>ADAM, whose son was |
ATHAMas, whose nephew was |
ADHAMa (Skt. epithet of Agni) |
KEPHALos, whose son was |
KAmBHALa (Skt. name for Afghanistan); HuMBLe (Saxo Grammaticus: Danish History) |
said (by the Manda<i^) to have voyaged by ship |
Arcesios, cf. Lat. arx "ark" |
S^eT |
TuDeus |
TaD-purus.a (Skt.) |
R<u^ "friend" was father of |
Sokos {?Thraikian: cf. Latin socius, Skt. sakha "friend"} was father of |
S`RU^G |
the Korubantes < [hypothetical Skt.] *S`aRUGant-as |
with Haran cf. H.ARAN (of B-R>S^YT 11:31), etymologically the same as CARAN.a-s (Hindu divine musicians); TU^Bal-qayiN |
KADMos {= KAkuDMin (Hindu), the hunch-backed}, by promising to re-string lyre, beguiled TUPHoN the winged concerning the wounded (Zeus) |
Kokopilau (the hunchbacked katydid flautist) while wounded impressed the eagle (Frank Waters: Book of the Hopi. p. 37) |
Kadmos sowed the "sown" (Spartoi), including Ekhion |
Kokopilau sowed seeds (ibid., p. 38) |
Nah.o^r married (B-R>S^YT 11:29), Haran's daughter, Milkah |
Ekhion married Kadmos's daughter, aGaU[H]e: their son was Pentheus |
Val-kyrja (Icelandic) < *-GUSya |
BDaN; LEWi^ |
Lukos took refuge with PENTHeUs, whose child-son was Lai[w]os < *LEWA- |
BANDHU (Hindu), son of |
Pentheus whipped the Mainad women |
Lopa-ayana, relative (?!) of +Lopa-mudra (doe-deer goddess) of the (Latin) Lupercalia for Faunus Lupercus (*Bhona- *Lopa-ra) the fawn, who praesided over the whipping of women |
{associated with the water-dragon Liwyatan ?}, whose son was |
the child Opheltes who was strangled by a snake at a water-spring was Luko-w[e]rgos's progeny: interpreted as omen by |
Qhat = [Ugaritic] >aqhat, who was assaulted from above by the male agent of a goddess, <anat |
Amphiaraos, who was assaulted from above (driven underground) by the male agent of a woman |
sons of the repraesentative of >LoHi^M were: |
son of Amphiaraos was ALKMaion, whose sons were: |
>AHRo^N & |
AKaRNan & |
zrvan AKaRaNa (Zarathustrian) |
Mos^eh, also known as MiBH.AR "chosen" (Psalm 106:23) |
Amphoteros < (hypothetical Skt.) *aMBHaCARa |