Semasiologia : Intrinsic (or Inhaerent) Meanings
[pages refer to Hans Wehr : A Dictionary of Modern Written Arabic. 4th edn, 1979.
numbers refer to Strong : Hebrew and Aramaic Dictionary of Bible Words.]
G-EL = Henry George Liddell & Robert Scott : A Greek-English Lexicon.
LJ = Louis Ginzberg : Legends of the Jews. Jewish Publ Soc, 1913.
ShAPh = Thomas McEvilley : The Shape of Ancient Thought. Allworth Pr, NY, 2002.
GRV = Choudur Satyanarayana Moorthy : Gleanings from Rig Veda : When Science Was Religion. Chennai : Notion Pr, 2016.
LPChM = THE LEGENDARY PAST. Anne Birrell : Chinese Myths. British Museum Pr, London, 2000.
MHW, 7 = J. Henri Fabre (transl by Alexander Teixeira de Mattos) : More Hunting Wasps. 1921? "Chapter 7. Change Of Diet".
PT&MRG, "PB4" = Susan E. Alcock; John F. Cherry; Jas` Elsner (edd.) : Pausanias : Travel and Memory in Roman Greece. Oxford Univ Pr, 2001. "Peculiar Book IV".
phoneme \>\
its basic meaning : mobile (viz., of a meaning, which can be turned so as to fit to its application)
instances of this meaning :
\>idam\ (p. 12a) "anything eaten with bread" [apparently referring to flatbreads as the "edible tables" -- described as "sin" because Skt \enas\ is cognate with \Aine[h]ias\ -- as noticed by Askanios -- namesake of the lake in Bi-thunia --, who is the Eddic Askr husband of Embla = *\\ > \Ambhr.n.i\ interacting with (R.c Veda 10:125 -- GRV) the samsara-sagara ('together-flow completely-swallowing', which ought to signify "force of the Great Attractor")] : nigh nto the Karnesian grove (cognate with \\, whereof the capital Mahis.-uru 'buffalo-thigh' could suggest a dedication to the aurochs) this is the "secret thing" of mt Ithome (< *\Idhoma\), defined (G-EL, s.v. \ithmaino\ as \ithmia\ 'scarlet scarab' (Crioceris merdigera)' (MHW, 7), where the allusion would be to already-digested physical matter utilized as food for (an aequivalent of) TL-MRJ scarab-god H^PR 'coming into being', who is rolling-out into manifestion a new sun (repraesenting a new/renovated set of so many myriads of galaxies -- for, without authenticated ongoing effectual reference to the cosmic process of such magnitude, there would not be consent for divine sanction of the royal dynasties upon this planet). [written 25 February 2019] The rolling of the metallic foil into concealment within this "secret thing" as per (Pausanias 4:26 -- PT&MRG, "PB4", p. 150) Kaukon [= Koka "a kind of noxious parasitical animal" in the Atharvan Veda] could be more elaborately mythologized as how "Coiled Antiquity ... went through nine metamorphoses" (LPChM, p. 20).
#571 >emet 'truth', cognate with *\amadyon-\ > \Amazon\ (name for goddesses of the Sauro-matai, i.e., Zyrye : #2215 \zuwr\ 'thrust together', p. 435b \zirr\ 'button', where a description is fitted through an aperture-in-language and then turned so as to match its meaning's putative definition) [The difference between a Chinese button and a non-Chinese button being that the rod-shaped Chinese button is an analogue for a Chinese written character which need only loosely match its intended aim-as-meaning, whereas the non-Chinese disk-like button-shape is of tighter fit into its aperture, being required to fit tightly the semasiology of each phoneme composing a word.]
\zurzur\ 'starling' (p. 436a), in allusion to how (according the Iliad, quoted in the Saturnalia by Makro-bios 'long life') the birds in their dying have left their life amid the stars of the sky
<arabiy phoneme \Z\ : written in <arabiy as a dotted \R\, so as to suggest (or indicate) a trilled \R\
its basic meaning : vibration, shaking, quaking, convulsion
instances of this meaning (in <arabiy) :
\za<za<ah\ 'convulsion, shock' (p. 438a)
\zamzamah\ 'roll of thunder, roar of lion' (p. 443b)
\zann\ 'buzzing' (p. 444b)
meaning derived from praeternatural effect of vibration, shaking, quaking, convulsion :
\zahw\ 'to blossom, bloom' (p. 447a) -- vibration of Kun.d.alini inducing blossoming of cakra-s
meanings relating to mythology :
\ziyz\ 'cicada' (p. 453a) aequivalent to Tithonos (cognate with #1719 \Ddan\ = p. 317b \daydan\ 'habit, practice')
Ziyz bird wielding s^amiyr ('diamond') for cutting glass cover over nest -- apparently aequivalent to the Taoist adamantine body (in color-shifting Vaikuntha heaven, some subplane of the mental plane?)
