Hellenic mythic site-----------------------------identification

Hyperborea: according to Herodotos, islands reached by travelling eastward from Skythia (Ukraine) to the sea (Pacific). There, according to Diodoros Sikelos, a telescope is in use

Nippon / Japan: there, the Omoto and related sects regard the telescope as sacred, and use it for religious purposes

Borea: the land which Huperborea is to the north of

Taiwan / Formosa

Hellas (in mythology): the islands(+ mainland) which Boreas is to the north of

Indonesia + Australia

Io, peregrination of-----------------------------place-name identification

lake of LERna

lake of Chapala, fed by river LERma

crossing of the Bousphoros


founding of Iopolis on the river ORoNTes

ARgeNTina: Ri`o Plata

Perseus, peregrination of----------------------place-name identification

Seriphos (*TeRiBho-) I.

anTsiRaBe, Madagascar

kibisis (Skt. S`iBi-)

StellenBoSch, Cape of Good Hope


MontsErraDO (Monrovia), Liberia

AndroMeDe at ASKalon

new AMsterDam: ESSeQUibo river

Heraklees, labors of---------------------------- place-name identification

Emathion (*EMaDhyon)

MolDE, Norway

Kaukasos (*KAUKADhYo-)

COntinental (CAnaDIan) shield


TLiniT of ALexander archip., Alaska

LaDoN the dragon

ALDaN river, Siberia

"golden apple" orchard of the Hesperides

peach-orchard of Chinese

Argonautike--------------------------------------place-name identification

LemNos I.

Sandwich Is.: LahaiNa, Maui

Samothraike I.

Aleut Is.

the Doliones

Alaska penin.

the Bebrukes

Olympic penin.

Phineus (*BhINu-) & the Seirenes (*TeiRan-)

BurlINgame & TReasure I., San Francisco bay

the Symplegades: clashing rocks which closed together

the Gatun locks in the Panama` canal, which can be closed

the Mariandunoi


Sinope (*TiNo ...)

TurNeFFe I., Belize

Thermodon river of the AMAzoNes

UsuMAciNta river

Irid-s (*WIRID- = Latin VIRIDis "green") river

VERDe ("green") river, tributary to the Pa`nuco

Phasis river of KOlKHIs

Ri`o Grande nigh COrpus CHrIsti

IStros rivers, greater & lesser, interconnected

MissISSippi river & Chicago river, interconnected by canal

Tritonis lake: ruled by TRITon , builder of tripods which moved along the ground on their own

the Great Lakes: DeTRoIT, place of factories wherein automobiles are assembled





Odusseis-------------------------------------------place-name identification

the Lotophagoi

Myanmar / Burma


Od.ivis`a (Orissa)

Aiolos I.

Sim.hala (Ceylon) I.

narrow-entranced harbor of the LAistRugones

strait of Hormuz, entrance to the Persian gulf: LARistan

Aiaia of Kirke


land of the Kimmerioi

Tanganyika / Tan-zania


bab al-Mandib



Ogugia of KalUPso

KUPros (Cyprus)



petrified ship

Guados (Gozo)

cave of the Numphai

Melite (Malta)

The Odusseis, in asserting that Ithake is farthest out to sea of the Ionian islands, would suggest identification with Melite. It would seem that the Iliad would have been taken as a description of the occupation, by the Peoples of the Sea (= Italians), of the countries [in Hesperia / Hispania] of the ILergetes and the ILercaones, until ILion became identified as Kestrine of the ILLures (Albania).