Compraehensive Correlative Mutual Alignments of Sequential Events in Major Mythologic Systems Worldwide, part 3

C. Borgianus Mexicanus; MESO-AMERICAN DAY-SIGNS [backwards sequence]; AEBA


CHINESE STANDARD SEQUENCE (Mountains and Seas Classic) OF MYTHIC LOCALITIES [backwards sequence]


"the People with Crossed Shins" (ChBGu, p. 164 XLII @221) = "Cross[-]legged ... people" (CM&S, p. 110 6:13).

{cf. vis`va-vajra (ritual implement, figured as crossed thunderbolts) for sheet-levin}

AEBA, p. 65 gods "carry the blazing light", which they are poised to hurl as missiles {thunderbolts?} (Gates, 12.1 : p. 77).

('Thundre') Brontes, ('Flash' of levin) Arges, and ('Impact' of levin) Steropes (GM @22.d).

As a cela of Samdipani ('Blazing-up, Flaring'), the nocturnally detained by "thunder" KUCEla (PE, q.v. -- Bhagavata 10) = cumin (KUn~CI) comested (to enhance its nutrients' absorption) with

"cutting up a [lunk-] lynx" (GM @22.d).

coriandre (dhanaka). Dhanaka (\dhanaka\ 'coriandre') is father of (Pan~ca-vims`ati Brahman.a) LUS`a [cognate with Lithuanian \LUS^is\ 'lynx'].

AEBA, p. 65 "stars that herald" (Gates, 11.3 : p. 76).

"Pierce[-]chest Country. Its people have a hole in their chest." (CM&S, p. 110 6:12) {Holed stones may be employed as "so called star-shafts" (AW"HS") for astronomical observations.}

In the cavity at the centre of the heart is located the antaryamin 'inner observer' (according to the {From Sacred Heart of Topiltzin originateth the brightest planet, viz., Tlahuizcalpan-tecuhtli.}

AEBA, p. 76 a winged serpent (Gates, 11.2)

{cf. "cyclone shaking the whole world" to dislodge serpent-god Vasuki (PE, s.v. "Trikut.a"}

AEBA, p. 65 "the face ... is making its way" (Gates, 11.2 : p. 76).

Aristo-teles (DCM, s.v. "Battus 2"), whose mother is PHRONime {cf. BRAN-wen, sistre of Bran}.

{"discovering along the way that Bran's head ... was quite entertaining" (ECM&F, s.v. "Bran the Blessed", p. 56a).}

BHR.NGIn [= Cymry god bendiGEIdVRAN] the circumambulating borer (PE, s.v. "Bhr.ngi").

AEBA, p. 64 "The rope ... is held by a giant fist" (Gates, 11.1 : p. 76).

{cf. "thread that entangles his [Bran's] hands" (DCeM, s.v. "Imran Brain", p. 240b).}

AEBA, p. 64 serpent "Apophis" is grasped via its neck by prone figure (Gates, 11.1 : p. 76).

"She tried her ... bow four times" (GM @22.e).

"The people ... shoot at snakes with bows and arrows." (ChBG, p. 163 XLI @219; cf. CM&S, p. 110 6:11)

The string of the bow Pinaka is the serpent "wound round the neck of S`iva." (PE, s.v. "Pas`u-pata II." -- MBh, "Anus`asana Parvan" 14)

AEBA, p. 64 "a continuous rope {cf. bowstring} connects all the figures" (Gates, 10.3 : p. 75).

Jya ('Bowstring')-magha (PE, q.v. -- Padma Puran.a 13) is father of

"quick-growing trefoil" (GM @22.f).

"Three[-]sprout Country ... .

Vi-darbha ('Without-Sweetgrass') :

AEBA, p. 75 four women wielding nets (Gates, 10.2 : p. 75).

Alpheios "dared fall in love with Artemis and pursue her ...; but ...

Its people follow one behind the other." (CM&S, p. 110 6:10)

AEBA, p. 75 four monkeys wielding nets (Gates, 10.2 : p. 75). {Do these nets function as concealments, rendring their holder inconspicuous (as if invisible)?}

a son of Vi-darbha is Kratha (PE, "Kratha I.)" -- MBh, "Adi Parvan" 67:61), the redincarnation of Krodha-vas`a (PE, q.v. -- MBh, "Vana Parvan" 269) the "invisible" monkey.

AEBA, p. 75 double-headed monster wearing white crowns (Gates, 10.1 : p. 75).

she daubed her face with white mud" (GM @22.g).

Yucatec 9th day-sign Mul-uc [\uc\ 'louse' {lice are sometimes called "pearls of the body"}].

"a brooch of his workmanship" (GM @23.a).

"its leaves are all made of pearl." (CM&S, p. 109 6:9)

AEBA, p. 64 "The Fiery One, a giant serpent ..., spews his fiery breath" (Gates, 9.3 : p. 74).

"smithy, with twenty bellows working" (GM @23.a).

Lady White Snake employed "the Fire-Gluttons ... . Fire is emitted from their mouths." (ChBGu, p. 163 XLI @218; cf. CM&S, p. 109 6:8).

AEBA, p. 64 "dead persons drift ... in primeval waters of Nun, profiting from its regenerative capacities" (Gates, 9.2 : p. 74).

"could walk only with ... leg-supports" (GM @23.b). [much as waters buoy-up a swimming body, so leg-supports uphold a walking body]

AEBA, p. 74 birds who have human head-and-arms (Gates, 9.1 : p. 74).

"a set of golden mechanical women ...; they can ... undertake ... tasks" (GM @23.c).

