Kokalos = S^lomoh
27: |
Qur>an sura Naml (N) |
Hellenic |
:18 |
emmets (according to the most usual translation; but |
Prompted by Daidalos, an emmet solved the problem posed by Minos to Kokalos (GM 92.i). |
‘termites’ according to an alternative translation -- TAQ) |
The hoopoe sometimes nesteth in "termite mounds" (FH). |
:20 |
hoopoe |
The hoopoe was figured in "Minoan" art at Knossos (Ch, p. 51). |
:24 |
The queen of S^ba< was "prostrating before the sun". |
Ikaros (son of Daidalos by the female slave Nau-krate – GM 92.d) was overcome by the sun’s heat (GM 92.f). |
:41 |
S^lomoh (Sulayman) commanded the >ifrit : "Remodel her mansion for her." |
For Kokalos, Daidalos was "erecting many fine buildings." (GM 92.h) |
:58 |
"a miserable shower" (consisting apparently of asphalt – S&G) fell upon the folk of S`iddi^m. |
"they poured boiling ... pitch upon Minos" at Kamikos (GM 92.i). |
:67 |
"we turn into dust". |
Hoopoes take dust-baths. |
:81 |
"the blind" |
Male hoopoes often blind each other. |
:88 |
"the mountains ... are moving, like the clouds." |
The hoopoe "is able to detect piezo-electrical charges in the atmosphere" (SLB). {Piezo-electricity is a result of pressure : mountains, through their weight, also exert pressure.} |
GM = Robert Graves : The Greek Myths. 1955.
TAQ = http://www.bismikaallahuma.org/archives/2005/talking-ants-in-the-quran/
N = http://www.submission.org/suras/sura27.html
FH = http://wild-birds.suite101.com/article.cfm/facts_about_the_hoopoe
Ch = Anne P. Chapin : Charis. 2004. http://books.google.com/books?id=zQOQey4OkAsC&pg=PA51&lpg=PA51&dq=Minoan+hoopoe&source=bl&ots=82a9l2kLnX&sig=dUdHvGoASsyokU7a4b9EDApCNvc&hl=en&ei=7zI9S_GcHaSltge84sCOCQ&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=7&ved=0CBoQ6AEwBg#v=onepage&q=Minoan%20hoopoe&f=false
S&G = http://www.totheends.com/sodom.html
SLB = The Secret Language of Birds. http://www.nhbs.com/hoopoe/?p=108
H.adit |
European |
"Green birds" in paradise |
[god of the Picentes in Picenum] Picus "possessed a green woodpecker" (CDCM, s.v. "Picus"). |
The father of Picus was Sterces, or Sterculus ‘Dung-heap". {Sterces must repraesent the hoopoe, which constructed its nest of animal-dung. -- "many hoopoes use old woodpecker’s holes for their mesting sites." (FF, p. 59)} |
CDCM = Pierre Grimal : A Concise Dictionary of Classical Mythology.
FF = Peter Tate : Flights of Fancy : Birds in Myth, Legend, and Superstition. 2007. http://books.google.com/books?id=9zZRTCBzeeIC&pg=PA59&lpg=PA59&dq=
[This is merely one example indicating that the collocations of subject-matters in the chapters of the Qu>an are not haphazard, but are soundly based on established symbolic associations within Hellenic mythology.]