Na-toro-i-rani = Quetzal-coatl
Maori Na-toro-i-rani |
Aztec Quetzal-coatl |
Norse Heim-dal |
+Xochi-quetzal |
+Gull-veig (RE 16) |
praeserved heart of +Quetzal-xochtzin as would-be wife of Huemac (LS 10) |
extracted heart of re-born +Gull-veig becometh wife of Loki (RE 19) |
he made himself bloody-nosed, by smiting himself in own nose (16, 22, 34, 38, 39, 40) [being smitten in the nose will make one pug-nosed] |
having red pug-nose |
"His mat" caused "a gale", inducing his sistren to come (21) |
= wind-god (Ehecatl); his sister was +Quetzal-petlatl "pretious mat" |
when he with his vassal journeyed up mountain Tona-riro (33) , his vassal Na-uru-hoe died of the cold in the snow (21, 33) |
when he with his followers journeyed up a mountain-pass, his followers died of the cold in the snow (12) |
To`r with Egil in snowstorm (RE 31) |
"the prints of his feet are seen on a rock" (21) |
he left his handprints in rock (11) |
his one sister +Kuku ("shell") was one wife of Manaia (21) |
he shared a conch-shell (used as wind-instrument, to signal) emblem with his twin-brother Xolotl |
Heim-dal used a wind-instrument (horn) to signal |
Na-toro-i-rani used tree as a walkingstick at lakeTau-po (21, 33) |
gods tore up trees to use as walkingsticks |
Heim-dal likened with Hallin-skidi, who useth a walkingstick |
his wife [+Kea-roa (15)] used her own girdle-rope in order to haul in the wind |
ropes were used in order to haul Tlacauepan (7) = armless Tlacanex-quimilli (LS 9) [cf. Nuhu] |
"winds that blow in a circle" were commanded by the wifeof Na-toro-i-rani (23): this circular wind was named Puna-were (puna "coral"). |
The temples of Ehecatl are circular, to symbolizing circularly-blowing winds. The mythical mansion of Quetzal-coatl himself was made of coral (10) |
Puna-were, however, is a spider |
Quetzal-coatl was son of Huemac; daughter of Huemac was the wife of Titlacauan (3) = Tezcatlipoca, who descended from the sky on a spider-web |
as Na-toro-i-rani had foretold, ships of Manaia with their crews perished at Maikuku-tea ("fingernails white") (23, 38) |
[cf. scales of pangolin, in China -- cf. scaly armor in state of Wu on sea-coast, place of mariners] |
Surt will come in a ship made of human fingernails |
under persons crossing it, collapse of bridge of Titlacauan (5) |
under army crossing it, collapse of bridge of Heim-dal (RE 152) |
Na-toro-i-rani's other sister +Hoata ("spear") was the other wife of Manaia (21) |
his heart became morning-star = Tlahuizcalpan-tecuhtli, the spear-man |
Hrungnir of the stony heart |
he is described as old |
he saw himself as old, and mankind stole the handicrafts from him (11) |
from Heim-dal mankind obtained the handicrafts, and he attained old age (RE 12-13) |
The 2 sistren (of Na-toro-i-rani) voyaged in the canoe Te-huruhuru-of-te-manu ("the feather of the bird") (22) |
he voyaged on a ship consisting of a feathered serpent |
in order to be rejuvenated, he departed via ship (RE 13) -- cf. Norse "serpent-ships" |
the god whom the 2 sistren brought was Rono-mai (22), the whale who had tempted the people to eat him: the 2 sistren created geysers (33) [because whales spout steam geyserlike?]: comets are whales |
yogin heating water into steam from top of his head in Codex Borgia. [Comets are mentioned in THS] |
[cf. !kung occult emission of steam from atop their heads] |
a pot ("rabbit-jar" in LS 5) was shattered against the head of Apan-tecutli |
a goblet was shattered against the head of Hymi (Hymis-kvida 31) [whales are mentioned in the Hymis-kvida] |
the "white kite, with wounded head pierced by a arrow" (8) hath praesumably the same signification as the "white eagle" which is an acupuncture-needle in THS 23 |
+Idun [=+Athene Itonia] was betrothed to [= was raped by] the smith-god Vo,lund [= smith-god Hephaistos] (RE 67) |
skull-rack of Ha-tupatu, in order to display the skull of Raumati "summer" |
skull-rack of Huitzil-opochtli [father of "Lord of Summer" was ursine-transforming god, CMS, p. 238] |
To`r is slayer of wives of ursine-transforming gods in Harbards-ljo,d 37 |
Xolotl is god of thralls |
To`r is god of thralls in Harbards-ljo,d 24 |
AHM 7 [cited by MS page] |
FC 3 [cited by chapter] |
Voluspa` etc. |
Quauhtli-icohuauh in tree [combustible, cf. salamanders] |
Mix-coatl in earth ["cloud-", cf. sylphs] |
Tlo-tepetl in hill [cf. gnomes] |
Apan-teuctli in water [cf. undines] |
+Cuetlach-cihuatl in ball-court [= in aether] |
LS 6 |
AHM 7 = John White: The Ancient History of the Maori. Vol. VII: MS copy micro 75, MS paper 75 B14 & B15. U. of Waikato, Hamilton (NZ), 2001.
FC 3 = Bernardino de Sahagu`n: General History of the Things of New Spain. Book 3: "The Origin of the Gods." Translated by Arthur Anderson & Charles Dibble. Santa Fe` (NM), 1952. pp. 13-36 [reprinted in:- Roberta H. Markman & Peter T. Markman: The Flayed God. HarperSanFrancisco, 1992. pp. 353-367]
LS = Legend of the Suns from Codex Chimalpopoca. Translated by Willard Gingerich, in:-- Roberta H. Markman & Peter T. Markman: The Flayed God. HarperSanFrancisco, 1992. pp. 132-147 [cited by chapter]
THS = Hernando Ruiz de Alarco`n: Treatise on the Heathen Superstitions. Translated by Richard Andrews & Ross Hassig. U. of OK Pr, Norman, 1984. [cited by chapter]
Nuhu in
RE = Rydberg's "Synopsis of Edda", in Researches in Teutonic Mythology, Vol. 2
CMS = Anne Birrell: The Classic of Mountains and Seas. Penguin Classics, London, 1999.