Buryat ritual lists comparisons
ChS, pp. 151-152 the 9 branches of the Turge (World-Tree)
p. |
# |
Branch |
{comparative} |
151 |
1st |
"footsteps of the ancient shamans." |
footprints of Xiuh-tecuhtli |
2nd |
"liberated from ... all worries" |
Itztli (‘Knife’) to cut free |
3rd |
"insight about what your life purpose is" |
152 |
4th |
"peace" |
5th |
"all your helper spirits are singing like birds." |
skull-headed bird (CBM & CF-M) |
6th |
"the gol" (dream-whirlpool connecting into the divine world) |
{Vad.ava is, specifically, the divine whirlpool} |
7th |
"You ... are a bird". |
owl in temple (CF-M, Boone p. 98) |
8th |
"you see ... Altan Hadaas, the pole star" ["The rotation of this star led to the creation of the Has Temdeg, a swastika symbol." (RW)] |
Tlazol-teotl, goddess to whom the sacramental confession of sins (PS, p. 476, n. 384) is made {in the Parivrajya Vrata, the SWASTIKA asana is used for "confession of sins" (BCh, p. 81)} |
9th |
"you have reached the hole in the sky, the gate to the upper world. It is like the smoke hole of the teepee. [I.e., at the zenith] Stand up and look through the hole to the place beyond the heavens." |
Tlaloc standing upright and craning his neck to look upwards (CF-M, Boone p. 98) |
ChS = Sarangerel : Chosen by the Spirits. Destiny Books, Rochester (VT), 2001.
RW = http://www.newdawnbooks.info/Reviews/Riding_Windhorses.html
PS = D. H. Lawrence (ed. by L. D. Clark) : The Plumed Serpent (Quetzalcoatl). Cambridge U Pr, 1987. http://books.google.com/books?id=_ofwOinH958C&pg=PA476&lpg=PA476&dq=Tlazolteotl+"confession+of+sins"&source=bl&ots=qpkEO7vf5s&sig=I1vG5l8MhZzr7YHkIMGmZMWCtGg&hl=en&ei=MT2xSpywJailtgepmOTzBw&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1#v=onepage&q=Tlazolteotl%20%22confession%20of%20sins%22&f=false
BCh = Arthur Lillie : Buddhism in Christendom; or, Jesus the Essene. 1887. http://books.google.com/books?id=dg1NAAAAMAAJ&pg=PA81&lpg=PA81&dq=swastika+"confession+of+sins"&source=bl&ots=twp_Vv_Aw3&sig=SFtZgDnGiIbA3AfQtnFQJQ_xbOo&hl=en&ei=oDmxSvbEFc2ltgf025WSCA&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=7#v=onepage&q=swastika%20%22confession%20of%20sins%22&f=false
ChS, pp. 233-235 the 9 S^anar (‘Degrees’) of Consecration for Boo (‘Shaman’)
p. |
# |
Degree |
{comparative} |
233 |
1st |
"making ceremonial fires." |
Xiuh-tecuhtli is fire-god |
2nd |
"is washed with the waters" |
Itztli’s wading in pool (CBM) |
234 |
3rd |
"is able to perform marriages." |
Piltzin-tecuhtli, known for his romantic relationship with goddess Xochi-quetzal |
4th |
"a chest to store" objects within |
Cen-teotl, god of maize (to be stored in siloes) |
5th |
Mictlan-tecuhtli, ruler of the dead |
235 |
6th |
"horse’s head." |
+Chalchihuitl-icue, the water-goddess {cf. Vad.ava the water-mare-goddess} |
7th |
+Tlazol-teotl |
8th |
"jingle cones" |
Tepe-yollotl the echo-god |
9th |
"transport himself" |
Tlaloc standing upon a swimming crocodile (CF-M, Boone p. 98) |
Elizabeth Hill Boone : Cycles of Time and Meaning in the Mexican Books of Fate. U of TX Pr, Austin, 2007. pp. 96-99 depictions of the 9 Rulers of the Nights :-
p. 96, Fig. 51 as figured in various codices from Anahuac
p. 97, Fig. 52 in Codex Borgianus Mexicanus, p. 14
