<Arabi^ mythology

major goddesses & their male relations:-

>al-LAT, 1 of 3 sistren -- derived from latta "to pound, bray, crush" (A-ED, p. 1006) [this is done to egg-shells in vodun]

LEDa, 1 of 3 sistren -- she was wife of Tundareos, cognate with "to tund", scil. (praesumably) the egg-shell of Nemesis (since its fragments are displayed in the temple of the Leuk-ippidai,

BE^D.a "egg"

1 of the Leuk-ippidai being PHOIBe

MaNAh "fate" (EAI, p. 144), another of the 3 sistren -- she was imported (EAI, p. 151) from Ma->ab, a country cognate with <ibri^ >ob "oracle from ghosts"

huper-MNEstra, another of the 3 sistren -- mother of Amphi-araos, who explained the name Arkhe-moros ("beginning of doom")

>al-<uzza "mighty" (EAI, p. 131), still another of the 3 sistren -- she was worshipped at al-Hira together with SABAD (EAI, p. 134), = SUBUD of Indonesia

[W]Althaia, cognate with "wield" (scil., power), still another of the 3 sistren, and mother of the woman raped by the horned god Akheloios -- cf. the horned god SABAZios

the altar of >al-<uzza was GaBGaB (EAI, p. 139): GB "to attack (of fever)" (A-ED, p. 778)

Althaia burned up her own son praeternaturally (cf. a fever)

>al-Lahh, father of the 3 daughters. He is the enemy [originally, hunter ?] of swine

putative father of the 3 daughters was Thestios, who drowned himself in the river afterwards known as Akheloios; in grief for his son Kaludon, in whose name was the swine hunted; but:

Muh.ammad [who is actually worshipped, to the exlusion of >al-Lahh, by the Gulat] rode into heaven, into the praesence of >al-Lahh, on a flying white horse

actual father [of the 3 daughters] was Glaukos, who after being eaten alive was renamed TARaKS-ippos = TARKS.ya, in the Veda a winged horse

This white horse was Buraq; and meaning of the name >al-Lahh is "insane"

Leuk-ippos "white horse" was king of MESSEenia, cognate with Samskr.ta MATTA "insane"

LATT (of Ta>if, sitter on square rock to praepare square meals, EAI, p. 103)

[another Leuk-ippos was paramour of Daphne, whose father is] LADon = Kemetian 3TN (god worshipped at Tel Amarna)

Concerning Zamzam = <ibri^ Zamzummi^m:-

>isaf (a man) & Na>ilah (a woman) had sexual intercourse in a temple, and thereupon were transformed into stone (EAI, p. 153).

Kadmos (a man) & Harmonia (a woman) had sexual intercourse in a temple, and thereupon were transformed into stone.

These copulating stone figures (EAI, p. 157), displayed in their nudity (EAI, p. 158), were located at a water-well, Zamzam (EAI, p. 153).

Kadmos had slain the dragon-guardian of the water-spring of Ares.

>iSAF= >aSAP, the music-composer for Dawi^d

Kadmos retrieved lyre-strings (according to Dionusiaka of Nonnos).

ZAMZAM is cognate with ZAMan "time, duration"

Kadmos & Harmonia dwelt among the En-KHELEoi -- cf. HALA-Yudha (= Sam-kars.ana) whose wife experienced 28 maha-yuga-s of time-duration of her lifespan contracted while attending a musical concert

Other goddesses include:-

RUD.a / Rd.w / Rd.y, depicted as "a female dancer, naked and holding her tresses in her hands" (EAI, p. 163)

RUPin.i (the wife of Kama) is similarly depicted.

Kutra "the most rich" (EAI, p. 164), a female

Dhanis.t.ha = (?) Themisto (wife of ATHAMas = >ADAM the 2nd)

Suwa< (female, EAI, p. 168; apparently wife of WADD, EAI, p. 169 -- wadi^ is a wadeable rivulet) = <ibri^ woman's name S^u<a> "a call for help"

wife of Vadi (Norse) / WADe (Old English) who waded http://home.earthlink.net/~jordsvin/Paths%20To%20The%20Gods/Wayland%20Smith%20Article.htm

Male gods include:-


HUmBLe the 2nd (grandson of HumBLe the 1st in Danish History of Saxo Grammaticus) http://sunsite3.berkeley.edu/OMACL/DanishHistory/book1.html

, he willingly resigned his kingship; just as Lae:rtes (grandson of KePHaLos) likewise did.

