
Sub-Table of Contents: reversals of deity-sequences  

opposite direction in reading : Classic of Mountains and Seas = Hellenic mythography, 1.1

opposite direction in reading : Classic of Mountains and Seas = Hellenic mythography, 1.2

opposite direction in reading : Classic of Mountains and Seas = Hellenic mythography, 1.3

opposite direction in reading : Classic of Mountains and Seas = Hellenic mythography, 2

opposite direction in reading : Classic of Mountains and Seas = Hellenic mythography, 3

opposite direction in reading : Classic of Mountains and Seas = Hellenic mythography, 4

opposite direction in reading : Classic of Mountains and Seas = Hellenic mythography, 5

opposite direction in reading : Classic of Mountains and Seas = Hellenic mythography, 6.1

opposite direction in reading : Classic of Mountains and Seas = Hellenic mythography, 6.2

opposite direction in reading : Classic of Mountains and Seas = Hellenic mythography, 7.1

opposite direction in reading : Classic of Mountains and Seas = Hellenic mythography, 7.2

opposite direction in reading : Classic of Mountains and Seas = Hellenic mythography, 7.3

opposite direction in reading : Classic of Mountains and Seas = Hellenic mythography, 7.4

opposite direction in reading : Classic of Mountains and Seas = Hellenic mythography, 8

opposite direction in reading : Classic of Mountains and Seas = Hellenic mythography, 9

opposite direction in reading : Classic of Mountains and Seas = Hellenic mythography, 10

opposite direction in reading : Classic of Mountains and Seas = Hellenic mythography, 11

opposite direction in reading : Classic of Mountains and Seas = Hellenic mythography, 12

opposite direction in reading : Classic of Mountains and Seas = Hellenic mythography, 13

opposite direction in reading : Classic of Mountains and Seas = Hellenic mythography, 14

opposite direction in reading : Classic of Mountains and Seas = Hellenic mythography, 15

opposite direction in reading : Classic of Mountains and Seas = Hellenic mythography, 16

opposite direction in reading : Classic of Mountains and Seas = Hellenic mythography, 17

opposite direction in reading : Classic of Mountains and Seas = Hellenic mythography, 18

opposite direction in reading : Classic of Mountains and Seas = Hellenic mythography, 19

opposite direction in reading : Classic of Mountains and Seas = Hellenic mythography, 20

opposite direction in reading : Classic of Mountains and Seas = Hellenic mythography, 21

opposite direction in reading : Classic of Mountains and Seas = Hellenic mythography, 22

opposite direction in reading : Classic of Mountains and Seas = Hellenic mythography

opposite direction in reading : Classic of Mountains and Seas = Hellenic mythography, bibliography 1

opposite direction in reading : Classic of Mountains and Seas = Hellenic mythography, bibliography 2

opposite direction in reading : Classic of Mountains and Seas = Hellenic mythography, vocabulary

opposite direction in reading : Classic of Mountains and Seas = Hellenic mythography, remarks

opposite direction in reading : Classic of Mountains and Seas = Hellenic mythography, log



reversal : Ra<me^s^ide dream-book [= To^raah]

reversal in sequence of Daoist world-ages: Codex Vindobonensis

alteration of directions: Z`i-byed [= Astika]

alteration in direction of reading: 27 yoga-pati-s [= Zarathustrian]

reversals in Akkadian omen-texts (D.T. 10 & K.3886+)

reversal in direction of reading: Book of Night [= Netherworld]

reversal in direction of reading: Maha-Vairocana [= Codex Borgia]

reversal of direction of reading: Hellenistic lunar animals

reversals: the dekanoi [= Balinese 35]

reversal: animal-sequence in the Abode of Spring

reversals: Tamil & Hellenistic [= Malay, Kambhojan, Chinese, Aztec]

reversal: Hellenistic [= naks.atra-vehicles]

reversal: Dwergar [= Yoga-acara-s]

reversal: Daoist exorcism [= Anglo-Saxon Run-s]

reversal : Mo-suo almanac of 32 = MesoAmerican 20 day-signs

reversal: Kemetian amulets = MesoAmerican 20 day-signs

reversals: Ifugaw = MesoAmerican 20 day-signs

reversal: Dogon Yurugu-series = MesoAmerican 20 day-signs

reversal : southeast Asian naks.atra-s = MesoAmerican

reversals: Tirthankara-s, Mong_ul 28, Japanese 36 [= 32 asana-s]

reversal in direction of reading: Mongol & week-days [= Astika etc.]

reversal in direction of reading: Skanda P. & in Bon-Bardo[= Kaula]

reversal in direction of reading: Daoist [= S^pt.ym]

reversal: Maudalya-ayana [= Daoist, Heraklees]

reversal: Daoist 12 apostles [= Christian 12 apostles]

instance of reversal in direction of reading: Samguk Yusa [= TNaK]

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