"Its people have a human face, with ... a bird's beak" (CM&S, p. 109 6:7). [these may be solar-energy-activated artificial "beak-dipping birds"]

Yucatec 8th day-sign Lamat : its hieroglyph is a tetrad of circles separated by right angles {cf. Endsquare}.

AEBA, p. 64 "The mummies have turned over ... and are thus in the process of resurrection." (Gates, 8.3 : p. 73)

{Turning one's body over is, in a reclining posture, the aequivalent to pirouetting in a one-footed standing posture.}

"Whirled around his [Zeus's] head by her golden hair {cf. golden hair of Si`f}, Ate was sent hurtling" (GM @118.e).

"The birds of Endsquare have ... a single foot." (CM&S, p. 109 6:6) {These birds could be flamingos standing on one foot.} {Cf. Dosi-theos ('Free Gift of Theos') as "the Standing One" (FFF, p. 163), such that the "Free Gift of Theos is Aeternal Life" (Epistole to the Rhomanoi 6:23).}

Aja Eka-pad ('One-Foot') is (PE, s.v. "Ajaikapat II.", p. 20a) "in-charge of preserving all the gold in the world."

AEBA, p. 73 In front of the barque and its tow-ers : 16 (12 + 4) persons (Gates, 8.2 : p. 73, Fig. 37).

"The people here ... total sixteen persons." (CM&S, p. 109 6:5).

AEBA, p. 64 "spooled out hour by hour" (Gates, 8.1: p. 73, Fig. 37).

Yucatec 7th day-sign Manik [cf. Manik-candra ('Ruby Glow')] : its hieroglyph is a hand-gesture.

The Horai ('Hours') who "guard" (DCM, s.v. "Horae") function at "night" (GM @118.c) :

"God-humans ... link arms and guard over the night" (CM&S, p. 109 6:5). {Cf. fairies dancing in rings at sites of mushrooms growing in rings.}

Skt \marala\ 'mode of joining the hands' may be cognate with \morel\ (an esculent mushroom).

AEBA, p. 63 "huge ears of grain ..., ... with sickles for harvesting them" (Gates, 7.3 : p. 72, Fig. 36).


"Thust in thy sickle and reap!, for the harvest of the Earth is ripe."

AEBA, p. 63 "stakes of Geb" (Gates, 7.2 : p. 72, Fig. 36). [\GB\ is cognate with \jawb\ 'traversing, touring' (DMWA, p. 172a)]

they attended the wedding of KADMos (founder of Kadmeia, the citadel of Thebai) with Harmonia [< *\sWARMoni\]. Kadmos had "followed the cow, and it led him" (DCM, s.v. "Cadmus", p. 82b) as though it were a tour-guide.

The founder of city CAnDra-Mati [PE, q.v.] is married to URMila (PE, q.v.).

AEBA, p. 63 "feather of [ML<-t ('Truth']" (Gates, 7.1 : p. 72, Fig. 36). {cf. Bodish feather for >pho-ba rite of exit from body at moment of death}

Aztec 6th day-sign Miquiztli ('Death').

AEBA, p. 63 "baskets filled with grain" (Gates, 7.1 : p. 72, Fig. 36). [but could not these baskets have originally contain dye-herbs instead?]

Son of Koruthos ('Helmet'; DCM, s.v. "Corythus 1", p. 212a) is Dardanos [\dardainei\ = \molunei\ 'staineth, dyeth'].

AEBA, p. 63 "time is circular and inhabited by a cobra" (Gates, 6.3 : p. 71, Fig. 35).

Yucatec 5th day-sign Chic-chan ('Twist-Snake'), appearing as the rainbow.

Dardanos "killed ...

his brother" (GM @24.a) Iasion ('Healer').

{Australian-aboriginal and other rainbow-snake deities assist healing.}

AEBA, p. 62 "gods whose arms are ... hidden" [so as to emphasize their shoulders?] (Gates, 6.2 : p. 71, Fig. 35).

{In Papua, what is called a "feathered serpent" is a dead swine with feathers ritually laid on it.}

Longevity-science is rasa-ayana : in Rasa-tala incarnateth (PE, s.v., "Rasatala 5)" -- MBh, "S`anti Parvan" 206:26) Varaha ('Swine'), known in the Veda as EMUs.a, cf. the Australian EMU bird.

"the Feathered People ... have long heads (ChBGu, p. 162 XLI @216) [long heads being characteristic of Taoist longevity-gods]

Vis`va-karman's daughter Dirghika ['Somewhat Long'] (PE, q.v.) "set out on a tour carrying ... on her shoulders" "an old" man.

As for Vis`va-karman himself,

AEBA, p. 71 (Fig. 35) Mummy is tied by the neck with a double-stranded cord (as though with a cravat). (Gates, 6.1)

he caught Jabali (PE, s.v. "Vis`va-karma 2)", p. 870b) "and tied him fast with creepers."

AEBA, p. 71 (Fig. 35) A series of human heads [the sole remainders of persons whose heads had devoured the other portions of their own bodies?] along a serpent (emblematic of affinity for devouring?). (Gates, 6.1)

Erusi-khthon [< *\RUTi-dhgham\] "gorged all day at his parents' expense" (GM @24.b) {comparable with Bodish-Bon hero RUTra, who gorged on his own mother's cadavre} : he (DCM, s.v. "Erysichthon", p. 153b) "eventually ... ate himself."

and long cheeks." (cf. CM&S, p. 109 6:4). {"Cheeking" of food is a way of partaking of it without satisfying hungre -- just as Erusi-khthon was cursed to endure.}

Gan.d.a ('Cheek'), the servant-maid of 7 r.s.i-s, hath as her husband Pas`u-sakha (PE, q.v.).