Hubal had divination-arrows (EAI, p. 172), and praesided over the 36 (not 360, EAI, p. 175, fn. 13) idols at the Ka<ba of Makka

arrows may denote directions of constellations (scil., from the earth), as in Sagittarius & Kentauros; 36 are the dekanoi constellations

du >al-KAFFe^n "owner of two palms (of the hands)" (EAI, p. 192)

GAJa-asura, gaja being aequivalent to hastin "hand-possessing"

du >al-H^alasa, worshipped as a "quartz stone" (EAI, pp. 196, 199)

the god Varun.a [= Norse Vo,lund the son of Vadi] worshipped a linga of quartz

YaGut (cf. Gatiy "NAUSea") = <ibri^ Y<us^ (B-r>s^yt 36:5, 14, 18)

NAUSithoos, pilot of the ship to the MInoTauRos = MITRa

(?) = S`e^< >al-Qo^m "[the god who] accompanieth (EAI, p. 204) or protecteth (EAI, p. 206) travellers" [not leonine]

Man.i-bhadra (patron-god of travellers) = Irish Morna

FALs, god of [circular] money-coins (EAI, p. 207)

JALan-dhara (around whom was inscribed a circle, which circle he lifted) = Irish GOLL mac Morna

Ya<UQ, cf. <o^q "hindering, impeding" = <ibri^ Ya<qaN (Dbry h-Ymym > 1:42) -- his sanctuary was (EAI, p. 215) at Bila<un [= nabi^< Bil<am who encountered encountered so many obstacles in attempting to formalize a curse]

the daemones ViGHNa-s "obstacles"

Ma-naf, from NWF (EAI, p. 216), cf. nafyiy "negative" (A-E D, p. 1159):

Nukteus may be cognate with "NUGatory";

cf. also nufaya "garbage" and (A-E D, p. 1151) naffa "to blow one's nose"

Nukteus' father was noted for urinating

>al->uqe^s.ir "shorter" (EAI, p. 219), so named because of hair-shortening (EAI, p. 220)

Hrasva-roman "short-haired"

<amm->anas "father's brother of >nos^" -- this will be a brother of S^eT

some "brother" of TaD-purus.a

>al-Jalsad, custodians of whose idol were the banu <allaq (EAI, p. 223), cf. <alaq "leech", <ibri^ <luqah "vampiress", and <ilq "precious thing, object of value". JAL- may = <ibri^ GULGOLet "skull", and -SAD may = <ibri^ S^ED "daemon"

Kranaos, whose name is a variant of kranion "skull".

Sa<d "good fortune", whose idol was at JuDDa (EAI, p. 226), cf. JaDD "good luck" (A-ED, p. 135), taJDiD "rejuvenation" (A-ED, p. 136)

cf. [h]ethos "customs, manners", Samskr.ta sadhana "practice, exercise", said rejuvenate one's body

Nasr (Aramaic Nas^ra, EAI, p. 229) "vulture" (mistranslated "eagle" in King James` version): vulture & cobra (each female) repraesented the 2 Mis.rayim --

2 "eagles" or 2 snakes which fed on liver of Tituos:

In Deuteronomy, the Holy Spirit assumeth the form of a she-vulture hovering over her nestlings -- the name is imparted of YAH / Yhwh

"liver" is in Latin jecur, in Samskr.ta YAKr.t

Nuhm "greed" (EAI, p. 232; A-ED, p. 1178)

cf. Latin nuc- "nut" -- (?) Hellenic Karuatid- goddesses

<OP "compensation" (EAI, p. 233), <ibri^ <u^s.

APam Napat = Latin Neptunus

Su<e^r, in <ibri^ S`<i^r [though the correspondence of s : s` be irregular]

Saturoi (viz., the Septuagint translation of S`<iri^m)

minor deities:-

>al->aS`HAL "blue" (specifically, "blue-eyed") (EAI, p. 236)


>al->aSWAD "black" (EAI, p. 236)

goddess SVADHa of SVADHis.t.hANA = [W]ATHENE

>AWAL "interpreter" (EAI, p. 236)

British AVALon

<OP, "a bird of prey" (EAI, p. 237)

AJamila / AJamid.ha = Zarathustrian ahura MAZDa

Ba<im, <ibri^-style plural of BU<BU< "bugaboo, bogey" (A-ED, p. 79), cf. bw< "to surprise" (A-ED, p. 100)

BHUta = PHUtalos, cultivator of the fig: when, surprised by the end of the world, stars will fall like figs (according to Revelation of St. John 6:13)

BAJaR "big-bellied" (AEI, pp. 237-8)

BAHu-Rupa "thick (Hellenic pakhu-) form"

(?) = Bahir (EAI, p. 237), Bahir being the text of the Qabbalah, treating of the 10 Spi^ro^t (numbers)

the tetraktus of 10 according to PUTHagoras, who was the archetypeof the BUDdha of the 10 bhumi-s


Latin BUHo "owl" / Boohoo

Balaj (<ibri^ BILGay) ibn >al-Muharraq "emerging son of the lighted" (EAI, p. 238)

PHILoKtetes, who lighted the funeral pyre


Bhava & his wife BHAVANi

>al-DaWaR (the name of a jail, EAI, p. 240) & (EAI, p. 239) MA-DWaR

DHUR-jat.i & MADHURa

>al-D.aMar "lean" (EAI, p. 240), cf. d.amir "conscience" (AE-D, p. 637)

PoMona (fruit-goddess, cf. "fruits of the spirit"), wife of Vertumnus ("turning", scil. from sin)

D.ARiH. "tomb, grave" (EAI, p. 240; A-ED, p. 632)

Latin PARCae, the fate-goddesses

dat >anwat "things suspended" (EAI, p. 241) -- "tree ... pilgrims used to hand their clothes ... on its branches, then proceed to perfom the pilgrimage to the Ka<ba in complete or partial nudity" (loc. cit.)