pp. 98-9, Fig. 53 in Codex Feje`rva`ry-Mayer, pp. 2-4
{the "rope" assigned to the 4th Buryat Degree ought properly to belong to the 5th, inasmuch as a rope is depicted (in CF-M, Boone p. 99) with Mictlan-tecuhtli [cf. noose of Varun.a, punisher of the dead]}
Mongol |
Aztec |
Cherokee |
Tlaloc (grasping its breath) stood upon a swimming crocodile. |
Br’er Rabbit rode upon a swimming alligator. |
The idol of Tlaloc was coated with the plant-resin "liquid rubber" (G). |
Br’er Rabbit became stuck into the Tar Baby (originally a resin-doll). |
Blue fire (of Butterfly-deity) in Lower World (RMSh, p. 85). |
["from the South a blue fire" (Creek – NA, p. 65)] [Petroleum, tar, and resin combust with a blue flame.] |
cf. the blue fire stolen for humans by the Algonkin rabbit-god (Manaboz^o) from fire-hoarding deities. |
G = Bernardino de Sahagu`n : The Gods. (FLORENTINE CODEX, part 2). Santa Fe`, 1970.
RMSh = Purev Otgony (main transl. Purvee Gurbadaryn; assistant transl. Narantsetseg Pureviin) : The Religion of Mongolian Shamanism. GENCO University College, Ulaanbaatar, 2002.
NA = Hartley Burr Alexander : North American [Mythology]. Boston, 1916.
Aztec |
Nansemond [tribe in Maryland] (TNAI, Vol. III) |
Astika |
goggle-eyed god Tlaloc |
description of Abamoc^o, the Spirit of Evil : "His eyes, which were very large, were of the colour of the green far-eyes [spectacles] with which the pale faces survey distant objects, and stood out so far from the head". |
goggle-eyed god Jagat-natha |
crocodile’s grasped breath (= treasure-spirit’s "breath ... in blue flames" at Liberty Island, M&LOOL) |
Abamoc^o’s daughter, the female Rattlesnake whose dowry included treasure of much wampum, had a "blue fire" in her lodge. She is stated to give chase to the "toad" {wherewith cf. the Snake-deity who in the Popol Vuh swallowed a Toad-deity which had swallowed the divine Louse-messenger, whose message may = Aztec crocodile’s breath}. |
TNAI = James Athearn Jones : Traditions of the North American Indians. London, 1830. http://www.gutenberg.org/files/20828/20828.txt
M&LOOL = Charles M. Skinner : Myths and Legends of Our Own Land. "Kidd’s Treasure". http://www.magick7.com/FreeBooks/0086/MythsLegends.html#2H_4_0267
ChS, p. 250 naadan
__ Dance |
Mongol 28 animals (M&EC, Table 43) |
Chinese omen-prodigies (AO&M, pp. 136-143) |
1. Yohor ["circle" to raise a "spiral of energy" (p. 257)] |
12. |
8. {in a folktale from Lombardy, a whirlwind transported to a "white fox" (C&C).} |
2. Bear ["Bear, associated with the east, is conductor of souls on their way to the lower world after death." (p. 243)] |
10. Bear |
9. red Bear |
9. Peafowl |
10. 9-tailed |
8-7. Snake |
11. white Deer {cf. Mixtec Deer-Snake god} |
3. Goat |
6. Goat |
12. 3-horned beast {cf. "three-horned goat" (W7) = "Master Leonard" (DPh&F; DG s.v. "goat’)} |
5. Pig |
13. 1-horned beast {cf. in Kantha Puran.a "single horned Pig" (KS) = Varaha (E&C-HP)} |
4. Wolf |
2. Hound |
18. white Wolf |
1. Monkey |
20. silver jar {cf. in Borneo, catching a "monkey, who has his hand jammed in the jar." (MB)} |
5. Eagle |
25. azure Crow |
6. "breaking the horse" |
26. Horse |
29. "felicity cloud" {cf. Nephele ‘Cloud’ who gave birth to Kentauros (½ horse, ½ man) (GM 63.d)} |
25. Mule |
