:

H.'s "donkey-saddle or chariot was often depicted decorated with crane-heads." (SB&A)

the shirt and knife of Manannan,

[Sark "shirt" (isle in Channel); cutty]

the belt and smith's hook of Gobhniu,

belt of To`rr; H. as blacksmith

the shears of the king of ALBan,

ALPHeios, who altar at Olumpia was beside (Pausanias: Guide to Hellas 5.14.6) that of H. (HC)

the helmet of the king of LOCHLann,

{cf. LAKuL-is`a}

the belt of the skin of a great fish and

{cf. "fish-scale" armor at Wu}

the bones of ASSAL's pigs (revived each time after being cooked and eaten) {cf. [Khoi-san] self-reviving moon-god smiting with jaw-bone of bush-pig}

[German] ESEL "ass", ridden by H. [as also by Jesus Christ on Palm Sunday into Yrus^alem]


female mascots of Fionn (ChD)

female transmutations

2 women became the 2 bitches Bran & Sceolan

Hekabe became a bitch for Poludoros

woman became doe-deer Sadb

{Lopa-mudra was doe-deer who became a woman}


other deities (ChD)


burning of 3-serpents-containing heart of child of Morrigan

burning of all-but heart of boy Zagreus the serpent's son

BiRoG & tower

[Persian] towering Mt. El-BuRZ



IGTh =

AKKh =

ChD = http://user.sezampro.yu/~babbage/Celtic.html

SB&A =

HC =