Acyuta Kr.s.n.a hid the clothing of the go-pi-s (cow-herderesses) in a tree, compelling them to display themselves nude (according to the Bhagavata Puran.a)

>al-D.E^Zanan (dual of d.e^zan) "two tombs" (EAI, p. 242)

? PICti -- cf. portrait-coffins from Hellenistic Aiguptos

du >al-LaBBa -- The term "La-ba-tu" is one of the attributes of Is^tar (EAI, p. 242)

Latin goddess LiBitina (in Liburnia ?), goddess of the libido

du >al-RiJL "the one with the leg" (EAI, p. 243)

RaHuLa, son of S`akya-muni

Farras "to prey upon" (EAI, p. 243); "to ravish, rape (a woman)" (A-ED, p. 825)

Samskr.ta pra-matha "rape (a woman)": whence, the name Prometheus

Farrad. "to impose on" (EAI, p. 243); cf. fard.a "notch, crevice; sea-port" (A-ED, p. 826)

Pr.thu = Latin Portunus, god of sea-ports

Ganm "booty" (EAI, p. 243): cf. <ibri^ <nami^m (a district of the Mis.rayim); or else, <nammelek (god of >as^s^ur)

Hellenic anemos, Latin animus

H.ALal "legal, legitimate" (EAI, p. 244; A-ED, p. 232)

the god [Tantrik] a-CALa (of Arun.a-acala = Etruscan Aruns)

Humam "bravery, protection" (EAI, p. 244) = <ibri Ho^mam -- cf. ta-hmim "lulling to sleep by singing" (A-ED, p. 1211)

Hermes, who lulleth to sleep [Argos Pan-optes] by singing

Jihar "loud-voiced" (EAI, p. 244), cf. jihar "publicity" (A-ED, p. 169)

god Phanes (and cognates "banns", "banner")

>al-GARIYYan "the two tombs (of those buried alive)" (EAI, p. 245)

ARYaman, praesiding over the galaxy, path of the dead

Kulal "crowned" (EAI, p. 249); "perfected, completed"

Siddha "perfected"

>al-MA-DAN = <ibri^ Mdan = As^s^urian Madanu (EAI, p. 250)

DAN, founder of den-MArk (according to Saxo Grammaticus)

Ma-rh.ab "hospitality, welcoming" (EAI, p. 251; A-ED, p. 382) -- reference to the welcoming by hostess Rah.ab in y-RiH.O^ (cf. <arabi^ RaH.aWiy "rotatory")

RoCana Indra, RauCya Manu; & Vis.vaksena = [W]Iksion, on rotating wheel in sky

>al-Muh.arraq "black" (EAI, p. 251), viz. (A-ED, p. 200) "charred, scorched"

Dahana = Zaratustrian Az^i Dahaka, from Samskr.ta dah "to scorch"

>al-Mu-n-t-abiq "the closed", bronze ventriloquist (EAI, p. 251), cf. (A-ED, p. 1103) anbiq "alembic (distilling-flask)"

Eurukleia, for the Euruklides ventriloquists

S`ums "sun (goddess, feminine !)" (EAI, p. 252); but cf. s^amasa "to be headstrong, balky (of horse)" (A-ED, p. 567)

N.B. the horses of Phae:thon were balky

>al-Zun "pantheon-display; lion" (EAI, p. 253)

Olumpos (abode of Hellenic paantheon)

The 5 statues, origin of:-

Wadd, Suwa<, YaGut, Ya<uq, & Nasr died within one month of each other (EAI, p. 180), according to >al-Kalbi^

5 Kemetian epagomenal days (intercalary)

The jurHuM-ites formerly controlled (EAI, p. 181) Makka (and thus Zamzam) -- they are the city HaM in the Torah, HaMazi to the Sumerians. JUR is <ibri^ GUR, the prima materia for al-chemy.

(?) The H^urrian city KUMiya, later COMMagene

Hashim M. al-Tawil: Early Arab Icons. Ph.D. diss., U. of IA, 1993.

PRINCETON ORIENTAL SERIES, Vol. 14. Hishm ibn-al-Kalbi: The Book of Idols: Kitab al-As.nam. Translated by Nabih Amin Faris. 1952. [for accurate spellings of some proper names, poorly transliterated by al-Tawil]

Hans Wehr (transl. by J. Milton Cowan): A Dictionary of Modern Written Arabic.

Monier Monier-Williams: Sanskrit-English Dictionary.

Robert Graves: The Greek Myths. 1955.

Pierre Grimal (transl. by Maxwell-Hyslop): Concise Dictionary of Classical Mythology.

[written 3\8\2006 (3rd of August, 2006)]