Feathered-Serpent goddess’s hound
parents of the pair of twin-brethren
CBM, p. 51 |
Iroquois etc. |
Hellenic etc. |
upper right : god Ehecatl upholding the sky in the west |
The father of the twin-brethren was "He-holds-the-earth" (IC, p. 150); |
Atlas upholding sky. |
upper left : god holding uprooted tree |
the mother of the twin-brethren uprooted a tree : |
lower : tree growing out of leopard-suited death-deity |
that tree was named "Tooth" (IC,O, p. 171). |
lower : decapitated spiny fish nigh sun |
Grandmother of the twin-brethren gods became fish (WWhF). |
CBM = Codex Borgianus Mexicanus
IC,O = ARBAE (1903) 21:127-339 = J.N. B. Hewitt : "Iroquoian Cosmogony". (pp. 141-220 "Onondaga version") http://www.sacred-texts.com/nam/iro/irc/irc03.htm
WWhF = http://www.webwinds.com/yupanqui/iroquoisdreams3.htm#Sky
the pair of twin-brethren
MesoAmerica |
Iroquois etc. |
Hellenic etc. |
Kelley 2005, p. 367a "In the Mixtec Nuttall codex (pp. 14-22), there is an account of a woman named Three Flint Feathered Serpent ... |
"the feathered serpent goddess Coatlicue" (HAAA, p. 126). Coatlicue, mother of Quetalcoatl according to Camargo, "is crowned with eagle feathers ... . Her skirt is plaited of writhing snakes" (FG, p. 153). |
Ouraios-goddess : "the signs of the nome of Aphroditopolis were a snake and a feather" (MSG 8). |
[Kelley 2005, p. 367b] Three Flint gives birth to a daughter of the same name, then goes into a cave and emerges into a river ruled by the gods Four Death and Four Deer with their wives. ... |
Tawiskaron "caught the timid deer, the stately elk with branching horns, and all the harmless inhabitants of the Forest; and imprisoned them in an extensive cave, for his own particular use, depriving mortals from having the benefit of them" (ICM). |
Then Three Flint and her husband, Five Flower, are shown sacrificing a white dog. ... The Iroquois had a white dog sacrifice at the time of the winter solstice in honor of Tawiskaron’s twin brother, the Corn god (Lounsbury cited in Hall 1991 ...)." |
Before entering the island within plane-tree-surrounded-moat, puppies as immolated to Enualios (Pausanias 3:14:8-10) at the Phoibaion, which is a temple to the Diokouroi (3:20:2) nigh Therapne. The idol of Enualios is restrained with fetters (3:15:7). Enualios was son of Ares and Enuo (Aristoph. Pax, 457; Dionys. A. R. iii. 48 – E). |
Tawiskaron "tries to build a flint bridge to enable creatures suffering famine to eat the humans." (HP) cf. IC,M p. 309 Mohawk version : bridge of ice |
This moated island was approached via 2 bridges (Pausanias 3:14:8). |
(ICM) Tawiskaron’s brother "Teharonghyawago replied, ‘I know of nothing that could affect my life, unless it be the foam of the billows of the Lake or |
Namucin could be killed only by foam (twirling off RV 5:30:8 & 6:20:6 the head with 8:14:13 foam, VM, p. 162 – or lead, CD, p. 63 – or arsenic, Ph) |
the downy topped reed.’ " {i.e. cattail bulrush} |
Like unto Mara with his daughters, Namucin was defended by an army of women (RV 5:30:9 -- CD, p. 64) – cf. armies consisting of goddesses mentioned in Tantra-s. |
References :-
Hall 1991 (1997) = Hall, R. L. : An Archaeology of the Soul. Urbana : University of Illinois Press, 1997.
HP = http://web.raex.com/~obsidian/HaudPan.html
/TAWiSkaron/ : [Yazidi] /T.A>US/ ‘peafowl’ (Pavo), the vehicle of Skanda; so the Iroquois Maize-god = Gan.a-pati the brother of Skanda.
HAAA = SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY, Bulletin 60 = Handbook of Aboriginal American Antiquities. Washington, 1919.
FG = Lotte Motz : Faces of the Goddess. Oxford U Pr, 1997.
IC,M = ARBAE (1903) 21:127-339 = J.N. B. Hewitt : "Iroquoian Cosmogony". (pp. 255-339 "Mohawk version")
MSG = Christopher L. C. E. Witcombe : Minoan Snake Goddess. http://witcombe.sbc.edu/snakegoddess/snakesegypt.html
ICM = John Norton : "Iroquois Creation Myth". 1816. http://historymatters.gmu.edu/d/6375/
E = http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/cgi-bin/ptext?doc=Perseus:text:1999.04.0104&query=head%3D%236523
RV = R.c Veda
VM = Arthur Anthony Macdonell : Vedic Mythology. http://books.google.com/books?id=b7Meabtj8mcC&pg=PA162&lpg=PA162&dq=foam+namuci&source=bl&ots=m1ihqAfll1&sig=TpR6UP3HJK4L_vJwfBBVQQmw9_8&hl=en&ei=PuIVSuekEMGEtweF0_zfDA&sa=X&oi=book_res
CD = Malati J. Shendge : The Civilized Demons. Abhinav Publications, 2003. http://books.google.com/books?id=tf-ThAPjqZAC&pg=PA63&lpg=PA63&dq=foam+namuci&source=bl&ots=wVaZdLQ6nr&sig=zq8Nj6pD1-vYB5Fo38LUtwoehkE&hl=en&ei=PuIVSuekEMGEtweF0_zfDA&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=
David H. Kelley & Eugene R. Milone : Exploring Ancient Skies : an Encyclopedic Survey of Archaeoastronomy. Springer Verlag, 2005.