Pueblo tribes |
<ibri^; Aztec; Chinese |
Hellenic |
[Koc^iti` :] Payatamu was beheaded by a woman ("BB", p. 128). |
Rah.el, having custody of a human head, |
BEHEADED, for the sake of the woman Pimplea, was |
concealed it (G-Re>s^it 31:34-5). |
Lituerses, who would "conceal their bodies" (GM 136.d). |
[Koc^iti` :] Payatamu "hid in the cracks" (TCI, p. 72). |
S^ims^o^n "dwelt in the cleft [sa<ip] of the rock" (S^pat.i^m 15:8). |
S^ims^o^n "found a new jawbone of an ass, and put forth his hand and took it" (S^pat.i^m 15:15). |
Kalos "happened one day to pick up the jawbone of a serpent" (GM 92.b). |
When old woman hid, "sun hid her with his ... wings" (TCI, p. 72). |
"The Sun of Righteousness shall rise, with healing in his wings." |
Kalos’s uncle Daidalos "made a pair of wings for himself" (GM 92.e). |
"Paiyatemu, has a flute from which butterflies come forth as it is played." (HNAM, p. 60) |
Marsuas played a FLUTE (GM 21.f). |
[Koc^iti` :] Huntress "was pursued by a giant and trapped in a cave." (TCI, p. 227) |
Butterfly-goddess Itzpapalotl PURSUED |
Goddess Psukhe is often depicted as a butterfly. |
Her two rescuers "exchanged his heart of cactus for one of turquoise." (TCI, p. 228) |
two heroes, until one of them (Xiuhnel) entered the barrel-CACTUS. |
The heart of Zagreus was extracted (GM 30.b). |
Rah.el’s name signifieth ‘Ewe’, produceress of wool. |
Psukhe was required to collect wool (A:M) from |
Itzpapalotl thereupon "shot arrows into the "comitl" ... barrel cactus" ("BS&A", p. 259). (Arrows became cactus-SPINEs.) |
THORN-bushes. {cf. also Bhis.ma & St. Sebastian} |
[White Mountain Apac^e :]"swim to the deepest part of a swiftly-flowing river and retrieve a specific colored stone from the bottom." (HNAM, p. 61) |
The other of those two heroes was Mimich (‘Fish") {cf. Maori COLORED STONE "fish of Nahue"} |
The suitors for the Butterfly-goddess brought "a white baby buffalo" and a drum which |
Kui was "an ox but was gray, hornless" : when its skin was made into a DRUMhead, it |
Marsuas was flayed (GM 21.g). |
when beaten brought "plenty of rain." (HNAM, p. 62) |
was beaten with "the bone of the Thunder God" (HChM, p. 33). |
Zagreus’s "bones were collected ... with thunderbolts." (GM 30.b) |
"BB" = Barbara Tedlock : "Boundaries of Belief". In :- I Become Part of It. Parabola Bks. pp. 124-38.
TCI = Ruth Benedict : Tales of the Cochiti Indians. BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY BULLETIN No. 98. 1932.
pp. 71-2 http://www.sacred-texts.com/nam/sw/tci/tci040.htm
pp. 227-8 http://www.sacred-texts.com/nam/sw/tci/tci125.htm
GM = Robert Graves : The Greek Myths. 1955.
"BS&A" = Bye & Linares : "Botanical Symmetry and Asymmetry". In :- Carrasco & Sessions (edd.) : Cave, City, and Eagle's Nest. U of NM Pr, 2007. pp. 255-80. http://books.google.com/books?id=1UxGR6UB7AwC&pg=PA259&lpg=PA259&dq=Itzpapalotl+%22barrel-CACTUS%22&source=bl&ots=8Ej_ntF8x6&sig=nXrB-T-KPOvBmHgTz2EIFS1FoBA&hl=en&ei=QFedTbWUFMe_tgedpb3mBA&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=4&ved=0CCYQ6AEwAw#v=onepage&q=Itzpapalotl%20%22barrel-CACTUS%22&f=false
A:M = Apuleius : Metamorphoses.
HNAM = Handbook of Native American Mythology. Oxford U Pr.
HChM = Handbook of Chinese Mythology. Oxford U Pr.
The rock’s cleft (sa<if, Strong’s 5585) may be figurative of hairesy (‘opinion’, sa<if, Strong’s 5587). God’s appearing in the clefts (mistranslated ‘tops’) of trees would indicate God’s favoring hairesies. The renowned codices of Gnostic haeiresies concealed at Khenoboskion were re-discovered in a cleft in the cliff nigh unto modern Nag Hammadi. According to some ("E"), the <et.am "cleft" is a "cavern, high up on the northern cliffs of the Wady" ("E"); if so, cf. the high-up cliff-side interrment-caverns of antient Kemetic concealment of royal mummies; and similarly for the high-up cliff-side interrment-caverns antient mummies in the interior of northern Peru`. |
The "large stag" brought by each of the [White Mountain Apac^e] suitors (HNAM, p. 62) may be bodies of the sun-god (the sun being a white deer in CBM, p. 33; in proximity to the moon as a white rabbit) : "rabbits ... to pay the girls" (TCI, p. 227) for their whoredoms. The origin these girls "pubic hair" is mentioned (it was when, exhausted by their pursuit of the butterfly, the girls were asleep and all the Payatamu had sexual intercourse with them – TCI, p. 86); cf. the Algonkin myth of the "Sun Snarer" from the Great Lakes region, wherein "A young man ... makes a snare (usually from his sister’s pubic hair) and catches the sun." (F, p. 314) |
Because the boy Zagreus played with wool [cf. the wool collected by Psukhe : wool being an offering to her husband Erot- at Thespiai] and with a cone as toys (GM 30.a) : and because the cone is (according to AD) a shape of deities in dream-caverns : therefore this myth may be an exposition of that mode of dreaming. |
"E" = http://bibleatlas.org/etam.htm
CBM = Codex Borgianus Mexicanus.