AEBA, p. 62 "being driven off ... in the form of a pig." (Gates, 5B : p. 70, Fig. 34)

The daughter of Kerk-[h]uon ('Tail-of-Swine') is (DCM, s.v. "Alope") mother of Hippo-thoon, a husband of Metaneira (DCM, s.v. "Metanira").

AEBA, p. 62 "four "races" of humankind -- Egyptians, Asiatics, Nubians, and Libyans -- each represented by four individuals; existence in the hereafter is assured to all of them" (Gates, 5A.3 : p. 70).

Metaneira's other husband is Keleos ('Woodpecker'; DCM, s.v. "Celeus") Keleos (GM @24.d).

Like[-]wing[-]bird : "The birds fly in twos, wing to wing" (CM&S, p. 109 6:3). {These must be parrots, who always fly in pairs (mated couples).}

S`uka ('Parrot') is married to (PE, s.v. "S`uka I.5)") Pivari (\pivara\ 'Asparagus racemosus; daughter of Huhu'). They have 4 sons (PE, s.v. "Pivari") : Kr.s.n.a, Gaura-prabha, Bhuri, and Deva-s`ruta.

Aztec 4th day-sign Cuetzpallin ('Lizard').

AEBA, p. 62 "gods carrying the [limp] body of a serpent" (Gates, 5A.2 : p. 70). [limp because its soul is displaced by that of a lizard or a fish?]

Abant- ('Lizard'), "an elder son of" (GM @24.e) Keleos, addressed the goddess, saying : "How eagerly you drink!" (GM @24.e) [would the implication be, "drinking like a fish"?]

"[Certain] reptiles are taken to be snakes [but, impliedly, are not snakes! Are they (these particular reptiles) lizards, instead?], and snakes are called fish." (CM&S, p. 109 6:2)

Meta-neira, daughter of (GM @24.e) Amphi-ktuon ('Together-Fastening'),

"Boundchest Country" (CM&S, p. 109 6:1).

AEBA, p. 62 "surveying cord" (Gates, 5A.1 : p. 70). [for surveying site for aedifice (which must conform to fire-safety codes)]

broke the spell intended to protect against fire.

"It can be used to ward off fire." (CM&S, p. 101 5:12:9)

AEBA, p. 62 WSJR is uplifted [revered as tyrant?] within a shrine (Gates, 4.3 : p. 69).

Aztec 3rd day-sign Calli ('House').

Keleos's is "an unlucky house" (GM @24.e).

"Mount Tyrant." (CM&S, p. 101 5:12:8)

Yucatec 3rd day-sign Akbal ('Night').

"a chariot drawn by black {for the darkness of night} horses appeared, and

AEBA, p. 60 looped serpent in crevice approached by

dashed down the chasm." (GM @24.f, vol. 1, p. 90)

"They look human and wear snakes" (CM&S, p. 101 5:12:7).

"twelve goddesses" on upward incline (Gates, 4.2 : p. 69).

"Two daughters of the great god ... often sport in the deeps" (CM&S, p. 100 5:12:7).

"tightly clasped around a shrieking girl." (GM @24.f, vol. 1, p. 91)

"Its plants are mostly rape" (CM&S, p. 100 5:12:7).

AEBA, p. 60 "Lake of Uraei [Ouraioi, i.e., Cobras]" (Gates, 4.1 : p. 69).

"The deity Within Babe ... holds two snakes next to his body." (CM&S, p. 100 5:12:6)

Eu-molpos had made the event "the subject for a lament." (GM @24.f, vol. 1, p. 91)

"great amounts of ache-stones" (CM&S, p. 100 5:12:5).

AEBA, p. 60 "Lake of Life, guarded by jackals" (Gates, 4.1 : p. 69).

"on the single condition that she has not yet tasted the food of the dead." (GM @24.h)

"Mount Trey." (CM&S, p. 100 5:12:4) [a trey could be employed for serving of food]

AEBA, p. 60 "Apophis ... as a giant serpent" (Gates, 3.3 : p. 68).

"Mount Turtle." (CM&S, p. 100 5:12:3 {cf. Chinese association of divine Turtle and divine Serpent}

AEBA, p. 60 "outfitting with sparkling white linen" (Gates, 3.2 : p. 68).

"Mount Cloud." (CM&S, p. 99 5:12:2) {white cloud?}

Kore was about to be sent home (GM @24.i). [this had been scripted for her]

"Mount Script[-]chance." (CM&S, p. 99 5:12:1)

Askalaphos ("a short-eared owl") spoke up declaring itself to be an only witness (GM @24.j).

"the just-me bird." (CM&S, p. 98 5:11:44)

Yucatec 2nd day-sign Ik ('Life').

AEBA, pp. 59-60 "the mummies ... are awakened from the dead" (Gates, 3.1 : p. 68).

By way of compromise, Kore was to return, for 9 months of each year, to the world of the living (GM @24.k).

The divine response to Askalaphos was "covering it with an enormous rock" (GM @24.l).

"abundant bloodstone." (CM&S, p. 98 5:43).[tainted with blood of the owl?]

p. 67 Barque being towed

upon river (Gates, 2.2).

"a shrine by the river [Kephissos]" (GM @24.l) [, which floweth through tunnels in southern Aonia]. In southern Aonia is situated

"The River Seek ... runs a hidden course" (CM&S, p. 98 5:11:43).

Highland-Maya 1st day-sign Imox ('Beetle') = Aztec 1st day-sign Cipactli, a species of flying beetle whose head resembleth a crocodile's, but lacking the mandible.

