Yuga-s in the Theogonia of Hesiodos

metallic world-ages

metallic world-ages are denoted by, one apiece, "wheel of fortune" (viz., of +Nemesis), metallic, each whereof " flew from heaven and ... rolled before" a Cakra-vartin (JS^ 46).

Cf. the wheel which rolled through the sky with Ixion aboard it; the wheel which made a broad path (like the path made by John the Baptist, John 1:23) in the Odes of S^lomoh 23:13 http://www.sacred-texts.com/bib/fbe/fbe217.htm (head at feet in 23:14 idenfifying it as of [Kemetian] god BS); and the chariot which travelled (by self-locomotion ?) behind Y`ng[wi] (Ing) {= [Abyssinian] Onqa} in the Old English Rune Poem.

These successive metallic wheels are constituted of:-

The successive Yuga-s in the Dharma-t.hakura system (ORC) were of:-

(1st) gold

(1st) gold

(2nd) silver

(2nd) silver

(3rd) copper

(3rd) copper

(4th) iron

(4th) iron


(5th) diamond

given, identification (in the Dharma-t.hakura system) of metallic world-ages with Yuga-s (5 Yuga-s in this system though elsewhere Yuga-s are counted as 10 + 2; as though sets of 2 Yuga-s [each] in the system of 10 were the same as 1 [each] in the in Dharma-t.hakura system) --

the quaestion posed by the Theogonia of Hesiodos as to which divine events are to be allocated to which of the world-ages is solvable thus:


characteristics according to the Theogonia

Hellenic deities dominant [by our solution]

extra- (non-)Hellenic deities


"sleep"; "flocks" [of sheep] (counted in order to put one's self to sleep)

"ram" [in Samskr.ta] is Uran.a = Ouranos -- the counting here is of the # (said in Veda to amount to 99) of arms of Uran.a

"Dream-time" of Australian aboriginal mythology = the era described in the parables of Jesus Christ (since he spake of 99 unlost sheep)


"huge baby"


huge baby is supreme deity (Sila) of Inuit mythology


"ash tree": spears are of ash-wood

Zeus = [Norse] Ty`r, whose rune is spear-shaped

Norse 1st man Ask "Ash-tree"; 1st woman Embla (= people made from wood, in Popol Vuh)


heroic era

+Heroi in Anatolia



taon Makariaon nesoi "isles of the Blessed"

incest of Makarios with his own sister at wind-realm Aiolia

Makara [boat of Varun.a] = Sumerian makurru boat of En-lil & of +Nin-lil (wind-deities: similarity in names implying incest)


"babes shall be born with greying hair"

answer to riddle of the Sphing-: baby as decrepit elder

Lao-dan "Old Boy" (mythical founder of Daoism) was born old, gray-haired.

further on extra-Hellenic Yuga-s:





sectarian Daoism



castration of Ouranos; threatened castration of Iphiklos by his father

Urantia Book

threatened immolation of Yis.h.aq "laughter" by his father


Daitya-s & Danava-s (they include Uran.a)

end of 1st

became givers of wealth


Yo^sep gave silver to Benyamin


Guhyaka-s of Kubera = [Hell.] Kabeiroi


big baby

"Be ye as little children"; scripture as milk for babes (1st Petros 2:2)

hills skipped as lambs (at crossing of Reed Sea, according to THLYM 114:4)

jokes instigated by child-god as possessing-spirit (Red Head sect)

Sheep as vehicle for Agni, who is kept fed with milk-products. {cf. Scottish milking of ewes, sale of ewe-milk}


Bronze age of TALoS (& +Medeia)


SuTALa of Bali {= [Breton] Balin}


war for sheep of Oidipod-, the fratricidal war

"Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin" (John 1:29) (sin = world-peace?): "I am come not to send peace, but" (Matthew 10:34) to "beat your ploughshares into swords" (YW>L 4:10)

Benyamin the 2nd (the 1 in the Book of Mormon?) of the wolf{: cf. "a wind-age, a wolf-age,

seeking of lost sheep by the worthy disciple of Lao-dan

Hala-yudha ("ploughshare-weaponed") = Samkars.an.a, Bala-Rama, who opposed his own brother Dama-udara in Puran.a


iron age (of axe-blades?)


an axe-age" in Edda}


Kali Yuga

a connection between Teutonic & North American Indian mythologies:--

12 legislators, adrift, pray: Forseti the axe-wielder miraculously appeareth amongst them as the 13th http://www.holyspring.org/Stiller.htm

[Mandan] 12 persons only allowed aboard boat: "Lone Man" (god) entered embarked also, as 13th (PM, p. 250)

[Maori] Natoro-i-rani rescued the boat which he was tricked into voyaging upon, from the whirlpool Te Parata.

