p. 34 Isidorus Hispalensis (of Sevilla) |
p. 41 Rasa>ulu >ih^wan >al S.afa> (at Bas.ra) |
p. 46 Didaskalia Pantodape, by Mikhael Psellos |
pp. 47-49 Didascalicon, by Hugh of St. Victor |
p. 59 De Natura Rerum, by Thomas of Cantimpre' |
p. 67 Compendium Philosophiae |
pp. 180-181 Samuel Taylor Coleridge |
5a. Jurisprudence |
46. Divine law |
66-81. Ethics |
8. Ethics |
5b. Time |
37. Motion |
82-107. Physics |
6b. Physics |
6. the Bible |
4:1-8. the Scriptures |
8. the Church & haeresies |
4:9. Oecumenical Councils |
10. Etymology |
30. Philology |
4:14. Etymology |
4:2. Lexicon |
11. Man |
28-29. Man |
5c. faculties |
3. Biography |
26-27. Physiology |
108-119. Physiology |
5a. Physiology |
2:2:5:1. Anatomy |
12. Zoology |
24-25. Zoology |
4. Fauna |
2:2:4:3. Zoology |
13a. Heaven |
120-138. Astronomy |
17-18. Astronomy |
13b. Atmosphaere |
20-21. Meteorology |
139-178. Meteorology &c. |
16. Atmosphaere |
2:2:1:7. Meteorology |
13c. Seas & oceans |
18-19. the 4 elements |
13. Water |
20b. Tools |
6. Arts & Crafts |
p. 24 Artes, by Aulus Cornelius Celsus |
p. 38 Kitab <uyun >al->ah^bar, by >ibn Quteba of Kufa |
pp. 47-49 Hugh of St. Victor |
p. 55 De Naturis Rerum, by Alexander Neckam |
p. 64 Li Livres dou Tre`sor, by Brunetto Latini |
p. 66 Nihayat ..., by >en-Noweri in Mis.r |
pp. 70-71 Fons Memorabilium Universi, by Domenico Bandini |
p. 85 Anatomia Ingeniorum et Scientiarum, by Antonio Zara |
2c. Conduct |
3:5. Ethics |
1. Power |
3:73-105. Politics |
2d. Politics |
4:1. politics |
2:14. Government |
26. Warfare |
2. War |
2:13. war |
170-172. Buildings |
4:4. buildings |
2:8 Architecture |
3. Nobility |
2:5. Courtiership |
3:1-72 Rhetoric |
2:4. Oratory |
4. Character |
1. character |
5. Learning |
5:10. Students |
173-174. Learning |
6. Asceticism |
3:14c. Parsimony |
7. Friendship |
175-192. Society |
1-5. Agriculture |
1:125-129. Agriculture |
4. oeconomic botany |
4:8. vegetables |
9. Food |
4:10. eating |
10. Women |
5:6. "Famous women" |
p. 23 Marcus Terentius Varro |
p. 40 Mafatih. >al-<ulum, by >al-H^warizmi |
pp. 47-49 Didascalicon, by Hugh of St. Victor |
pp. 60-61 Speculum Maius, by Vincent |
pp. 180-181 Coleridge |
pp. 211-212 ENSIE, ed. by Pos |
p. 215-216 Enciclopedia Labor |
1. Grammar |
1:19-30 Grammar |
2:25. Grammar |
1:1. Grammar |
2. Logic |
2:4-12. Logic |
2:24. Logic |
1:2. Logic |
4-5. Mathematics |
2:21-29. Mathematics |
1:3. Mathematics |
1:1:4. Metaphysics |
1:1. Philosophy |
1:1. God |
1:2:3. Theology |
1:2. Religion |
9:7. theology |
2:23. Theatrics |
8:5 Theatre |
2:2:2:3. Painting |
2:2. Painting |
8:1-3. Fine arts |
2:21. Agriculture |
1:7. Agriculture |
2:2:3:1. Agriculture |
1:8. Alchemy |
2:2:2:5. Numismatics |
2:1. Language |
2:2:2:6. Poetry |
7. Music |
2:34-36. Music |
2:2:2:7. Music |
2:3. Music |
7:5-7. Music |
2:20. Commerce |
2:8. Oeconomics |
2:2:3:3. Commerce |
2:9. Politics |
2:2:3:4. Political oeconomy |
2:11a. Crafts |
2:2:3:5. Carpentry |
2:19. Armaments |
2:11b. Architecture |
2:2:3:6. Fortification |
2:12 Navigation |
2:2:3:7. "Naval architecture" |
2:37-38. Mechanics |
2:16. Mechanical |
2:2:3:8. Manufactures |
2:13 Medicine |
2:2:5:3. Medicine |
3:2-31. History |
3. History |
3:1. History |
5. history |
4:1. Geography |
5. cartography |
4:2-4. geography |
4:2. Lexicon |
10. Dictionary |
[Alchemy = Numismatics: Isaac Newton, author of a text on alchemy, was keeper of the royal coin-mint of England]
Robert Collison: Encyclopaedias. Hafner Publishing Co., London, 1964.