Chinese source of <ibri mythology

Han (Chinese)

<ibri^ (Hebrew)


"The Seres have laws forbidding ... to worship idols; and in the whole of Serica there are no idols". (LDC)

Forbidden to have a "graven image",

"before the Liang dynasty (502-557 CE), there was no image ... in the Taoist temples,

There is no idol in synagogues,

but only a scripture within a gourd"

but only a Torah-scroll, within its (usually "wooden cylindrical", VK) casing.

(FTP, p. 395)


The San-huan Wen ("3-Sovereigns Writ"): "immortals transmitted it by hiding copies in grottoes on holy mountains." (C-MT, p. 91)

the Dead Sea Scrolls were likewise hidden in caves in remote mountains.



Daji ghosts "hide

S^ims^o^n hid in "the cleft of the rock"


(S^PT.YM 15:11 – Revised Standard Version)

in the cracks of the sky"

"in the clefts of the rock ... among the stars"

(MRS, p. 219a)

<BDYH 1:3-4 {cf. [Persian] asman 'rock; sky'}


delusion to call

woe to them who call

right "wrong", and wrong "right"

evil good, and good evil

(ALB 1:3:1c)

(YS^<YH 5:20)


myriad of years as

thousand years "in

blink of eye

sight" as yesterday

(ALB 10:3:1)

(THLYM 90:4)


"writings, In the shape of characters ... Were carved wen writings.

"TWENTY-TWO elemental letters. God engraved them, carved them, ...

... spreading out like the spokes of a wheel."

God set them in a wheel"

(Numinous Treasure Five Talismans, in TMCh, p. 201)

(Seper Yes.irah 2, in:- EK, p. 102)


"The character piao ... is made up of the symbols for "wind" and "fire' but also designates

boat was carried to heaven by whirlwind = cosmic vortex of Leukippos & of Anaximandros (LSFN, p. 86):

a speedy chariot in the language of the Great Purity School. ... In all the Great Purity Texts, piao ... and piao-ts'an (ts'an means "brilliant) are terms constantly used with the sense of a divine chariot."

"there appeared a chariot of fire, and horses of fire ...; and >li-yahh went up by a whirlwind into heaven."

(TM, p. 113)

(MLKYM B 2:11)


"the Yellow Emperor rode

YHWH had his

a whirlwind chariot"

chariots as whirlwind

(RM&V, p. 45)

(YS^<YH 66:15; YRMYH 4:13)


C^an-s^a: "His body was covered with eyes and

"... full of eyes round about, even

he rode on a fire wheel"

the wheels that they four had."

(B&TS, p. 83)

(YH.ZQ>L 10:12)


praediction of apocalypse:


"over the surface of the earth


a host of apocalyptic beasts

apocalyptic beasts (DNY>L)

would range" (FT, p. 154)


"all mountains ... became ... flat, so that there were on longer high and low places."

"the mountains shall be thrown down, and the steep places shall fall"

(EDS, p. 406)

(YH.ZQ>L 38:20) ["every mountain and hill shall be brought low" (Luke 3:5)]


"the singing girl's pomegranate skirt"

pomegranates on hems of high-priest's robe

(WM, p. 180)

(S^MWT 28:33-34; 39:25-26)


"An-ch>i Sheng ... ascended to heaven after having lived in the Lo-fu Mountain of Kwangtung province eating only water-rush stalks".

cf. the bullrushes of Mos^eh, who likewise (according to the PR, cited in FCh, p. 289) ascended to heaven

(OThW, p. 72)


Though his brother's cane gave that brother dominion; yet nevertheless

Though his brother's rod gave that brother (Mos^eh) dominion; yet nevertheless

the Jade One, by means of his own cane which bloomed, is eventually to praevail.

>ahro^n, by means of his own rod which budded, eventually praevailed.

(SYD, p. 115)

(Septuagint text of B-Midbar 17:7)




LDC = BarDaysan: Laws of Diverse Countries.

VK =


FTP = Xiao-hong Ma:


The First Taoist Pantheon.


PhD diss, Temple U., 1998.


MRS = Oppitz & Hsu (eds.):


Naxi and Moso Ethnography.


Zu:rich, 1998. pp. 209-234.


Christine Mathieu :


"Moso Religious Specialists."


TMCh =


Michael Saso:

Daniel C. Matt:

The Teachings of Taoist Master Chuang.

The Essential Kabbalah.

Yale U. Pr, 1978.

NY, 1995.


TBG = Michael J. Puett:

PhK = Philokalia

To Become a God.


Harvard U. Pr, 2004.


CMS = Anne Birrell (translator):

GMP = Hans Dieter Betz:

Classic of Mountains and Seas,

The Greek Magical Papyri in Translation.

Penguin, 1999.

U. of Chicago Press, 1986.


ChCh =Chuang Chou.

CB = Codex Borgianus Mexicanus



LSFN = MNEMOSYNE, supplement 179.

Knoblock & Riegel (trs.).

Aristoula Georgiadou & David H. J. Larmour:

The Annals of Lu: Buwei.

Lucian's Science Fiction Novel ...

Stanford U. Press, 2000.

Brill, Leiden, 1998.


TM = Isabelle Robinet:


Taoist Meditation:


the Mao-shan Tradition of Great Purity.


State U. of NY Pr, 1993.


RM&V = TAOIST RESOURCES 6.1 (Dec. 1995) pp. 41-56


Thomas H. Peterson (transl.):


"Recorded for the Ritual of Merit and Virtue ..."


RTC = TAOIST RESOURCES 2.2 (Nov. 1990) pp. 87-119


Thomas E. Smith (transl.):


"Record of the Ten Continents."




Buddhist and Taoist Studies, I.


Honolulu, 1977.


T&ChR = Henri Maspero (transl. by Frank A. Kierman, Jr.):


Taoism and Chinese Religion.


U. of MA Pr, Amherst, 1981.


FT = Holmes Welch & Anna Seidel (eds.):


Facets of Taoism.


New Haven: Yale U. Pr, 1979.


WM = Eugene Eoyang:


Word of Mouth:


Oral Storytelling in the "Pien-wen".


PhD diss, IN U., 1971.


OThW = I. P. Couliano :

PR = Ps`iqtah Rabbati

Out of This World :

FCh = David Joel Halperin :

Otherworldly Journeys.

The Faces of the Chariot.

Shambhala : Boston, 1991.

Tu:bingen, 1988.


SYD = Soo Khin Wah:


A Study of the Yiguan Dao (Unity Sect).


PhD thesis, U. of BC, 1997.