Asianic (Anatolian) / Hottentot basis of the Christ-myth

Asianic etc.

Christologic etc.

Pontius Pilate took his name from Pontus (mentioned in 1st Petros 1:1 & in Acts of the Apostles 2:9 -- note that these epistles are addressed to northern, not to southern, Anatolia). Taking Anatolia "sunrise" as Latin MaTUtina, by analogy the Latin word MaTUrus "mature" was likened to <ibri^ MTU (having thesame meaning), so that from the name MTU-s^elah. (B-R>s^yt 5:21-27) was extracted s^elah. "javelin", having the same meaning as pilatus "armed with javelins", "Pilate".

So the Christ-myth as of a sacrificial victim pierced by the spear of Longinus the centurion ("Longinus" being the name of the most celebrated classical glorifier of sublime diction)

will be simply a due warning that the whole Christ-tale is a grammatological glorication of the heraldic nomenclature of Pontius Pilate himself (who was later made into a major saint by the Christians), and praesumably promoted at its outset simply by his personal entourage.

This glorification could not have well succeeded, howbeit, had it not had Asianic antecedents.

These, rather than the institution of Roman pontificate, are to be perused for sources of Christology.


The city-name Sin-ope < *Tin- cognate with Etruscan god Tinia, Latin tinea "clothes-eating caterpillar,

The Epistle (Romans 13:14) admonisheth: "put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ" (as if clothing); and to eat of Christ (as Eucharist).

book-eating larva".

Christ's ("my") "new name" (Apokalupsis of Ioannes 3:12); the secretive name of YHWH is written on his clothing as if on a book; and the sacred book was itself eaten in the Apokalupsis of Ioannes (10:9-10).

Sinope is capital of paPHLAGonia, from Samskr.ta *BHL.nG-in (Bhr.ngin):

Hence Latin FLAGma "flame" [of Pentacost], so enticing to moths:

this word may further be cognate with FLAGellation.

but Christ was FLAGellated before his crucifixion.

*BHL.nG-in, having a living body consisting only of bones (GIO, pp. 18, 125), is considered to be a beetle (GIO, p. 114)

(Aztec, but perhaps originally Tarasc) Huitzil-opochtli, born as a living skeleton, was the hummingbird-god.

like the Kemetian scarab-god H^pr (whose name meaneth "become, change one's self into, transform one's self into", i.e., re-incarnate as), depicted winged and impelling the sun-disk

"The Sun of Righteousness shall rise with healing in his wings." (Ml>ky 3:20) [This is the re-incarnation of S^ims^o^n "sun" as Rap>a>el "healing divinity".]

This * is related to Andhaka, who while impaled danced like acrobat balancing on pole (GIO, p. 146).

The <ibri^ term for "crucified" is also "impaled"; Christ is "Lord of the Dance" (according to the Acts of John).

Andhaka was son (GIO, pp. 125, 149) of Hiran.ya-aks.a "golden cube, golden dice". [The dice-game played by goddess Parvati against a man was a game wherein the stakes were a man's divesting himself of clothing (GIO, pp. 18-19) and a woman's submitting to kisses & embraces (GIO, pp. 25-26).]

"God was in Christ" (2nd Korinthioi 5:19) [i.e., Christ enclosed God, as the Ka<ba ("cube") doth the black stone materializing >al-Lahh].

At the behest of Andhaka, Vighasa "remnant of food offered to guests" swallowed the gods (GIO, p. 130).

Jesus took up baskets-ful of remnants of food (fishes & loaves) offered to guests (Matthew 15:37; Mark 6:43).

As for Andhaka,"his form was like snowflakes" (GIO, p. 130).

Jesus designateth himself "David, the ... star" (Apokalupsis of Ioannes 22:16) -- the Star of David being 6-pointed like a snowflake.

Saying "we wish to give you ... the alms of our breasts" (GIO, p. 150), bare-tittied wives of the sages came to Andhaka.

Bare-tittied women come to men of the Ari religious order in the S^an states of Burma, so as to make the offering of themselves as temporary wives to those men

"Death united with hunger. The seed of that union became the year." (GIO, p. 190)

for one year.