AEBA, p. 66 Scarab-beetle within ouroboros (Gates, 1:2).

mt Parnassos, the abode of the Mousai, whose singing is imitated in the stage of dramatic theatre. To Parnassos flew Kerambos the beetle (GM @38.e).

"Mount Stage-stone." (CM&S, p. 98 5:11:42)

AEBA, p. 85 "Three serpents" at entrance (Caverns, 1.1&5 : p. 47).

'Triple War' Tri-ptolemos (GM @24.m).

"that kingdom will have a great war." (CM&S, p. 98 5:11:42)

AEBA, p. 85 Four goddesses "inside their sarcophagi." (Caverns, 1.3 : p. 47).

Goddess Athene is inventrix of"the earthenware pot" (GM @25.a).

"Mount Heelbowl" (CM&S, p. 98 5:11:41).

p. 85 standing on bowls (Caverns, 1.4).

"hid him in a sacred basket" (GM @25.c).

"Mount Soundchest." (CM&S, p. 98 5:11:39)

p. 91 approach coffers containing human flesh (Caverns, 1.4).

"to peep beneath the lid of the basket ..., they screamed in fear" (GM @25.d).

"Mount Hoardcry." (CM&S, p. 98 5:11:38)

"she let fall the enormous stone" (GM @25.e).

"quantities of brittle stone." (CM&S, p. 97 5:11:36)

p. 91 black men are beheaded (Caverns, 1.5).

"As for the crow ..., she changed its colour from white to black" (GM @25.e). [as if denigrated by soot from burning?]

"Wherever it appears, that town will catch fire." (CM&S, p. 97 5:11:35)

p. 92 two sets of gods (catfish-headed and shrew-headed) within refuges (Caverns, 2.1).

Eri-khthonios "took refuge in" Athene's aigis (GM @25.e).

p. 92 a set of distraught women within refuges (Caverns, 2.1).

Agraulos "threw herself from the" akropolis (GM @25.f).

"its plants are mostly asparagus" (CM&S, p. 97 5:11:35).

'Asparagus' is \Abhiru\ and \Bhiru\ (S-ED, q.v.), the latter a son of pars.ada Man.i-bhadra and of his wife Pun.ya-jani ('Merit-Generating'; PE, q.v. -- Brahma[n]-an.d.a 3&7). Bhiru is taken for exorcism of any of the vinayaka-s (Gr.hya Sutra).

p. 92 shrew-headed god (Caverns, 2.2). [viz., making offensive announcement]

"she [Athene] laid her hands over his [Teiresias's] eyes" (GM @25.g).

"Womanwarm" (CM&S, p. 97 5:11:34).

p. 92 gods pulling down own forelock-of-hair (Caverns, 2.2). [as gesture of protest (perhaps against illustrations, shielding their sight from those offending pictures)]

"illustrations of Olympian love affairs" (GM @25.h).

p. 92 ram-headed god leaning on his walking-stick (Caverns, 2.3).

Goat-god Paan "was Zeus's foster-brother" (GM @26.b)

"ram-peach ... can

"scourge him [Paan] with squills." (GM @26.c) {Squill is the herbal remedy against oidema/dropsy (skin-swellings).}

be used to cure skin swellings." (CM&S, p. 97 5:11:33)

p. 92 rams' heads atop (as though balanced upon) posts (Caverns, 2.3).

Paan "made the hair bristle on their heads." (GM @26.c)

"Mount Balance." (CM&S, p. 97 5:11:32)

One of the sons of Paan is (DCM, s.v. "Crotus") Krotos, "the Bowman in the Zodiac." (GM @26.d) [could this be a crossbow?]

"tree ... its branches are in a fourways crossroads formation" (CM&S, p. 97 5:11:31).

p. 92 jackal-heads (Caverns, 2.3). [alike to all other canines, these lapp-up beverages]

"The River Lapping" (CM&S, p. 97 5:11:30).

(CM&S, p. 96 5:11:29)

p. 92 obeisance to mummies of kings wearing white crown (Caverns, 2.4).

Paan may disguise himself "with ... white fleeces" (GM @26.e).

"white-eared rat; it has ... white jaws." (CM&S, p. 96 5:11:28)

p. 92 ram-headed gods stationed horizontally in low refuges (Caverns, 2.4).

"Mount Low." (CM&S, p. 96 5:11:27)

p. 92 ram-headed god stationed vertically in big refuge (Caverns, 2.4).

"Mount Big[-]cook." (CM&S, p. 96 5:11:26)

"the chaste Pitys ... metamorphoses into a fir-tree" (GM @26.e).

"Mount Collarbutt." (CM&S, p. 96 5:11:25)

"the chaste Syrinx ... became a reed" (GM @26.e).

"sturdy-bamboo." (CM&S, p. 96 5:11:24)

The "art of prophecy" is to be "wheedled from" Paan (GM @26.f).

"storax-resin trees" (CM&S, p. 96 5:11:24).

Styrax in interpreation of dreams (IOD"Styrax").

Paan "is the only god who has died in our time." (GM @26.g)

"Mount Tigerhead." (CM&S, p. 96 5:11:24) {The tigre's head hieroglyph, in Na-khi writing, hath the denotation of 'time'.}

p. 92 horned gods (Caverns, 2.5).

Dio-nusos was born "a horned child crowned with serpents" (GM @25.a). [could he be considered as collared with serpents?]

"Mount Collar. Brilliant

p. 92 prisoner-men walking on the ceiling, with plumblines upside-down : opposite from ordinary direction (Caverns, 2.5).