31. Dipper-star {Is this the star whereof Bil<am prophesied, "There shall step forth a star" (B-Midbar 24:17) : this he uttered because his she-ass had rebuked him (B-Midbar 22:28).} |
24. Sheep |
34. golden carriage {cf. sheep having golden fleece (GM 148.g)} |
23. Mule |
35. 3-legged crow {cf. in Zend-Avesta, 3-legged mythic ass} |
7. Bee |
22. Owl {cf. at Knossos, "owl sitting at the entrance to a cellar, frightening away a swarm of bees" (GM 90.d).} |
37. White Crow {cf. the white crow (GM 50.b) of princess Coronis, who was violated by (GM 50.5) Boutes "the bee-master" (GM 148.i)} |
21. Horse |
39. jade Horse |
20. Deer {cf. Norse mythic deer which grazed on foliage of the tree Eik-tyrnir (‘Oak-thorny’, i.e. acacia)} |
40. tree-root {cf. tree which, if stung by bee-bird Qin-yuan, would wither (HChM, p. 161)} |
19. Hyaina {the Buda hyaina-folk of Abysinnia are of the tribe of (HP) Dan= S^uh.am : /s^uh.ah/ ‘chasm’} |
41. white Pigeon {cf. pigeon released to fly in front of the Argo betwixt 2 cliffs (GM 151.a). In an African folktale, the medicine-bag carried by Hyaina caused a fall "into a gully" (M&F).} |
18. Lion {cf. "Green Lion" of European alchemy} |
42. Jade Goat (Khimaira ‘Nanny-goat’ (GM, vol. 2, p. 386a) was lioness-headed (GM 75.b)} |
17. Peafowl [usually green] |
43. "jade rooster" |
16. Monkey |
50. golden Man swimming {golden-skinned Tirthankara?} |
15. |
65. |
14. Tigre |
66. West Queen Mother (= White Tigress) |
8. Grouse |
67. white Pheasants |
13. Deer |
71. transparent Deer |
M&EC = Joe D. Steward : Mesoamerican and Eurasian Calendars. PhD diss, U of Calgary, 1974.
AO&M = Tiziana Lipiello: Auspicious Omens and Miracles in Ancient China. Monumenta Serica Institute, Sankt Augustin, 2001. pp. 133-145 = 94 omens in Treatise (chs. 28-29 of Son-s^u) by S^en-Yue http://texts.00.gs/Auspicious_Omens_in_China.htm
C&C = "Comb and Collar" http://www.mythfolklore.net/andrewlang/332.htm
W7 = http://www.pantheon.org/areas/featured/witchcraft/chapter-7.html
DPh&F = Bulfinch : Dictionary of Phrase and Fable. 1884. http://bulfinch.englishatheist.org/dic/m.html
DG = Demoniac Grimoire http://www.satanservice.org/practice/demonlist.txt
KS = http://www.sivalayayathra.org/Thiruppanticode.html
E&C-HP = http://www.indopedia.org/Talk:Evolution_and_creationism.html#Hindu_perspective
MB = http://www.boblucky.com/reflect/sept00.htm
GM = Robert Graves : The Greek Myths. 1955.
HChM = Linhui Yang & Deming An : Handbook of Chinese Mythology. ABC-CLIO, 2005.
HP = "Review of The Hyena People". In :- SHOFAR, vol. 20 (2002), pp. 155-9. http://muse.jhu.edu/login?uri=/journals/shofar/v020/20.3climo.html
M&F = http://www.bluelion.org/mythandfolklore.htm citing :- Roger D. Abrams : African Folktales. Pantheon, New York, 1983.
According to the Ben, the anus of the spotted hyaina induceth "perpetual laughter" (p. 334); the striped hyaina’s meat is taken "as a medicine" by the Baduin (p. 336) [much as the pih.ta of doves’ flesh is taken as a sacrament by the Manda<]. In Panjab, nude women ride facing backwards on the backs of hyainas (p. 340) [much as steeds are ridden by riders facing backwards in the European "Feast of Fools"]. ASIAN FOLKLORE STUDIES, Volume 57, 1998 : 331–344 Jürgen W. Frembgen : "The Magicality of the Hyena".