Phrugia (Phrygia) is from Samskr.ta bhru-ja "eyebrow-born", referent to emanation, from the brow of goddess Dur-ga, of

"Moth's eyebrow" is common Chinese epithet for women.

goddess KRODHa "anger", whose Asianic form would be *CaRADHYa- (Kerasos "cherry").

Cf. the nameof queen H.eRODIas.

The city Heraklea was also in Paphlagonia: thence Heraklees harrowed Hades.

So did Christ, according to the Creed.

In Bi-thunia (Bithynia), the city-name Marian-dune is derived from MARIAN +

MARIAN is variant for Maria (the Mother of Christ),

dun- "town" (this is the meaning in Keltic).

who is said in the Apokalupsis of Ioannes (21:2) to personify the heavenly city. Into Phrugia was prophesied the descending of New Jerusalem.

Nigh this is the river SANG-arios.

Samskr.ta SANGHa "congregation" + arya, viz. noble inhabitants of the heavenly city.

Troad from Samskr.ta trasad "to tremble".

The "Shaking Quakers" of Ann Lee.


The name of the Mus-es (Mysians) is from Samskr.ta mudha "delusion".

Christianity is a delusion rather than a genuine religion: this is indicated by the fact that its founder confesseth in the Apokalupsis of Ioannes (22:16)

When Quetzal-coatl was utterly disgraced, and departed; then

to be "the bright and morning star", viz. Lucifer, cast out of heaven in disgrace; and

only his heart visibly persisted, to be worshipped as morning star.

worshipped as a "sacred heart".

A goddess was (in Codex Borgia )

His mother Maria also acquired sorrows:

threatened with being speared by a Tlahuizcalpan-tecuhtli.

"a sword shall pierce through thy soul also" (Luke 2:35).


John the Baptist was decapitated at the requaest of the woman H.erodias, by way of her daughter's dance (the dance being a mating-ritual?) in the court-room.

So was Orpheus the Thraikian god: his head was retained as a trophy by Lesbian women at Antissa (GM 28.g, 3), Lesbos. This head is that of the Hottentot preying-mantis-god .Ogon -- male preying mantises are, under conditions of confinement, decapitated by female ones during mutual coi:tion.

Yo^sep is mentioned as the father of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is also described (by Kelsos, according to Origenes, Contra Celsum) as son of Pantheras, a distorted form of Pot.iperah, the name of (B-R>s^yt 41:45) parent of the wife of Yo^sep.

The "panther" was said to have accompanied Dionusos, a quasi-Christian Thraikian god.

But this Pot.iperah was evidently resident in PUT. (a country mentioned in Dbrym h-Ymim > 1:8).

= MaPUTo, Mozambique, which was then (beginning of the Christian era, before the Ba-ntu had spread out from Kamerun) in Hottentot territory.


One of the sons of Andhaka was VR.Ka (according to the Skanda Puran.a -- GIO, p. 155 fn. 45).

VehRKana (Hurkania) district to the southeast of the Caspian.

The other son of Andhaka was Ad.i (according to the Matsya Puran.a -- GIO, p. 156). Ad.i = the Persian daemoness AZ "heron".

AZ-tec "heron-tribe" (of Mexico).

The uncle (father's brother) of Andhaka was Hiran.ya-kas`ipu "golden mattress".

Cf.the mattress slept upon in order to receive a diagnostic dream in the temples of Asklepios (OCD, s.v. "incubation").

Hiran.ya-kas`ipu was killed by the man-lion Nara-simha, who emerged from pillar.

Asklepios is Agnitas "willow-tree" (GM 50.h), or = Norse first man Askr "ash-tree".


"there be eunuchs, which have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven's sake. He that is able to receive it, let him receive it." (Matthew 19:12)

The Sumerian mythical queen "Kug-baba, the bar-maid" = Asianic goddess Kubebe (= Kubele, whose male devotees were castrated). It is also a Hottentot custom for males to have one testis excised.

ArJUNa disguised himself (according to the Maha-Bharata ) as a eunuch.


Arjuna's son IRaVat (GIO, p. 153) is worshipped by men having their own penis amputated (GIO, p. 154).

Ypunneh's grandson was <IRU^ (Dbry h-Ymym > 4:15)

GIO = Don Handelman & David Shulman: God Inside Out. Oxford U. Pr, 1997

GM = Robert Graves: The Greek Myths. 1955

OCD = The Oxford Classical Dictionary.