robots controlled by shamans

In the case of the Bronze Race, the sMELting of the alloy bronze is punned in the name MELIai (‘Ashe-nymphs’).

Amongst the Goldi, "the blood of pigs is drunk by shamans alone, lay people are forbidden to touch it". (DEPR, p. 129)

Sacred to Teuthras was a mechanical metallic pig (GM 141.h).

The Goldi shaman hath as his divine wife a woman who becometh a female "wolf" (DEPR, loc. cit.) "If you are unarmed and attacked by a werewolf, your only chance for survival is to climb an ash tree or run into a field of rye." (WM) [rye for the psychedelic, ergot]

The metallic robot Talos on Krete was said to be energized by blood (GM 92.m). Talos was born from an ashe-nymph (GM, loc. cit.).

DEPR = Leo Sternberg : "Divine election in primitive religion". In:- A. A. Znamenski (ed.) : Shamanism. 2004. Vol. 1, pp. 124-148. reprinted from :- PROC. OF THE 21ST INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF AMERICANISTS, Part II. Go:teborg, 1925.

GM = Robert Graves : The Greek Myths. 1955.

WM =

melia : melit- [similar to maple, for syrup]

"Many species of Fraxinus, the ash tree, exude a sugary substance which the ancient Greeks called méli, i.e. honey. This substance was harvested commercially until the early part of this century, and is found on Fraxinus excelsior in northern Europe and Fraxinus ornus in the mountains of Greece." (ATI-EC)

ATI-EC = Darl J. Dumont : "The Ash Tree In Indo-European Culture". In :- Mankind Quarterly Volume XXXII, Number 4, Summer 1992, pp. 323-336.

connection of hound (star Seirios) = coyote, with honey :-

Aristoteles saith:

"The honey is what falls from the air, especially at the risings of the stars and when the rainbow descends." (HA 5:22)

Plinius the Elder speculateth as to the source of this dew:

"Honey comes out of the air, and is chiefly formed at the risings of the stars, and especially when the dogstar itself shines forth". (NH 9:30)

HA = Historia Animalium, trans. A. L. Peck (Harvard University Press [Loeb], 1970), vol. 2, p. 191.

NH = Natural History, trans. H. Rackham (Harvard University Press [Loeb], 1940), vol. 2, p. 450.

/MELIt- /for /MELIn-/

[Zun~i] Coyote {cf. myth where his penis detached itself like that of a squid -- he observed women bathing on PA&M, p. 163 (Keres)} was friend of Badger’s. (PA&M, pp. 161-162)

having advocated incest (GM 141.f), Teuthras (= teuthis ‘cuttlefish’) was cured of madness (CDCM) by Polu-eidos.

[Hopi] a young man was sent by Badger Old Man on a visit into the world of the dead. (PA&M, pp. 26-27)

the boy Glaukos, drowned in honey (GM 90.d), was revived by Polu-eidos (GM 90.f).

the word for ‘badger’ in Hellenic is (according to Liddell & Scott’s lexicon) /MELIne/

the word for honey in Hellenic is /MELIt-/

CDCM = Pierre Grimal : A Concise Dictionary of Classical Mythology. 1990.

PA&M = Hamilton A. Tyler : Pueblo Animals and Myths. U. of OK Pr, Norman, 1975.

["cuttlefish", with its ink for sudden concealment, would be a metaphor for the "cloaking-device" of UFOs.]

The name of /Glaukos/ ‘green’ would be more appropriate to a South American sloth, which is often green from the moss growing on it. [which would, in turn, be a metaphor for "little green men" from UFOs]

/MELIa/ for /MELIn-/

[Hopi] Badger revived a Kohonino maiden. (PA&M, p. 27).


[Keres] Badger revived Yellow Woman (sister of Arrow-Youth) after witches had extracted her heart and hidden it in a water-jar. (PA&M, pp. 28-29)

Heraklees, by wielding "a new wild-olive club" (GM 69.e), rescued Alkestis (sister of Akastos), who had voluntarily (GM 69.d) descended into Tartaros.

Arrow-youth was "the friend of Great Star". {‘Great Star’ is, in Yucatec, C^ac Ek, aequivalent to the spear-wielding gods in CB, pp. 53-54}

Akastos was an acquaintance of Peleus, who received (GM 81.m) a spear of ashe-wood (/MELIa/ in Hellenic).

[The surface of the ‘Great Star’, viz. planet Venus, in effectively cloaked from view by dense clouds.]

Peleus was dyed with cuttlefish-ink (GM 81.k) :

pueblo heroine shot in her foot

he also received 2 horses which were sons of the Harpuia Pod-arge (’foot-sparkling’).

CB = Codex Borgianus Mexicanus.

The yellowness of Yellow Woman may be comparable to the yellowishness of olive oil (used in the anointing of a mas^iyah., etc.)

To the site of the as-yet-to-grow ashe-tree at Nortorf, Holstein,

Talos was born from an ashe-tree nymph.

cometh a white horse-rider. (TH, cap. 32)

Son of this Talos was (CDCM, s.v. "Talos") Leukos (‘White’).

TH = Grimm : Teutonic Mythology.

[difficulties in aequating <ibri^ with Hellenic mythologies can be resolved by identifying two Hellenic mythic characters, in this case] Krios with Talos

Khristos Iesous as a metallic robot

Krios ‘ram’ (both ‘male sheep’ & [metallic] ‘battle-ram’ for sieges)

Iesous the lamb (Apokalupsis 5:6)

A battle-ram is used to knock down city gates. [S^ims^o^n, long-haired like Iesous, carried off a set of city-gates. (S^PT.YM 16:3)]

"I stand at the door, and knock." (Apokalupsis 3:20)

Krios was father (CDCM, Table 8) of Astraios ‘starry’, who was father (GM 40.2) of the Morning Star.

"I will give him the morning star." (Apokalupsis 2:28)

Talos was father (CDCM, s.v. "Hephaestus") of Hephaistos, who fell (like a shooting star?) from heaven to earth.

Iesous came down from heaven to earth, and was announced by the star of Beth-leem (Matthaios 3:9).

The blood of Talos was retained "by a nail." (CDCM, s.v. "Talos")

Nails were fixed into the hands of Iesous (Ioannes 20:25).

The son of Talos was Leukos (‘white’).

"made white in the blood of the Lamb" (Apokalupsis 7:14)

The name /talos-/ is supposed to mean ‘sufferer’ (GM, vol. 2, p. 409).

Khristos "suffered" (Loukas 24:26) ?

Talos wisely invented the saw (CDCM, s.v. "Daedalus"), in imitation of a serpent’s jaw.

"Be ye wise as serpents" (Matthaios 10:16).

‘Saw’ (Latin /serra/) is /prisma/ in Hellenic. [Is this a punning etymology referring to the spectrum used in communications by UFOs?]

"there was a rainbow round about the throne [of Khristos]" (Apokalupsis 4:3).