

MaS^ (B-R>S^YT 10:23) = mountain of the scorpion-men (guards of entrance to underworld) in Gilgames^ Epic

did (whipped?) person to death (S^MWT 2:12)

"whips of scorpions" (MLKYM A 12:11 & :14)

Mos^eh was, as an abandoned baby, drawn out of an ark in the water among bullrushes

(king at Agade) S^arrukinu, was, as an abandoned baby, drawn out of an ark in the water among bullrushes

king "Scorpion" (SRQt was Kemetian scorpion-goddess) was praedecessor of king "Catfish-chisel" (N<R-MR).

king S^aRRuKinu was grandfather and praedecessor of king NaR-MeR.

It may be suggested that DBRYM was re-written to substitute Yis`ra^e_li^ names for non-Yis`ra^e_li^ ones:--

"Smite through the loins of them that rise up against him, ... that they rise not again." (DBRYM 3:11)

"crushed" (zarzi^r) "loins" (ma^tnayim); "king no-rising with-him" (melek >al-qu^m <im-o^ -- MS^LY 30:3). [This is connected with some tribe of Yis^ma<>e_l, to judge from mention of the king of Mas`s`a^< in 31:1.]

Just as the names of the 12 tribes of Yis`ra^e_l were substituted for the names of the 12 tribes of Yis^ma<>e_l in DBRYM, so likewise may have been the names of the 12 tribes of Yis`ra^e_l substituted for the names of the 12 tribes of Nah.o^r in some attributions of B-R>S^YT 49:, thus:--

B-R>S^YT 49:

B-R>S^YT 22:

New Testament


:3 "My might, ...my strength"

:22 H.Zo^, cf. H.e_Zeq "strength"


:6 "houghed"

:24 Ma<ka^h "bruised, pierced, pressed"


:7 "divide"

:22 PiLDas^, cf. PLa^Da^h "divider (in chariot)"


:9 "Who shall rouse (yQi^MenU^) him up?"

:21 QMU^>e_l "raised by God"


:13 "shall dwell at the shore ..., And he shall be a shore"

:22 yiDLap, cf. <arabic DuwaLi^ "international"; Duwali^ya "internationalism"


:14 "ass"

:24 GaH.am, cf. <arabic JaH.s` "young donkey"

<arabic jah.ar "to hide in its hole or den": "hid themselves in the dens" (Rev. 6:15)

:17 "biteth"

:22 KeS`ed, cf. <arabic KaS`ara "to bare one's teeth"


:20 dainties (foods)

:24 T.eBaH., cf. <arabic TaBH^ "cooked food"


:21 "He giveth goodly words."

:21 <u^s. "consultation"


:25 TA^H.at

:24 TAH.as^


:27 "the spoil"

:22 Btu^>e_l "desolation by God"



:23 begat RiBQa^h