Codex Manuel (Vienna)

Codex Borgia

Codex Borgia

p. 5

pp. 9 to 13

pp. 61 to 70


1. white god


69, # 9. white god

2. ray from headdress

13, # 11. ray from headdress

70, # 10. ray from headdress

3. ball-adorned rays


70, # 11. ball-adorned ray

4. leopardskin hat


70, # 11. leopard

5. vertically-divided face

13, # 12. vertically-divided face


6. god with

12, # 13. composite god:

69, # 12. two gods:



Ixquimilli with

backward-slumped hat,


backward-slumped hat,

forward-bent hat-pin;


forward-bent hat-pin; also,

holding amputated leg


Tezcatlipoca lacking a foot

7. stilted burner


67, # 14. stilted burner

8. contortionist


63, # 18. squeezing self


through burrow

9. darts


61, # 20 pointer

10. ringed harpoon

9, # 1. ringed harpoon


12. leopard-skin wearer

10, # 3. leopard

63, # 3. werleopard

13. speech-scrolls


64, # 4. speech-scrolls

14. scribe

11, # 6. ink-horn

66, # 6. engraver (?)

15. animalian idol-head


67, # 7. snake-headed idol

16. pectoral plate

13, # 9. long pectoral