"opposite [Pharos], ... restore King Ammon to the kingdom" (GM @25.b).

"built a bridge across a river with ivy and vine" (GM @25.c). [these plants are living, green]

green malachite is abundant" (CM&S, p. 96 5:11:23)

Many Amazones "fled [by sea : cf. Homeric "wine-dark" (viz., indigo) sea] to Samos, ... killing so many" (GM @27.d).

"Mount Horse[-]indigo ... contains

AEBA, p. 86 "figures with the heads of catfish" (Caverns, 3.1 : p. 93).

Dio-nusos "himself ... plunged into the sea and took refuge" (GM @27.e) under the sea.

many human-fish" (CM&S, p. 96 5:11:22).

On mt Pan-gaion, "wild horses" (GM @27.e).

"Mount Happy-horse." (CM&S, p. 96 5:11:21)

"Pentheus they rent ... limb from limb." (GM @27.f)

"Hermes changed them into birds" (GM @27.g).

"Mount Bird[-]net." (CM&S, p. 95 5:11:20)

"Mount Collarblock. (CM&S, p. 95 5:11:19) [collarblock is a type of bodily restraint]

(CM&S, p. 95 5:11:18)

"pirates leaped overboard and became dolphins." (GM @27.h) [dolphins and porpoises are noted for their playfulness.]

"Mount Swim-play." (CM&S, p. 95 5:11:17)

AEBA, p. 87 "double sphinx" (Caverns, 3.2 : p. 93).

Dio-nusos "established his worship throughout the world" (GM @27.k). [Impliedly, he arrogantly worshipped himself, and called only to himself in prayer, lacking any heartfelt qualms in so doing.]

"Those who drink it will never have pains in the heart." (CM&S, p. 95 5:11:16)

Orpheus "made the trees and rocks move from their places" (GM @28.a).

"Mount Verge[-]wheel." (CM&S, p. 95 5:11:13)

"Orpheus ... settled among the Cicones" (GM @28.b) [Latin \ciconia\ 'stork']

"a bird here ... has ... a white beak ... and a white tail." (CM&S, p. 95 5:11:12)

AEBA, p. 87 "all surrounded by an ouroboros" (Caverns, 3.2 : p. 93).

"temporarily suspended the tortures of the damned" (GM @28.c).

"Mount Agony[-]vein." (CM&S, p. 94 5:11:12)

AEBA, p. 87 "the one who has become two" (Caverns, 3.2 : p. 93).

Mainad-women "tore Orpheus limb from limb." (GM @28.d)

"Mount Limb[-]happen." (CM&S, p. 94 5:11:10)

AEBA, p. 87 "female enemies" {= "their wives"} (Caverns, 3.3 : p. 93).

The Thraikian "men ... decided to tattoo their wives" (GM @28.f) [scil., their wives' skin].

{BHuRI-dyumna = BRIc-criu ('Freckled Skin'), whose TONN ('wave' : DCeM, q.v.) = TANu.}

"Mount Skin." (CM&S, p. 94 5:11:8)

While seeking his own lost son Bhuri-dyumna, Vira-dyumna (PE, q.v. -- MBh, "S`anti Parvan" 127-128) is instructed by TANu ('Balanites roxburghii, the desert-date INGOriya' [perhaps \INva-GA\, an earlier name for Kr.ttika 'vellum, skin for writing upon']).

AEBA, p. 87 "ithyphallic corpse of Osiris" {= bridegroom selected by maiden at her svayamvara} (Caverns, 3.3 : p. 93).

{Because Campaka and Mada-alasa carried the infant Eka-vira to heaven (PE, s.v. "Ekavira 3)" -- Devi-bhagavata Upa-puran.a 6) into order to induce the king of the Hehaya dynasty to adopt this infant boy as his heir-and-successor, therefore this Su-citra/Su-mitra is likely to be the Hehaya-dynasty king Su-mitra who is instructed by Vira-dyumna (PE, s.v. "Sumitra VIII" -- MBh, "S`anti Parvan").

"Mount Hare[-]bed. ...

Daughter of Su-bahu (alias dictus Su-citra father of Su-kumara : PE, s.v. "Subahu VI.2)(ii)" -- MBh, "Adi Parvan" 185:10), S`as`i-kala ('Hare-marked Part'; PE, q.v.) is, while "picnicking in" the Campaka-aran.ya, told of king Dhruva-sandhi's son Su-dars`ana, about whom she laughingly dreamed, and subsequently chose as husband at her svayamvara.}

AEBA, p. 87 "lift the body of Osiris" (Caverns, 4.1 : p. 94). {Is this lifting symbolic of extracting shoots from root-vegetable for cloning?}

{With Skt \ALU\ 'esculent root Arum campanulatum; a raft, a float', cf. \ALUluei\, Micronesian god who is the originator of navigation, and having "numerous eyes" (ME"Micronesian mythology").}

Its shrubs are mostly yam. [having esculent root : an "eye" of a yam (or potato) is a bud on it for growing a new stalk]

{Is Su-mitra an avatara of 100-eyed Zarathustrian god Mitra?}

AEBA, p. 87 "mongoose" [ichneumon] (Caverns, 4.1 : p. 94).

Its plants are mostly dandelion" (CM&S, p. 94 5:11:7). [\dandelion\ from French \dent de lion\ 'tooth of lion']

Kosala king Dhruva-sandhi (PE, q.v., p. 239a -- Devi-bhagavata Upa-puran.a 3) "was killed by a lion in a forest."

