28 Yoga-acara-s----------63 Dwergar-----------------87 initiations

4. SU-hotra

39. SViur



38. Hannar < *HANHA


6. Vi-rajas < *VI-Lajas [: Makedonian Lagos]

37. VIL


9. KAPIla

36. HEFJa


11. Ugra < *uGLa

33. KiLi


13. Su-PaLaka

32. FiLi


15. VEDa-s`iras

26. VIT


22. Madhu "honey"

18. Mjo,d ("mead")-vitnir


13. Bumba "drum"

85. dreams


11. Bi ("lullaby")

84. sleep


8.-5. (directional deities)

81.-79. (directional winds)


1. Mot ("moot")-sognir

78. +Themis the divine advisor


63. Ginnar [: Latin hinc "here"]

76. +Mnemosune "memory (praesence of mind)"


61. Frosti ("frosty")

73. +Leuko ("white")-thea


57. Alfur (an elf, distinguished as "black elves" and "white elves")

70. +Melinoe, whose limbs are partly black and partly white (Hymn 70)


55. Ska ("askew")-fidur ("feathered")

66. Asklepios [: Norse Askr, husband of Embla "elm", "The elm with cuckoo" (Sh&E, p. 98), the cuckoo (Thornaks) having bedraggled feathers (GM)]


52. Gloi "glowing"

59. +Kharites, incl. Aglaia bright (Hymn 59)

24. S`uLIn / S`aLI-hotra

50. HLE-vangur


28. Lakuli-is`VARA

46. Jara "battle" < *WARA ["war"]


HIPh, Vol. V, p. 70, fn. 2: Vayaviya Samhita 2:9:2-5.

DT (translation from I-ED)


HIPh = Surendranath Dasgupta: A History of Indian Philosophy. Cambridge U. Pr.

DT = Dwerga-Tal http://www.skergard.org/skdverg.htm

I-ED = Cleasby Vigfusson Craigie: Icelandic-English Dictionary. Oxford.

HO = Hymns of Orpheus http://www.sacred-texts.com/cla/hoo/

Hymn 70 http://www.sacred-texts.com/cla/hoo/hoo75.htm

Hymn 59 http://www.sacred-texts.com/cla/hoo/hoo64.htm

Sh&E = Caroline Humphrey: Shamans and Elders. Clarendon Pr, Oxford, 1996.

GM = Robert Graves: The Greek Myths. Penguin Books.