F = Stith Thompson : The Folktale. Dryden Pr, 1946. http://books.google.com/books?id=xqoDnnzuwycC&pg=PA314&lpg=PA314&dq=myth+pubic+%22snaring+the+sun%22+-public&source=bl&ots=20iuBHcenq&sig=a0EQLSbsydCTT1JnHFsSKxRw29s&hl=en&ei=vSOeTY3BNsKW0QHs06C8BA&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0CBQQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q&f=false
TCI, pp. 85-6 = http://www.sacred-texts.com/nam/sw/tci/tci045.htm
AD = Carlos Castan~eda : The Art of Dreaming.
Sandwich Islander; India |
Hellenic; Koc^iti`; Taoist |
Aotea-roa |
Pegasos, ridden by Bellerophon, was "winged" (GM 75.b). |
[Tuhoe – "SNg&T", p. 262] "the huge bird called the Manu nui a Ruakapanga" was ridden by Pou-rana-hua. |
[WMR, p. 207] The women, sent by Tinirau, while visiting Nae, |
{[Agaria – "SCS"] Jwala Mukhi caught the sun in "an iron net".} |
Pegasos was captured when Bellerophon "threw over his head a golden bridle" (GM 75.c). |
"played string games ["cat’s-cradle" ("SNg&T", p. 264)] ... |
Kawelo died from being thrown over a cliff in his old age (HM, p. 410). |
Theseus threw something "high above the temple’s roof" (GM 97.a); and died from being pushed over a cliff (GM 104.g). |
and throwing darts over the house. |
{/Jwala Mukhi/ is ‘Flame-Mouthed’.} |
Khimaira’s "fiery breath ... down her throat" (GM 75.c). |
... they thrust fire into their mouths, ... with fire shining ... inside their throats. ... |
Bellerophon retreated from the "vaginal" (GM 75.5) display by nude women. |
[WMR, p. 208] "When their vulvas opened, then at last Ngae laughed. ... |
Kawelo was unharmed by being stoned (lapidated) by foes (HM, p. 407). |
At the behest of Iobates, Bellerophon soared above the Solumoi and Amazones, "dropping large boulders on their heads." (GM 75.d). |
Kawelo "invokes the owl god" (HM, p. 410) whilst voyaging. |
In order to transport Shell-Man to Payatamu in heaven, Spider-Grandmother "took two owl's feathers and crossed them." (TCI, p. 71) |
"Kawelo has a kupua rat brother named |
His "greenish black " (MT, p. 241) "guts-changing rat" was left behind when, together with |
Kawelo-mai-huna who ... thatches with bird feathers |
his chickens (MT, p. 237) and his |
the house" (HM, p. 408). |
"house ... Gongfang lifted up his household and ascended into transcendence" (MT, p. 240). |
And the house ... was lifted up, raised up into the sky." |
HM = Martha Beckwith : Hawaiian Mythology. Yale U Pr, 1940.
"SCS" = Luomala, Katharine : "Sun Caught in Snare". FABULA , Volume 6 (3) – 1964. http://related.springerprotocols.com/lp/de-gruyter/motif-a-728-sun-caught-in-snare-and-certain-related-motifs-r1DeibOnUs
MT = Robert Ford Campany : Making Transcendents. U of HI Pr, Honolulu, 2009.
WMR = Anauru Reedy (transl.) : The Writings of Mohi Ruatapu. Canterbury U Pr, 1993.
Connections with butterfly-goddess myth (and its congeners) are through the
collecting from thorn-bushes by Psukhe : Bellerophon "had fallen into a thorn-bush" (GM 75.f). |
Zagreus played with a "bull-roarer" (GM 30.a). |
The women sent by Tinirau played "twirling the whizzer" ("SNg&T", p. 266). |
According to the Lun-hen ("Arguments Weighed"), the account of how Gon-fan’s "chickens were in the heavens as well ... and crowed in the clouds" (MT, p. 245), is from Liu An (prince of Huai-nan), who was visited by a transcendent who was able to "not feel cold in the depths of" winter (MT, p. 250) |
Bellerophon was repulsed (GM 75.d), by the women, from the Xanthian (‘YELLOW’ – GM 75.5) plain. "Yellow Woman" was found naked by Payatamu (TCI, p. 119). |
and who remained perpetually youthful, as likewise did (MT, p. 255) An-guo, who wrote about (MT, p. 257) antient Sire YELLOWstone. |
"SNg&T" = J OF THE POLYNESIAN SOCIETY, Volume 37 1928 > Volume 37, No. 147 > "The story of Ngae and Tutununui. An east coast version of the Kae-Tutunui myth", pp. 261-270. http://www.jps.auckland.ac.nz/document//Volume_37_1928/Volume_37,_No._147/The_story_of_Ngae_and_Tutununui._An_east_coast_version_of_the_Kae-Tutunui_myth,_p_261-270/p1
TCI, pp. 118-9 = http://www.sacred-texts.com/nam/sw/tci/tci065.htm