Buryat nadaan |
Japanese 36 animals (M&EC, Table 40) |
Malay rejan-s (M&EC, Table 42) |
3. Goat |
11. She-goat |
34. Pig |
16. Pig |
4. Wolf |
33-1. Wolf |
5. Eagle |
23. Falcon |
17. Falcon |
6. breaking-in a horse [aequivalent to dwarfing it] |
19. Horse |
26. Dwarf Deer |
7. Bee |
16. Jellyfish [stinging, like bee] |
27. Owl |
15. Oyster [producing iridescent pearl, cf. "green rainbow" in Book of Chilam Balam] |
28. Green Pigeon [cf. rainbow for pigeon of Noh.] |
14. Fish |
29. |
13. Shark |
30. |
12. Dragon |
31. |
continuation through to end, of the Chinese 94 omen-prodigies
Chinese omen-prodigies (AO&M, pp. 142-145) |
Aztec 20 day-signs |
60. insecticidal herb |
4. Lizard (feeding on insects) [Yucatec Kan ‘Ripe’ alluding to ripening of fruits made possible by extermination of fruit-devouring insects] |
65. swinging water-well |
5. Snake (which can be slung or swung) {cf. Hindu allegory of snake in cistern} |
68-9. (various deficiencies) |
6. Death |
71. transparent Deer |
7. Deer |
74. flying Rabbit |
8. Rabbit |
82. Yellow-River "essence" = Human-headed Fish |
9. Water |
83. herb |
10. Hound {cf. Kic^e` Coyote-god’s abduction of Maize-god} |
84. big shell |
11. Monkey [often depicted with curled belly {cf. curled snail or conch}] |
85. herb |
12. Twisted (an herb) |
86. wine-springs |
13. Reed {cf. use of bamboo as vessel wherefrom to drink} |
87. sun-and-moon |
14. Ocelot {according to the Mei-ge epic of the Yi, "The tiger’s ... left eye became the sun, Its right eye became the moon." (RT, p. 367)} |
88. mushroom-flower {mushrooms flourish where lightning hath stricken, in Hellenic lore} |
15. Eagle {source of lightning, in North American Indian lore} |
89. emerald {in "emerald" sphaire, "birds spread their wings" (Mother of Books -- in GB, p. 680)} |
16. Vulture |
90. inexhaustible jar |
17. highland Maya aequivalent to Aztec "Earthquake" is incense (BY, Table 15c) {incense is an item which may be contained in an inexhaustible jar; cf. the inexhaustible oil in widow’s jar (MLKYM B 4:1-6)} |
91. carriage of mountain |
17. Earthquake |
92. rhinoceros {"Pangu is the rhinoceros" (RT, p. 375); his "bones became ... stones" (ibid., p. 373).} |
18. Flint |
93. black cinnabar |
19. Pipil Ayotl (‘Turtle’) {the Chinese Tortoise-god is black} |
94. tripod |
20. Kic^e` Hunahpu (‘Huntsman’) {huntsmen may use a tripod in order to steady their aim.} |
GB = Willis Barnstone & Marvin Meyer : The Gnostic Bible. Shambhala, Boston, 2003.
BY = Munro S. Edmonson: The Book of the Year. U. of UT Pr, Salt Lake City, 1988. http://texts.00.gs/calendar,_MesoAmerican.htm
RT = ORAL TRADITION, vol. 16 ( 2001), pp. 364-80. Wu Xiaodong : "The Rhinoceros Totem and Pangu Myth". http://journal.oraltradition.org/files/articles/16ii/Wu.pdf
ChS, p. 253 colors of hadag (‘ribbon’) tied to seterleh (sacred animal which "is allowed to run free without being ridden or shorn"
__ ribbon |
varn.a-s (in India) |
white |
white (brahmin) |
blue |
red |
red (ks.atriya) |
green |
yellow |
yellow (vais`ya) |
black |
black (s`udra) |