"Lone Man" rescued that boat thereupon from a whirlpool (PM, p. 251).

Forseti (according to Gri`mnis-ma`l 15) stilleth strife.

"Lone Man" miraculously smoked a peace-pipe. (loc. cit.)

Forseti miraculously created a spring-of-water.

"Lone Man" was visited 4 years later by Ma-na-ge who took the form of a flood (PM, p. 252).

there was a "Forsetelundr" (Forseti's Grove) in eastern Norway http://marklander.ravenbanner.com/forseti%20BC.html

"Lone Man" said, "This cedar is my body". (loc. cit.)

further connection with "Lone Man":--

Sleep & Dreams



Hupnos of LeMNos was son of Erebos.

LaMaN the 3rd was son of Laman the 2nd (Mosiah 24:3).

Hupnos subjugated Endumion.

Laman the 3rd subjugated Amulon (Mosiah 24:9).

[Hell.] hupnos is "sleep"; [<ib.] H.Lo^M, [>ar.] H.eLeM, is "dream".

Amulon discovered the land of HeLaM (Mosiah 23:35).


<ibri^ & Hellenic

Mormon & <ibri^

The name of Yo^-natan son of Yas^en "asleep" (2nd S^mu^>el 23:32) translated [into Hellenic] as Dosi-theos "gift of god": so that the "free gift of god" (Romans 6:23) as "aeternal life" is apparently [as a figure of speech?] to remain asleep everlastingly.

The name of the city of Josh (mentioned next after the city of Laman in 3rd Nephi 9:10) is (in DBRY H-YMYM > 4:34) Yo^s^ah (yes^ "existence", cf. the title "existence" applied to Dosi-theos); after it is the city of GaD (= Guddah in Tihama, coast of H.igaz).

Her clothing was cut from Damayanti while she slept, by Nala.

[<ib.] beGeD is "clothing; pillage"

Neleus (= Nala) made war upon the Epeians because they were descendants of Endumion the sleeper.

Nala was (according to that Jaina scripture, the Kubera Puran.a) an avatara of Kubera, i.e. one of the Kabeiroi. The Kabeiroi are sons of Kabeiroi (daughter of Proteus the shape-shifter by Ankhi-noe "nigh-minded" [on the causal and mental planes-of-existence?])

[Latin-derived] "MEDitate" is [in Hellenic] MEDon: as one of the Kabeiroi was Euru-MEDON, there was a son of Lawo-MEDON, viz. Tithonos, imprisoned by a goddess. [A situation like that of Endumion, GM 40.c] Tithonos became a cicada.

"Cicada" is [in <arabi^] ziz: cf. Ziza> son of S^ip<i^ (2nd S^mu^>el 23:37), in the passage naming the 37 [including the son of Yas^en].

[in Qur>an:] the finger that moveth, the pen that writeth onward, and the written-upon (inscribed) tablet:--

As son of Aethlios "athlete", Endumion celebrated the Olympic Games (GM 138.m).

The Olympic Games were also celebrated by Heraklees the Daktulos "Finger" (GM 138.l). Cf. Attis/Atus, who, after having "died" [dreamless sleep?], made "his little finger move" http://www.oracleweb.me.uk/greekmythology/deities/deities.html

According to the mythology of Maiana island in the Gilberts (Kiribati), the never-sleeping Na Arean the elder created the navel out of a hollow tooth from his own jaw (PM, p. 336).

Atus was descendant (GM 136.g) of Heraklees & his female owner Omphale "navel".

In Maiana, "it was found that the light of the upper regions streamed forth through the hollow tooth of Na Arean the elder: thus, the sun" (PM, pp. 336-337).

