The earlier Hellenic system, represented by Selendromia, would seem to have repraesented the Zarathustrian et al. system of praescription for the days, whereas the newer sequential arrangement in Works and Days, lines 765-828, would seem to repraesent the sequence of the naks.atra-s. Thus:--
Hesiodos: Works and Days |
naks.atra |
765-767 "slaves" |
4. Bahu "forearm" ["farm-hand" is colloquial term for "slave"] |
"deal out supplies" |
5. Punar-vasu "restoring goods" |
770-779 Apollon [the archer] |
6. Tis.ya [the archer] |
"spider" |
7. A-s`les.a-s: s`res.a "clinging" (like spider's web?) |
782-789 "lies, cunning words, and stealthy converse" |
8. Magha-s: Magha was author of S`is`u-pala Vadha, about a liar |
790-791 "geld" |
9.-10. Phal-guni: Phalguna was a name of Arjuna, who feigned being a eunuch |
792-799 "the touch of the hand" |
11. Hasta "hand" |
800-801 "bring home your bride" |
12. Citra: Citra-lekha who arranged for a bride to locate her prospective bridegroom |
802-804 Horkos "oath" "to trouble the forsworn" |
13. Svati "sword" {the word "sword" is taken from "swear"} |
805-809 "cut beams ... and ... timbers" |
14. Vi-s`akhe "branched" |
810-813 afterwards (late in day) "improves" |
15. Anu ("afterwards")-radha-s ("prosperity") |
{16.-26.} |
814-818 "the twenty-seventh of the month is ... for ... putting yokes on the necks of ... horses" |
27. As`va-yujau (2 horses yokes) |
"hauling" |
28. Bharan.i: bharan.a "carrying" |
"sparkling" |
1. Krttika-s "white spots" |
819-821 "open a jar" |
2. Rohin.i "cow of plenty; girl in whom menstruation has just commenced" |
"morning" |
3. {cf. German morgen "morning"}-s`irs.a |
A. A. MacDonell & A. B. Keith: Vedic Index of Names and Subjects, s.v. "Naks.atra". Monier-Williams: Sanskrit-English Dictionary. |