Book of What Is In the Netherworld

Book of Gates


2:1 (Fig. 75) holding forked staff.

5.ur. (p. 173) 12 hold forked staffs.

2:2 (p. 243) "The Grain Gods".

6.ur. (p. 180) 12 carry bushels of grain.

2:2 (p. 240) feather of truth

12 have, each, feather of truth on head.

2:3 (p. 240) 3 gods with stars.

7.ur. (p. 187) 11 gods with stars.

god with 2 star-topped scepters. (p. 188) gods with scepters.

(p. 244) give the green plants to eat.

8.ur. (p. 192) give bread and herbs.

3:2 (p. 250) serpent "Fiery Face". (p. 194) serpent "The Fiery One".

4:1 (p. 254) human-headed legged serpent.

9.ur. (p. 197) human-headed legged cobra.

crocodile-headed god holding serpent. (p. 199) crocodile over serpent.

4:2 ibis-headed god. (p. 201) 4 ibis-headed gods.

4:3 falcon-headed god.

4 falcon-headed gods.

5:2 (p. 265) "Mind".

9 me. (p. 199) "Mind".

6:1 (p. 269) crown-, cobra- surmounted;

9.ur. (p. 197) crown-with-cobra-headed;

lion, with falcon-eyen above;

falcon-headed lion, from whose

hind part of lion & human head.

hind part emergeth a human head.

6:2 (p. 269) 5-headed serpent.

10.ur. (p. 205) 4 4-serpent-headed gods.

7:1 (p. 279) god "Flesh", under (p. 207) god "The Flesh", under

the serpent "The Enveloper".

the serpent "The Enveloper".

(p. 280) serpent "Life of Forms".

(p. 208) serpent "The Living One".

7:2 (p. 281) [human] god "The Bull of Truth". (p. 210) bull-headed "Bull of the West".

7:3 (p. 278) 12 goddesses with stars.

11.ur. (p. 215) 12 goddesses with stars.

8:2 (p.289) "The Witness".

"Clever Mouth".

9:3 (p. 298) "The One with the Neck". (p. 142) "The Neck" =

"The One with the Scepter".


"Lord of the Staff". (p. 147) Itm leaning on staff.

"Holy One of acts".

2.ur. (p. 151) 12 "The Holy Ones".

10:3 (p. 304) in the flood, "May there be

2.ur. (p. 152) at lake, "May there be

air for your souls"!

air for your nostrils"!

11:1 (p. 307) "Earthquake".

3 (p. 157) "Earthquake".

4 goddesses on double cobras.

3.ur (p. 159) 10 cobras,

(p. 308) "Fear of the two Banks".

on banks of a lake.

11:2 (p. 305) 12 gods collectively carry

4 me. (p. 168) 9 gods collectively carry

a huge serpent.

serpent "The Moving One".

12:1 (p. 313) goddess "The Beautiful


Emergence of Light".

5 (p. 171) "She who lights".

(p. 314) "Sweet of Heart".

"True Heart".

"Noble of Heart".

"Mysterious Heart".

BOLLINGEN SERIES XL.1. Alexandre Piankoff: The Tomb of Ramesses VI. Pantheon Books, NY, 1954.