Maricopa twin brethren = Mixcoatl & his twin brother
pp. |
MS |
Maricopa (BNSS) |
61 |
2 doe-deer became women |
"their mother brings the deer to life and lets it run off" |
60 |
"this fourth is named Tlotepe, "Hawk Mountain"" |
"the twins go to capture eaglets; circle the mountain, bearing the eagle nest" |
60 |
"this second is named Mixcoatl, "Cloud Serpent"" |
"the younger transforms himself into a snake" |
60 |
"gave him drink" |
"they are thirsty as they journey home" |
59 |
"his city, Tollan" [‘Reed’] |
"he gets two reeds" |
61 |
"the woman, Itzpapalotl, "Obsidian Butterfly"" |
"the older sister makes insects to provoke the older twin" |
62 |
"Cozcaquauhti [‘Necklace Eagle’] then said, "... they killed your father"" |
"two arrows in the ground supporting beads will break" to indicate deaths of twin brethren |
63 |
Mixcoatl’s son Topiltzin "called the moles" {mole is animal of (PS`, p. 35) RUDra = LUDos (the ludicrous)} |
"girls' father hears them laugh"; younger sister gives birth to younger brother’s son |
MS = "Myth of the Suns", "Legend of the Suns", "Leyenda de los Soles", in :- Miguel Leo`n-Portilla & Earl Shorris : In the Language of Kings. Norton & Co, NY, 2001. pp. 55-67
PS` = Stella Kramrisch : The Presence of S`iva. 1988.
further correlations of Ludos (or Topiltzin) with Rudra
Rudra |
Ludos & Topiltzin |
MANu is mentioned with Rudra (in R.c Veda 1:114:2) |
MANēs is grandfather (according to Hērodotos) or great-grandfather (according to Dionusios of Halikarnassos) of Ludos |
goddess ADIti is mentioned with Rudra (in R.c Veda 1:43:2) |
ADIes is uncle of Ludos (according to Dionusios of Halikarnassos) |
at the birth of Rudra there appeared 18 inauspicious signs along with famine (according to the Golden Rosary of Padma-Sambhava) (TT) |
18 years of famine (according to Hērodotos : Kliōi 94) in the reign of Atus the father of Ludos (HH) |
S`arva was born from what is cruel within 2 earthen bowls (according to JB 3:262) (PS`, p. 36) |
Topiltzin "threw into his [uncle Apanecatl’s] face a polished clay vessel" (MS, p. 63) |
Pra-ja-pati, the father of Rudra, had as wife a female antelope |
Mix-coatl begat Topiltzin on a doe-deer |
PRA-JA[N]-pati = (etymologically) PROto-GONos, who was (according to Damaskios) a drakon (‘dragon’) |
Mix-coatl (‘cloud-serpent’) |
TT =
HH =
JB = Jaiminiya Brahman.a
the 18 inauspicious signs (of Rudra) = the 18 years of famine (of Atus)
the 18th prime is 61 (FP) |
the 61st yogini is At.t.a-at.t.a-hasa ‘raucous laughter’ (according to the SK – 64Y) [cf. the Maricopa laughter] |
FP =
SK = Skanda Puran.a
64Y =,_sets_of.htm
if 18 is Rudra’s #, then 17 ought to be his father Pra-ja-pati’s #
there are 17 "kindling verses" to Pra-ja-pati (H&Ch, p. 504); and likewise 17 "cups" offered to Pra-ja-pati (PTH, p. 746) : in S`B 5:1:2:10-18 this # is explained as of pairs of ribs |
Qadmo^n was diminished by 2 ribs (used to form Lilit & H.awwah); the resultant diminished being was >adam |
Pra-ja-pati had 3 sons : S`arva, Bhava (who, together with his wife Bhavani, engendred a self-luminous metal – radium?) (BhP 24:17 --SHP), and Rudra |
<adam had 3 sons : Qayin (‘Reed’ {cf. Tollan}), Hebel {[according to Manda<] Hibil-Ziwa (ziwa ‘bright, luminous’)} , and S^et |
H&Ch = James Hewitt : History and Chronology. 1901.
PTH = James Hewitt : Primitive Traditional History. 1907.
S`B = S`ata-patha Brahman.a
BhP = Bhagavata Puran.a