TRASADasyu [cf. Ganu-medes's father Tros, who is namesake of the Tro[h]ad < *\TROSAD\] the father of An-ARAN.YA [cf. Campaka-ARAN.YA of Campaka (PE, q.v.) husband of

AEBA, p. 87 "Osiris and his ba [BL, in guise of bird]" (Caverns, 4.2 : p. 94).

Ganu-medes [(DCM, q.v.) carried off by an eagle : cf. Ganu-medes's brother Assarakos's son Etruscan falcon Kapus (DCM, s.v. "Capys"), founder of Capua in CAMPANia : cf. \CAMPAka-araN.ya\, the place of vidya-dhara Campaka] holdeth "golden bowl in hand" (GM @29.b).

{Also associated with Capua is hero RHOMOs [: name cognate with \RAMA-candra\ the adversary of Ravan.a].}

AEBA, p. 87 "standing on their heads" (Caverns, 4.3 : p. 94).

"Afterwards, on Zeus's behalf, Hermes presented Tros with a golden vine" (GM @29.b).

"There are nine metal bells on this mountain." (CM&S, p. 94 5:11:6) {bells = Bodish musical metallic "singing bowls"}

"Gold is abundant" (CM&S, p. 94 5:11:6). [Is gold mined in Campa (antient name of An-Nam region in Viet-Nam)?]

AEBA, p. 87 "cat-formed one, from whose clutches there is no escape" (Caverns, 4.3 : p. 94). {yowling by cats aequated with singing while dancing?}

Nevertheless, Hera "deplored the insult to ... her daughter" Hebe (GM @29.c). [\HEBE\ < *\SWEBA\ is cognate with English \swop\ 'to strike hands in closing a bargain' (AHDEL, q.v.).]

[such a hand-gesture referring to \jingo-ringle\ 'girls' game in which, hand in hand, they dance singing' (SDD) -- hence the oath- expression \by jingo\.]

AEBA, p. 87 "robbed of their ba-souls" (Caverns, 4.3 : p. 94).

"the ... [Kouretes] or, some say, the [Korubantes] ... clashing their weapons" (GM @30.a).

"Its name is the choir-blend." (CM&S, p. 94 5:11:6)

Kronos "making rain" (GM @30.a).

"In the summer it has water" (CM&S, p. 93 5:11:4).

AEBA, p. 88 NW-t, "goddess of the sky, ... lifts ... the solar disk on her upraised palms." (Caverns, 5A : p. 94)

"this gristly ... figure, into which she [Athene] breathed life" (GM @30.b). [as a resurrected cadavre, the figure is a sort of vampire]

"Garlic is plentiful" (CM&S, p. 93 5:11:4). [garlic is employed in dealing with Slavic vampires]

"This hateful river bounds [Tartaros]" (GM @31.a)[, Tartaros being hidden from mortal ken]

"The River ... runs a hidden course" (CM&S, p. 93 5:11:3).

AEBA, p. 88 Earth's-interior god TL-TNN "is propped up" by corpses. (Caverns, 5B.1 : p. 94)

"the cheerless Asphodel Fields" (GM @31.b).

"the jungle-plant." (CM&S, p. 93 5:11:2)

{In the 1001 Nights, souls of persons become partly-human fish.}

"Initiated souls ... choosing to drink from the pool" (GM @31.b).

"The River ... contains many human-fish." (CM&S, p. 93 5:11:2)

{Dying Great-Plains North-AmerIndians sing, or hear sung for them, their "death-song" : in order to assure favorable treatment of their ghosts after death.}

"newly arrived ghosts are daily judged" (GM @31.b).

"Mount Dawn[-]song." (CM&S, p. 93 5:11:2)

AEBA, p. 88 "four falcon-headed mummies" (Caverns, 5B.2 : p. 94).

In Elusion, "the inhabitants may elect to be reborn on earth whenever they please." (GM @31.c) {According to the Politeia by Platon, most of the ghosts choose to become birds, so that, in winged flying, they can watch over human affairs.}

"Mount Wing[-]watch." (CM&S, p. 93 5:11:1)

AEBA, p. 88 ""arms ..." lift the cauldrons up" (Caverns, 5B.3 : p. 94).

{The Yoruba "divining-tray" is employed for ascertaining fortunes.}

"the Fortunate Islands" (GM @31.c).

"Mount Trey." (CM&S, p. 92 5:10:9)

AEBA, p. 88 "the corpse of Osiris, ... and his "decay"" (Caverns, 5D.1 : p. 94). {Liquid putridity drippeth from rotting cadavres.}

isle called Leuke [also known as \Peuke\ 'pine-tree' (pine-trees being noted for their dripping resin)] (GM @31.c).

"Mount Drip." (CM&S, p. 92 5:10:8)

AEBA, p. 89 "Anubis caring for corpses in their sarcophagi." (Caverns, 6.1 : p. 95)

"newly arrived ghosts are daily judged" (GM @31.b).

AEBA, p. 90 "between the two mysterious caverns of the West" (Caverns, 6.2 : p. 95).

"ghosts are directed along one of the three roads" (GM @31.b).

AEBA, p. 90 "four bound female enemies" (Caverns, 6.3 : p. 95).

The nymph MINthe is "metamorphosed ... into" mint herb (GM @31.d).

"The birds ... are mostly the mynah bird." (CM&S, p. 92 5:10:7)

{In the divine mirror of Dharma-raja, souls of the dead witness their own deeds of their past lifespan.}

"mortals strike their hands upon the earth ... with oaths and curses." (GM @31.e) [when, in a dream, one may press on it

Disciples of Deva-adars`a ('Divine Mirror') include :

{The emergence of a face from within one within one's own quasi-serpent jaws (DEM 2.2, p. 35b) is replicated in various Maya religious depictions; the dream's "mist" witnessed in one mouth is dream-ectoplasm.}

with one's hands, ("MEP") "the mirror ... becomes liquidy." "The surface of the mirror felt fluid-like but ... more like jelly" (DEM 2.2, p. 37b). "I feel ... the mercury-like surface of the mirror" (DEM 2.2, p. 12a).]