[Sumerian] \Zu\ (originally surely *\Zuz\) the storm-bird (producing rolling thunder) = Zuwziym in city Ham (\hamah\ 'clamor, uproar')
\mi-zuwzah\ 'post' (#4201) : "the posts of the door moved at the voice of him that called"
phoneme \R\
its basic meaning : rolling up, rolling out
instances of this meaning (in <arabiy) :
\ra>ra>a\ 'to roll' (p. 367a)
rafi< 'windlass, winch' (p. 406a) {cf. goddess tossing clew to Bran, and thereupon pulling in his ship by winding up that clew -- could be mythic analogue for proton's dragging electron towards it, as part of the yoyo-like motion of the electron}
\mi-rqaq\ 'rolling-pin' (p. 408b) {\raqq\ 'turtle' could with its shell be analogue for shell-like arrangement of protons in nucleus -- 13 plates (in Maya reckoning) of turtleshell could be for circular group 13 algebraic expressions} [written 22 February 2019]
\raqabah\ 'neck' (p. p. 409b) {because rotated when looking around}
derived meanings :
\raGwah\ 'foam, froth' (p. 403a) {sea-foam is produced by Ouranos, supreme Hellenic god}
\rafiyf\ 'to quiver, twitch; flicker, flutter' (p. 403a) {'to quiver, twitch' is likewise the meaning of \Io\, name of supreme deity of the Maori}
<arabiy phoneme \D\ : written in <arabiy as a dotted \D\ (originally pronounced \N\), so as to suggest (or indicate) an original trilled \N\
instance : \Dbuwl\ (p. 355b \dabl\ 'mother-of-pearl, nacre' : some subplane of the causal plane?) the 4th heaven (LJ, Vol. I, "Creation of the World -- First Day") -- and also name of the successor to Qnaz (LJ 4:28 at the altar whereof officiateth Miyka->el, known as Miykal in the Qur>an, and as Mowkal at >ugariyt: these may be aequivalent to the Anatolian penis-deity of (DCM, s.v. "Agdistis", p. 26b) aMUGDALos 'almond' = S`akya-muni's disciple MUDGALa, who brought back his own mother from the Netherworld.
phoneme \D\
\dutuwr\ 'to become extinct, obliterated' (p. 313b) {cognate with Gothic \dauts\ 'death'}
<arabiy phoneme \G\ : written in <arabiy as a dotted \<\
Intervocalically, \-<-\ may become \-gg-\ (not the same as \-kk-\ from \-<-\) in Old Norse
phoneme \<\ :
Skt \OM\ = <arabiy \<AWM\ 'swimming, natation' (p. 771b), referring to Kemetic \NWB\ 'swimming; country-name \NOUBia\' (taken to mean 'gold', because mined therein; but likely originally named for the fact that the denizens of that country generally learned how to swim, unlike in TL-MRJ -- the meaning 'gold' was misleadingly applied to the verb meaning 'swim', praesumably on the basis of floating of "golden" fruit, i.e., apricot, dropped to the ground to be picked up by "Atalante", which was in another reckoning a skerry nigh Thermo-pulai of Hera-klees)
<arabiy phoneme \D.\ : written in <arabiy as a dotted \S.\, and in Hellenic as \S\ [commonly with following (Epic form) \a[w]o\, contracted to \o\] (but in Skt as \DhY\, alternatively \DhW\; and in Germanic as \DW\alternatively \D\) : so as to suggest (or indicate) a original whistled \S\
its basic meaning : 'groove, groovy'
instances of this meaning (in <arabiy) :
\<\ 'banister of a balustrade' (p. 635b), cf. Hellenic \solen\ "grooved rails in which wheels run"
\d.ibarah\ (p. 624b) 'file, dossier' (now-a-days, most dossiers are maintained in the grooves of computer-disks), cf. Hellenic \sophron\ "of sound mind" (i.e., [slang expression] "groovy, man", which it may be the dossier's purpose to confirm)
\d.irab\ (p. 631a) "copulation (of a female animal)", cf. English (Shakespearian term) \drab\ 'slut'
\ma-d.rab\ 'marquee, pavilion' (p. 631a), cf. English \derby\ 'bowler-hat', likened unto (sports-slang) \bowl\ 'bowl-shaped amphitheatre'
\d.aniya\ (p. 638b) "to become ... emaciated, gaunt" : cf. English \dwine\ (\dwindle\), Hellenic \thanatos\ (< *\dhwanat-\).
