Eight Cemeteries = realms of Eight Kings of >do^m

compared wth the names of the cities of the 8 kings of >do^m



B-Re>s^it 36:31-39

8. Wild Cries

N.E. Wild Laughter; /-upanyasa/ 'suggestion, hint'

1. Dinhabah (for /din/ 'judgement' + /yahab/ 'to ascribe')

1. Fierce

E. Can.d.a-ugra 'fierce-horrible'. Kat.asi 'cemetery' = twist-of-grass' (/kat.a/) + 'evening' (/saya/)

2. Bas.rah -- whence are dyed (/h.mus./) garments (Ys^a<yah 63:1)

2. "Thicket"

N. Giri-gahvara- 'mountain hiding-place'

3. Te^mani^ {cognate with Hellenic /daimon/}

3. Blaze

W Jvala- 'flame'

4. <wit 'Crookedness' (5753) {could refer to wavering flicker of a flame}

4. Skeletons

S. -kapalika 'skully'

5. Mas`reqah 'Speckled' (8320) {cf. Aztec skulls depicted with red speckling}

5. Cool Grove

S.E. Is`-vara- 'owner of choice'

6. Rh.obo^t 'Liberties' (7342)

6. Black Darkness

S.W. -andhakara 'blindness-producing'

7. [no city mentioned, but as for <akbo^r 'Mouse' {cf. "3 Blind Mice"}]

7. Resonant

N.W. 'resonant'

8. Pa<u^ 'Scream'

{1. Ugra ~ Ka.ta- : because /ugra/ is cognate with /<akran/ (Strong's 5918) "muddler"; and to undo the muddying, /kataka/ is "clearing nut plant (its seeds ... precipitate the earthy particles in the water W.)".}

{2. Thicket = 3. Daimon : because the ram was caught (B-R. 22:13) in a "thicket" (/sbak/) when >ab-ram at first heard his own name called so that he responded (B-R. 22:11 -- alike unto the divine voice heard by S^mu^->el while he was as yet disciple to <eli^, according to 1st S^mu^->el 3:10-11 ); and thereupon heard instructions (B-R. 22:12); quite alike unto the instructive voice of the daimon heard and obeyed by Sokrates.}

comparison of the names of the 8 kings of >do^m with the 8 deities in Codex Borgianus Mexicanus, pp. 75-76

8 kings

8 blood-sucking deities

1. Bela< 'to swallow up'

1. Tlaloc holding his quaffing-mug

2. Yo^bab 'to cry out' (/yabab/)

2. Tonatiuh sun-god {cf. sun-god Helios informed by the crying-out of Alektruon}

3. H.us^am 'hastily'

3. red form of Mictlan-tecuhtli {a "red-letter day" is good for doing activities, in haste}

4. Hdad 'thanksgiving' (1960) or 'acclamation' (1959)

4. goddess Tlazol-teotl

5. S`amlah 'raiment'

5. [destroyed]

6. S^a>ul 'asked'

6. undotted form of Tlahuiz-calpan-tecuhtli

7. Ba<al-H.anan 'possessor of grace', son of <akbo^r 'Mouse'

7. green deity (goddess) of maize {the main animals scavenging maize being, of course, mice}

8. Hdar 'magnificence'

8. [mostly destroyed]

{6. the vignette of the undotted, hath a hill with a water-spring atop it (very unusual!) and "running down the sides" (CB"I&C", p. xxxib) : cf. "Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water", where "Jack" is in Old Norse /HJUki/, cognate with Vaidik /CYaVana/, as well as with the /H.IWWi^/ ('Shewer') in the TNaK. Cyavana originated this flow of water from his own eyen, already as a young boy : (PE, s.v. "Agni (11)") "the child weeping profusely all the way and creating a lachrymal river called Vadhu-saras."}

CB"I&C" = Bruce Byland : "Introduction and Commentary". In :- Gisele Di`az & Alan Rodgers : The Codex Borgia. Dover Publ, 1993. pp. xiii-xxxii.

PE = Vettam Mani : Puranic Encyclopaedia. Delhi, 1975. https://archive.org/stream/puranicencyclopa00maniuoft/puranicencyclopa00maniuoft_djvu.txt

[written Dec 20 2014]