"There are many lodge-trees ["parasitic shrub {such as, mistletoe} ... that lodges in, another tree" (CM&S, p. 236)] ..., besides

[cf. the herb KENTaureion/Centaury : one such centaur is Kheiron 'Handy'] S`AMTa-kayani {cf. Kayan dynasty of Zarathustrian legend} and

pepper ... trees." (CM&S, p. 92 5:10:6) [each Kampot peppercorn hath a spike]

('Longpepper-Eater') Pippala-ada (PE, s.v. "Guruparampara 7)").

{"The Suda (Ε1049 “Empousa,” trans. Suda OnLine) ... : “A daimonic ghost (phantasma daimoniodes) sent by Hecate and" ... in Aristophanes’ Frogs (Ran. 308) ... Her single leg is mentioned" ("DS&E").}

Queen Perse-phone "prefers the company of Hecate" (GM @31.f). {At "her baleful shrine ["to Hekate"], she ... mingles ... a boding owl, and a hoarse screech-owl" (Theoi"Kh--HG" -- Seneca : Medea).}

"There is a bird ... which looks like an owl, and it only has one leg, and it has a pig's tail." (CM&S, p. 92 5:10:5). {"a daughter of ... either the Oceanid nymph Perse or the goddess Hecate ..., ... turned them all into swine." (W"Circe")}

the 3 ERINUes, including Tisi-phone (GM @31.g). {"Tisiphone beneath ... hell's abyss" (Th"Kh--E" -- Valerius Flaccus : Argonautica 2.192).}

"Mount Go[-]back[-]eyot." (CM&S, p. 92 5:10:5) [\eyot\ = Scots \ait\ 'oat' : Latin \avena\, as Cymry \awen\ 'poe:tic inspiration', denoted by 3 rays of luminance : "the awen, which I shall obtain from the abyss" ("CFA" -- Book of Taliesin).]

REN.Uka is wife of Jamad-agni, whose mother conceived him through boiled grain inspirationally charged with "Brahma-radiance" (PE, s.v. "Jamadagni 2)").

{"platinum balls are especially suited for electrical and electronic contacts." (AB"PB")}

Goddess Tukhe "runs about juggling with a ball" (GM @32.a).

"It has ... abundant white gold." (CM&S, p. 92 5:10:4)

"the scourge she [Nemesis (< *\NEMETIs\] hangs at her girdle." (GM @32.a) [Nemesis is worshipped at (GM @32.3) Rhamnos ('Buckthorn').]

"Mount Girth[-]gaudy. ... Its plants are mostly buckthorn." (CM&S, p. 92 5:10:3)

Amongst the 9 founding Siddha-natha-s are (ABST, p. 93) queen MayaNAMATI and

Nemesis was long pursued (GM @32.b).

"Mount Tiger[-]tail." (CM&S, p. 91 5:10:2)

Had.i Siddha, who is (SMCh) her praeceptor. Had.i Siddha is said to ride a tigre.

"Mound Head[-]sunny." (CM&S, p. 91 5:10:1)

"when the Had.i stood up his head struck against heaven above" (ORC, p. 246).

Medousa is "a winged monster with glaring eyes" (GM @33.b).

"dragon-set" (CM&S, p. 91 5:9:16).

"Goraksa ... had recourse to the stratagem of binding the nine nagas" (ORC, p. 445).

Falchion-wielding Chrus-aor "sprang from her dead body" (GM @33.b).

{Thraikian goddess KOTUttoi (sistre of KOTUs?) must praeside over CATUlitio ([Latin] 'desire to mate', of hounds and of wolves).}

{"Dadjedondji set out with his face toward the rising sun ...

Khrus-aor's wife Okeanid Kalli-rrhoe (DCM, q.v.) also bare Kotus to Manes. {Mania (L&Sh:LD) the mother of (DCM, q.v.) the Manes (\mane\ 'morning') is worshipped at the Compitalia crossroads-festival.}

came to a chasm that extended far beyond the eye's reach.  ... he ... with a running jump ... landed safely on the other side ... . ... 

"Mount Worth[-]leap." (CM&S, p. 91 5:9:16)

The skin-woman lifted her voice and sang" so as to obtain    

Athene "fastened to ... her [aigis]" (GM @33.b).

chestnuts (SM&FT, p. 130).}

"The trees ... are mostly ... chestnut" (CM&S, p. 91 5:9:15).

{[Iroquois] Chestnut-gathering brother's canoe became hooked by lines tossed by women (RIFB"ChK").} {In the Voyage of Bran, Bran's ship became caught via clew-of-string tossed by woman.}

"Mount Cloth[-]bean." (CM&S, p. 90 5:9:15)

{"If thine eye be single, thou shalt be full of light."}

The Graiai have "only one eye ... between [among] the three of them." (GM @33.c)

Mayanamati's father is (ORC, p. 438) Tilaka-candra ('Sesame-marked Glow-producer') -- where the mark is repraesentative of a single eye.

serpent-woman Ekhidne (GM @33.e).

"Mount Blue[-]roan[-]horse. {cf. the Chinese mythic scaly blue-dragon-horse.} ... The trees ... are mostly ... banana." (CM&S, p. 90 5:9:14)

"Mina-nath, as he desired, was destined for the land of Kadali ['Plantain-fruit']" (ORC, p. 437).