instances of meanings derived from the mythology :
\D.ARG\ (p. 632a) "to spot ... (... with blood)" : when Lady Macbeth pled "Out, out, damned spot", it is implied that her soul was in the possession of DWERGar (Dwarves)
\D.ARIMa\ (p. 632b) "to catch fire" : the palace constructed of wax for DHARMa-putra caught fire while he was residing in it (as described in the Maha-bharata)
phoneme \S.\ = TL-MRJ \F\, Saindhava-Germanic \P\ :
[written 23 February 2019]
<arabiy phoneme \Z.\ : written in <arabiy as a dotted \T.\
<arabiy phoneme \Z.\ = Saindhava-Germanic \B\, Germanic \P\
its basic meaning : 'shadow (in, or from, Netherworld)'
\z.ill\ 'shadow, shade' (p. 680b), cognate with Pauran.ik \Bala\ and \Bali\ (brethren gods abiding in the Tala-s)
\z.a<iynah\ (p. 679b) "camel-borne sedan chair for women" : via the chair-contraption imprisoning goddess Hera (GM @12.c) queen of women, this sedan-chair hath become the term for 'woman' in Boiotian (\bana\) and in Eirieish/Cymry (\ben\) {These words may not come from Skt \jana\; for, *\gwe-\ would \de-\ in Hellenic.}
phoneme \T.\ may be retained in Persian as \Th\ or may be retained (under different circumstance) in Skt as \Th\, appearing as \NT\ in Central African languages (such as, Ba-ntu)
its basic meaning : folding, implicate and explicate orders
The word \mu-NTU\ 'a human' would be cognate with West African \TWI\, deriving from \t.away\ 'to fold' (p. 674b), alluding not only to the folding of a paper upon which is to appear, in praeternatural writing, answers to quaeries posed to unearthly entities (gnuwn), but also (and more instructively) the flat-bodied entities whose bodies readily become folded, who manifest themselves to mortals ingesting the Central American entheogenic herb Salvia divinorum ('mint of the diviners')
\\ (#2919) 'dew' ("Thy dew is a dew of lights") : the 7 mythic Tala-s (counted downwards, from A-tala to Pa-tala) having ground composed of semi-pretious stones
phoneme \B\, originally pronounced \L.\
phoneme \L\
phoneme \M\
its basic meaning : emptiness, empty region
instances of this meaning (in <arabiy) :
\maydan\, \miydan\ 'open place, open tract' (p. 1095a); cognate with Hellenic \muthos\ 'myth', intended to clear a space for dharma-dhatu, figured in Burma as a truncated cone (for disciples seeking to become adepts of Vidya-dhara sort) which is the shape of the collapsed hilltop experienced among the Yaki/Yaqui as lair of the dragon's licking (so as to impart power of flight?) a disciple
\mad.d.\ 'stinging' (p. 1070b) [describing the sensation either from ginger/chile or from the wasps depicted in the cloak (Popol Vuh)] : cognate with \MADHYamaka\ (scil., dars`ana), the metaphysic of s`unyata 'emptiness' (promoted by Naga-arjuna 'dragon arjuna-tree', the dragon-tree of Maitreya buddha = Aztec Cipac-tonal), the Hellenic aequivalent whereto is the Skeptic metaphysic (obtained by Pyrrhon from the Gymno-sophists of Souastene [named for the salutation \su-asti!\ 'SWell-exISTential', emblemized in the "swastika"] in the city Taksila : ShAPh, p. 450)
phoneme \N\
its basic meaning : 'in-the-now', Hellenic \nun\