Immran (Voyage) of Ma`el D`uin = Rama-ayana 4:41-43
Immran (Voyage) of Ui` Chorra = Rama-ayana 4:46 to 5:6
sarga : s`loka |
Kis.kindha kanda |
p. |
cap. |
Ma`el D`uin |
41:42b |
Gramani {cf. [Lat.] /GRAMeN/ ‘turf’} |
120 |
4 |
"terraces" |
S`uka ‘parrot’ |
"birds were tame" |
42:4b |
Marica-s ‘peppers’ |
121 |
5 |
"round pebbles" |
:12a |
coconuts |
123 |
6 |
"nut-shells, as large as helmets" |
:16b |
fish |
124 |
7 |
"numbers of salmon" |
:20a |
mt. Pari-yatra ‘around-journey’ |
rear door (was reached by going around house) |
:21a |
"fire-glow" Ghora-s |
125 |
"cup of crystal" (viz., glass {cf. "sea of glass mingled with fire" – Apokalupsis of Ioannes 15:2} [archaeologic glass, with colored minerals in cracks]) |
:25b |
trees on mt. Vajra [vajra is usually 5-pronged] |
126 |
8 |
"apples" {cf. their pentagonal core} |
:28a |
Haya-griva ‘horse-throat’ |
9 |
"horses" |
:28b |
conch-shell [conch-shell is whorled] |
127 |
10 |
"whirled the skin" |
:30a |
mt. Varaha ‘swine’ |
129 |
11 |
"pigs" |
:32a |
"spacious caves" |
130 |
"deep caves" |
:34a |
lions & tigres [Paka-s`asana (35.a) {is Paka a cat-god?}] |
131 |
12 |
"small cat" |
:39b |
transmute hue |
134 |
13 |
"changed like the colour" |
:42b |
mt. Asta-parvata (/asta/ ‘missile, arrow’) |
135 |
14 |
"point of his lance" |
:46a |
10-leaved date-tree |
"poor young calves" {cf. golden calf worshipped by >ahro^n whilst Mos^eh fetched the 10 Commandments (DBRYM 9:12-21} |
43:1b |
S`ata-bali ‘100-strong’ |
136 |
15 |
"huge-bodied, strong, burley man. ... numberless crowds of men" |
:14b |
mt. Kala ‘black’ |
137 |
16 |
"They were all black, both skin and clothes" |
:16b |
mt. Sudars`ana (the name of a discus [hurled by hand]) |
"wringing their hands" |
:17a |
mt. Deva-sakha ‘god-friend’ |
"second foster brother" [this adopted relationship was considered sanctioned by God (like god-parenthood)] |
:20a |
"hair-raising" |
138 |
"mourners ... your mantles round your faces" |
:21a |
"a silver cloud processed with gold" |
139 |
17 |
"The first was a wall of gold; the second, a wall of silver" |
:25a |
"highly impassible tunnel" |
"cheese" {was this swiss cheese, with tunnels within it?} |
:28a |
mt. Kala ‘desire’ the "wish-endower" |
141 |
18 |
"whatever taste each man wished for, that was the taste he found on it." |
mt. Manasa the "abode of birds" |
143 |
19 |
"full of birds, who were all ... speaking with human voices" |
:29b |
mt. Mainaka (/minaka/ ‘little fish’) |
144 |
20 |
"a slice of fish" |
:31a |
"horse-faced females" [cf. Vad.ava, "consisting of flame, but with the head of a horse, ... was received by the ocean. ... sub-marine Fire." (CDHM)] |
146 |
21 |
"red-hot mass ... causing the whole sea to hiss and boil" |
:35c |
noiseless |
147 |
22 |
calm |
:37a |
mt. S`aila-uda ‘stone-water’ |
148 |
24 |
"the sea rose up ..., steep and high, standing ... like a wall" |
:38b |
Uttara Kuru {cf. [Lat.] /CURVatura/ ‘arched ceiling’} |
150 |
25 |
"solid arch of water" |
:53b |
mt. Soma {Campa & Khmer associations of "Soma, the Naga king’s daughter" and of (Session 1, n. 9) "octagonal small columns" (Kh&Ch)} |
26 |
"immense silver pillar standing in the sea. It had eight sides". |
:54a |
"indra loka (‘Indra’s world’)" {"the world ... is an image of the mythic Net of Indra" (AI)} |
"A silver net hung down from the top ... of the pillar". |
CDHM = John Garrett : A Classical Dictionary of Hindu Mythology. (cf. also David Gordon White : The Alchemical Body, p. 232.)
Kh&Ch = "The Khmers and Cham".
