
Maxwell's aequations & the Theory of Relativity

Maxwell invented these artificial aequations out of sheer fictions (all evidence, then and now, would indicate them to be false and misleading). On "Maxwell's aequations" is based the very absurd and self-contradictory "Theory of Relativity".

Quantum mechanics is not based on Maxwell aequations, but rather on the aequations which Maxwell repudiated. For this reason, quantum mechanics cannot be reconciled with the "Theory of Relativity".

toleration & Christian civilization

It is a commonplace platitude that dearth of peace and good-will is a by-product of (1) lack of toleration, (2) misunderstanding.

As such, it might be cited that it was American intolerance of Viet-namese customs that incited them to massacre.

But what is usually omitted from such a bland platitude is that violence and ill-will can even more easily arise from a demand for entertainments in terms of spectacles of violence, and from the entertained becoming excessively overjoyed by witnessing scenes of violence.

For instance, there is familiar phaenomenon of Christians insisting on having scenes of massacre to watch on television (such as, of women and children being burned to death en masse by American napalmers in Viet-nam), and taking great joy in this.

Still more stealthy omitted from such an insipid platitude is the fact that the entertained seek to view, as their victims, harmless, innocent by-standers only.

As, the Viet-namese women being deserving of being burned to death because they were so harmless, so innocent that they always wished to treat well even those who persecuted them.

A Christian, therefore, is a fiend seeking to roast alive all (especially harmless, loving women) who preach "Love thy enemy". This is because every Christian is filled with a loathing against all the words of Christ, and for a Christian to hear the words of Christ will incite raging disgust.

The Christian is defined a someone whose response (to Christ's denial that he was God, Christ's prayer not be be crucified, and Christ's assertion that he was forsaken by God), is that Christ must have been deliberately mendacious; that any believer of Christ's words is a fool.

In like manner, Christians have ripped slabs of flesh off the living body of Christ (wafers) and have spitefully gorged themselves with human flesh.

condemned either which way

In Christianity, Christians either reject Christ's words as mendacities in order not to to be worshipping a powerless mortal,

or else they accept his words and worship him as a powerless mortal (and so get rejected by God for this reason).

Likewise in Freudism, clients either reject their own nature in order not to be accepting / approving / welcoming depravity,

or else they accept their own nature (and so have to despise themselves as depraved).

In both schemes, either alternative offered is self-defeating.

the false face, false front, assumed by Christians / Freudians

The Christian is told to be "covered with the blood" as a disguise, to "put on Christ" as a costume-disguise.

Thus every Christian is urged to conceal their true nature under deceitful disguise, to plan misdeeds under deep cover.

Likewise is the Freudian client told to hide their nature.

Thus the Freudian is urged to plot misdeeds by arful deception.

From these systematic deceptions arise all other social ills:

and not only current ills, but also threat of nuclear holocaust

alleged randomness & absence of purpose / meaningfulness to the universe

These allegations, made as a part of university-policy by university-professors, amount to the sheerest of hypocrisy (for no university-admistrators themselves actually live as though their own life were purposeless / meaningless), and for university-administrators to force professors to utter such hypocrisy is both cowardly and disgraceful.

The result of this praedatory enforced hypocrisy is that the very innocent ultra-rich (who tend to live very sheltered lives and are thus unaware of collegiate hypocrisies), taking such declarations at face-value, assume that this universe is indeed purposeless / meaningless, and therefore spent their wealth to build nuclear bombs to eliminate the world.

the cures

(1) To outlaw the advocacy of "Maxwell's aequations" / "Theory of Relativity":

imposing severe poenalties (heavy fines) on schools and universities [not on individual instructors, who are, after all, "only following orders"];

(2) To disallow the teaching of dogmata of randomness / purposelessness / meaninglessness:

(again,) imposing severe poenalties (heavy fines) on schools and universities [not on individual instructors, who are, after all, "only following orders"];

(3) To outlaw the advocacy of Freudism:

(again,) imposing mild poenalties (small fines) on schools and universities [also on individual instructors, who are encouraging profit-mongering by psychiatrists who trick clients into submitting to lobotomy, electro-convulsion, and mind-stupifying drugs, all quite harmful to those clients];

(4) To discriminate against the advocacy of Christianity:

eliminating tax-exemptions on Christian religious institutions; and abolishing any civil poenalty on employers, landlords, and lending-institutions who discriminate against Christians; and (hopefully) tax-incentives to encourage private discrimination against Christians.