{Naks.atra As`les.a ('Embraceress') may repraesent the 600 women (ORC, p. 437) in Kadali.}

'Embracer' {a sobriquet idoneous for Mina-natha during his "passing his days ... in erotic dalliances" (ORC, p. 437)} Ladon (GM @33.f).

"Mount Blackbear." (CM&S, p. 90 5:9:13)

Matsya-indra was "imprisoned in the form of a black bee" (ORC, p. 445). [bees' honey is a favorite food of bears]

"swift-winged daughters of

"poison[-]feather birds." (CM&S, p. 90 5:9:12)

Matsya-indra [otherwise known as \Matsya-ghna\ (ORC, p. 444)]'s "discovering the text containing

[Thaumat-] ['Magic']" (GM @33.g).

the sacred knowledge [viz., magic]" (ORC, p. 444).

"the Sphinx and the Nemean Lion." (GM @34.a)

"leopards, and tigers." (CM&S, p. 90 5:9:11)

"with long locks [of hair]" (GM @35.a). [silk-like hair?]

"Mount Hook[-]silk[-]reel." (CM&S, p. 90 5:9:10)

"a certain herb of

"Mount Forked. ...

invulnerability" (GM @35.b). [to abate harm]

The River Abate" (CM&S, p. 90 5:9:9).

"in a secret place on earth." (GM @35.b)

"Mount Corner[-]sunny." (CM&S, p. 89 5:9:8)

"in jealous wrath" (GM @35.d). [green with envy?]

"brilliant green malachite." (CM&S, p. 89 5:9:8)

"a ladle" (GM @35.e).

"Mount Cauldron." (CM&S, p. 89 5:9:7)

Gration ['Scratching'] (GM @35.g).

"the jackal-wolf." (CM&S, p. 89 5:9:6)

"his old pack-ass." (GM @35.h)

"can be used to make horses go." (CM&S, p. 89 5:9:5)

"his arms ... reached a hundred leagues in either direction" (GM @36.a).

"Mount High[-]bridge." (CM&S, p. 89 5:9:5)

"the [Korukian] Cave." (GM @36.b) [this is the lair of Tuphon]

"Mount Lair." (CM&S, p. 89 5:9:4)

"had hidden the sinews in a bear-skin" (GM @36.b).

"There are sloughed-off snakeskins" (CM&S, p. 88 5:9:3).

"skilfully abstracted" (GM @36.c).

"a mountain called Mount Col." (CM&S, p. 88 5:9:3) [objects may be hidden in, and retrieved from, a mountain-col (crevice)]

Mt Haimos [< *\SAIMo-\] (GM @36.e). [cognate with Skt \SEMantika\ 'white rose']

"quantities of white jade." (CM&S, p. 88 5:9:2)

"rebounded on the monster ... [Tuphon]'s blood" (GM @36.e).

"On its summit are quantities of alum stones." (CM&S, p. 88 5:9:1) [alum, as a styptic, is able to staunch flow of blood from a minor wound]

"Iphimedeia ... had fallen in love with [Poseidon]" (GM @37.a) [Poseidon became a stallion]; though

"Mount High[-]horse" (CM&S, p. 88 5:8:26).

she married Aloeus, son of Poseidon-and-KANAKe [\kanakis\ 'sword'];

"use a single multicoloured oblong jade" (CM&S, p. 88 5:8:25).

{Skt \KANAKa\ 'Bauhinea Variegata (variegated = multi-colored);

Tears of gold are wept by Freyja the wife of O`d (< *\WOTo-\). *\WOTo-\ > Pauran.ik god Vata ('Wind) = wind-god Ehecatl back-to-back with

a son of hers is Otos (< *\WOTo-\), "back to back" with his brother, while atop pillar


"perches" (GM @37.d) the nymph Stug-, having a bird's body with a human face :

"the deities of these mountains have bird's body and a human face." (CM&S, p. 88 5:8:25)

white god Mictlan-tecuhtli (CBM, p. 73).

this nymph may personify the egrets which perch on the rhinoceros's back, whitening it ("WhNWhR", p. 91).

Iphi-medeia [\iphi\ = \kale\ 'hump on buffalo's back', +

"many white rhinoceros." (CM&S, p. 87 5:8:23) [this rhinoceros-species is "square" (oblong)-lipped]

\medea\ = \mezea\ = \medea\ 'genitals'] (DCM, q.v.) was

rhinoceros-horn, is in some quarters, regarded as aphrodisiac

abducted to the island of Strongule ['round-bodied', an epithet sometimes (as, in Epicr. 11.25) applied to a gourd]

"Mount Lute[-]drum." (CM&S, p. 87 5:8:23) [African, and other (East-Asian, etc.), traditional-style lutes are usually made from a gourd]

by the pirate Hegetoros ['Leader'] :

"Mount Leader[-]thrive." (CM&S, p. 87 5:8:22)

but she was kindly rescued thence by

"Mount Kindly[-]lift." (CM&S, p. 87 5:8:21)

her own sons the Aloadai [\aloe\ ' threshing-floor'] (DCM, s.v. "Aloadae", p. 34b). [threshing of grain is followed by grinding of it by means of grindstones]

"quantities of fine grindstone" (CM&S, p. 87 5:8:20).

The other pirate based at Strongule is (DCM, s.v. "Pancratis" -- Parthenios 19) Kassamenos [cf. \kassiteros\ 'tin'].

"plentiful white tin." (CM&S, p. 87 5:8:20)