AI =
Rama-ayana 4:41 =
Rama-ayana 4:42 =
Rama-ayana 4:43 =
"The Voyage of Maildun." In :- P. W. Joyce (tr.) : Old Celtic Romances. Longmans, Green, & Co., London, 1907. pp. 112-176.
the end of the Immran of Ma`el Du`in would seem to match the beginning of the Immran of the sons of Ui` Chorra, thus :-
p. |
cap. |
Ma`el D`uin |
p. |
cap. |
sons of Ui` Chorra |
160 |
30 |
"eat the fruit" |
411 |
1 |
ate fruit |
163 |
31 |
"Maildun’s third foster brother ... joined in their pastimes and in their laughter". |
412 |
2 |
"One of the crew ... joined in their games, and laughed". |
164 |
32 |
"a small island with ... one large open door in the rampart ... and ... heard ... songs". |
3 |
"island ... up in the air ... propped up by a pillar ... And ... heard ... loud conversation". |
165 sq. |
33 |
lone cleric as hermit |
413 |
4 |
"one lone cleric" |
"The Voyage of the Sons of O’Corra." In :- P. W. Joyce (tr.) : Old Celtic Romances. Longmans, Green, & Co., London, 1907. pp. 400-426.
so that the continuation of this peregrination in the Rama-ayana would correspond to the continuation in the Immran of the sons of O’Corra, thus :-
sarga : s`loka |
Kis.kindha kanda |
p. |
cap. |
sons of Ui` Chorra |
46:7b |
placed a boulder in cave’s mouth so as to block exit |
413 |
5 |
"living people had feet of iron." |
:9a |
Ruma [cf. Ruma the salt-lake] |
"sea, which broke over the island continually" |
:10b |
yantrita [caught on a yantra ‘machine’] |
414 |
6 |
"spits thrust through their bodies." |
:13b |
hoof-print |
7 |
"sandals of findrina (a sort of white metal)" |
:13a |
mirror |
414 |
silver |
:15a |
sun-rise |
415 |
8 |
"bright as the sun ... |
:15b |
apsaras |
the soul of a woman" |
:22a |
Matanga [balanced himself (OST, p. 442) on his great toe {suggesting pirouetting on toe}; dweller on "steep hill" (H)] |
416 |
9 |
otters {otters may make whirlpools by pirouetting (NAO); male otters mate with female snow-leopards (Balti – OSL); snow-leopards dwell on steep mountains} |
:22b |
cursed the head to split {cf. naks.atra`iras ‘deer-head’: mousedeer trampled otter’s child (Malay – MD&OCh)} |
"black swans" {Hamsa ‘swan’ is ridden by Brahma, whose decapitated head is the weapon Brahma-s`iras} |
:23b |
mt. R.s.ya-muka |
417 |
sickness |
47:12b |
scrubby hutches |
10 |
grass |
48:12b |
Kan.d.u ‘itch’ {"Mucuna pruriens (L.) DC., "cow-itch vine," has irritating hairs and dark purple flowers." (T-O)} |
"purple-coloured flowers" |
50:33a |
honeybees |
"bees" |
:35a |
aloe-vera [soothing]; sandalwood |
harp [producing soothing music] |
51:10b |
Maya dug cavity into ground |
418 |
11 |
"man digging in a field" |
54:10b |
JAMBaVant |
12 |
"horse ... made of fire flaming red" {cf. red JAMBU fruit (J)} |
56:18b |
"sharp-billed" king-vulture Sampati |
419 |
13 |
"jet-black birds with beaks of fire" |
58:7a |
wings of Sampati were burned |
420 |
14 |
"on his back he bore an immense faggot of firewood, ... this faggot often blazed up and burned him" |
60:14b |
Nis`a-kara (‘dream-maker’) performed bath |
15 |
"sea of fire full of men’s heads, all black" {Orpheus, whose decapitated head floated in the sea (GM 28.d), was son of (O; SCh) Oneiros ‘dream’} |
Sundara kanda |
1:103b |
mt. Mainaka was covered with water, |
1:104b |
containing "great serpents" |
in that sea "many great serpents rose up {cf. Lemnian serpent attacking Orpheus’ head (GM 28.g)} ... and came to |
1:185b |
boat is opposed |
attack the curragh" |
2:9a-b |
date-palms & lemon-trees |
421 |
16 |
"The trees were laden with fruit" |
6:42b |
liquor made of honey |
"honey ... wine" |
17:6b |
ogress with hair like a blanket |
421, fn. * |
"tremendous hairy reptile" |
Rama-ayana 4:46 =
Rama-ayana 4:47 =
Rama-ayana 4:48 =
Rama-ayana 4:50 =
Rama-ayana 4:51 =
Rama-ayana 4:54 =
Rama-ayana 4:56 =
Rama-ayana 4:58 =
Rama-ayana 4:60 =
Rama-ayana 5:1 =
Rama-ayana 5:2 =
Rama-ayana 5:6 =
Rama-ayana 5:17 =
OST = J. Muir : Original Sanskrit Texts. Vol. 1. 2nd edn. London : Tru:bner & Co., 1872.
H =
MD&OCh =
T-O = TRI-OLOGY, Vol. 35, No. 36
J =
GM = Robert Graves : The Greek Myths. 1955.