Disguises of God (>lohh / >al-Lahh)

The motif of a deity as guest incognito is common in mythology.

It is in this guise that the theme of the Book of >iyob is understandable.

The plural form >loh-i^m is an otherwise inexplicably ungrammatical form for a the name of a single deity.

If, however, the plural were to allude to a plurality of disguises, it would be most naturally and easily understandable.

S`at.an is a name otherwise unknown in Near Eastern mythology.

The word s`at.i (corrupted to sari) is [in India] a woman's garb.

The phrase "put on Christ" would imply to become clothed as the "2nd man >adam", i.e. nude as was the "1st man >adam", shamelessly ("without shame").

Correspondingly, to "put on (be diguised as) S`at.an" would imply to wear a costume of garb so as thereby to disguise one's self.

That S`at.an could come from amongst the sons of >lohh would imply a generative relationship.

This is because there is no hint in the TNaK that "God is dead", so S`at.an cannot have been mere executor of a will (on behalf of heirs) of a dead God.

As for the quaestion of just what that relationship was, one view hath been that S`at.an was one of them (and as such is a brother of Jesus Christ, as aver the Bogomils and Mormons -- the name "Mormon" being simply a latter-day designation for "Bogomil").

More naturally, it could be assumed that >lohh, who is otherwisely inexplicably unmentioned in the Book of >iyob, was travelling incognito, under the name " S`at.an", to the court of YHWH. {This is parallel to the [Norse] disguise of To`r as a bride when a guest of Trym.}

The instrument of >lohh should be (because of his commandment "Shall shalt not suffer a witch to live!") the hammer Malleus Maleficarum.

The instrument of To`r is the hammer Mjo,lnir used in the Tryms-kvida.

>lohh is intending to destroy most of humanity, leaving only a "remnant" S^e>rah -- that S^>ar-Yas^ub should be the name of one of the sons of YS^a<yah, would indicate that only the descendants of YeS^uwa< (Jesus) [praesumably by Miryam of Magdala] will so survive.

S^>ar is etymologically cognate with To`r; S^e>rah with Taraka whose Tri-pura is to be destroyed. [Tri-pura "triple city" may emblemize St. Augustinus: City of God -- would this suggest prospective destruction of Trinity-believing Christianity? The neighing of wooden horses foretelleth this, according to the Puran.a, in Ila-vrta.]

The court of YHWH is apparently that at which are "harpers harping on their harps", i.e., thrumming. [There is no court of >lohh, who is unfindable (except incognito, and unrecognizable them). >lohh is decribed as the "unknown God" at Athenai in the Acts of the Apostles, and the "Great Invisible Spirit" in the Khenoboskion texts.]

"Thrum" = Trym

Satanas is invoked (cried out to, for salvation) in the call "Eloi Eloi ...?"

O! Satan my God -- Satanas Theos emos -- Satanas Deus meus

O! Satan our God -- Satanas Theos hemos -- Satanas Deus noster

Satan is God -- Satan as God -- Satan-God Satana-Theos Satana-Deus

God is Satan -- God is Satan -- God-Satan Theo-Satanas Deo-Satanas