The Benuaq-Tunjun of the Mahakam river in Borneo use "a whistle made from the tooth of a honey bear (beruang) to call the spirits" (RLDEK, p. 69). This solompajan is blown, dancing with lighted candle upon head of wadian (ibid., p. 79).


According to the Inuit, the first polar-bear was made from a feather (PM, p. 226): this quill may be the pen that writeth onward.

Variant to this myth: according to the C^ukc^i, the first bear was frightened when a bird "fluttered" (PM, p. 231).

Modern pens are hollow along their length, in order to hold ink.

Compare the hollow bulrush which was inserted through the length of the Mandan god "Lone Man" by himself (he "inserted it by way of his throat through his system." PM, p. 251)


The written-upon tablet is the emerald one, of Hermes Tris-megistos.

Of emerald is the linga-m worshipped by the god Yama.

En-dumion would be, with diachronic sound-shifts, AN-TUM- [in Germanic & Armenian]. This AN-TUM is mentioned as a land in Morm. 1:3.

The etymological derivation of the name YAMa is from [Latin] JAM "already", an adverbial particle similar to the [Latin] DUM "while" which is the source of the name En-DUMion.


The twenty forms of "already-ness" (zin-pa) are listed at http://www.dharmafellowship.org/library/texts/the-cuckoo-of-awareness.htm

a continuation beyond the axe-age may be possibly extrapolated thus, perhaps:--

the god (Fors-eti) holding the axe used it as rudder to guide the boat of the Frisian legislators

Mt. Grizi^m, the mountain of blessings (beatitudes), is named for [<ib.] garzen "axe"

"Fris-" is cognate with [Hell.] pris-tes "sawyer"

the city (apparently, of the <awwi^m) Grar is named for [<ib.] garar "to saw"

a metathized form of "rasp-" may be found in "raps-callion"

the [<ib.] word mas`s`or, sometime translated "saw", is properly "rasp" -- cf. mis`rah "government" [this word being in YS^<YH 9:5, "the government shall be on his shoulder" (cf. B-R>S^YT 49:14-15), viz. of the ass sought by S^a>ul]

"rasp-" may derive from "wras`p-", to wrass (brightly-colored fish, the [Haw.] hinalea eaten raw with nioi chili-pepper),

just as "[w]lisp" is from "[w]litp" (referring to <arabi^ alternative pronunciations of "s^")

hence [Nipponese] sus^i, and the miraculous multiplication of fishes & of loaves

with NiOi "chili-pepper", cf. na<nah "mint (spice)", and perhaps +Na<mah; or else, Na<mati^ (in Book of >YWB)

though in each case to be located in a 1st Yuga, the events of Ouranos & of Iphiklos were evidently in different Kala-cakra-s

perhaps, Iphiklos & Yis.haq may have been on different dvipa-s, as the circumstances (genealogies, etc.) seem too different to be description of the same event -- given, then, the originations of the several dvipa-s in successive Manu-antara-s (according to the Sat-namin system), they may have been in different Manu-antara-s

Hesiod (translated by Dorothy Wenger): Theogony. Baltimore: Penguin, 1973. pp. 662-665.

Dov ben-Abba: Hebrew/English English/Hebrew Dictionary.

Pierre Grimal: A Concise Dictionary of Classical Mythology. Basil Blackwell, 1990.

JS^ = A Chronicle of Gods and Sovereigns: Jinno Shotoki of Kitabate Chikafusa, translated by H. Paul Varley. N.Y.: Columbia U.Pr, 1980.

ORC = Dasgupta: Obscure Religious Cults.

GM = Robert Graves: The Greek Myths. 1955.

RLDEK = BORNEO RESEARCH BULLETIN, Vol. 14 (1982), pp. 56-84 Andreas W. Massing: "Where Medicine Fails".

PM = Barbara C. Sproul: Primal Myths. San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1979. Quoting:--

MEMOIRS OF THE AMERICAN FOLKLORE SOCIETY, 1938. Martha Warren Beckwith: Mandan-Hidatsa Myths and Ceremonies. NY: J. J. Augustin, 1937. Also:-- E. W. Nelson: The Eskimo about Bering Strait. And:-- J.A.FL. 41 (1928):297-300 = "Chuckchee Tales". And:-- FOLKLORE 33 (1922):106-107 = "Myths from the Gilbert Islands".